Yi hacked resolution 2304x1296 30fps 35Mbits


Active Member
Apr 21, 2015
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Just wanted to share my findings. By disassembling and analyzing the firmware I was lucky and found the bit that controls the resolution.

I made two scripts for 1.0.9 and 1.0.12. Upload the attached file for your firmware version to the root of the SD card and rename it to autoexec.ash.
Should work for all HW revisions.

Use at your own risk.


I uploaded some scripts with various bitrates to github


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Doesnt work for me. File is in root directory . cam beeps 2 times . Revision 21

Can you upload the firmware you have on your cam somwhere, so I can take a look?

I have the camera set to go directly in video record mode, but I doubt it makes any difference.
Shame on me :-/ it works very well. I had unzipped and renamed , then put it in root directory and it works . 2k and 35mbit/s
Thank you very much

In the app it shows the right resolution too. Preview is also available .nice!
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Nice! I will try this tomorrow!

@funnel, do you have any idea about how to use the wifi as Sation mode ?
Crashes for me when I try to change res on the IOS app but seems to work if you dont try and do that!
wow, thank you funnel!
just what i dreamed about 🙂
works fine here, didnt tried to change resolutions in the app yet, but quality image is there, better res and higher bitrate that gives better definition in the shadows.
In Android APP no freeze or crash . can change to 1080p 60fps but not back . but it isnt an official feature , so why should it be in the app
In Android APP no freeze or crash . can change to 1080p 60fps but not back . but it isnt an official feature , so why should it be in the app
app seems to feed off the camera - which is why it displays the correct resolution to start with. So I don't think the resolutions are hard coded into the app.
I'm just out now testing the in twilight.

So far the app has crashed four times although it seems to be recording ok. The app never crashes usually 🙁 Can we drop the bitrate to 30 perhaps? Maybe take and of the strain off the camera?

Will post footage in an hour or so.
OK it looked like it was working but it wasn't.

First and most importantly, the camera got so hot I could smell it, when I got back and removed the SD Card that itself was almost too hot to touch.

So for me, although it's a nice idea and the snatches of footage I did get were sharp etc, I won't be using this and risking serious damage to the camera.

Something tells me if 2k was a viable proposition with this chipset in this configuration, Xiaomi would have made a huge selling point out of it. I've hacked plenty of gear over the years - started in 1981 actually and have destroyed more chips and circuit boards than most people have even seen.

Trust me on this, bad idea UNLESS you can get that bitrate down quite a bit lower - even then I think you are pushing this great little camera beyond it's limits and will end up with a broken one.

For me, the increased bitrate on the standard resolutions is more than enough to make my £50 purchase worthwhile 🙂

For those who want to see how this looks, I am currently uploading a 30 second clip here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8quvh9rs65l024/YDXJ1152.mp4?dl=0

Don't view this on-line, download and view locally for optimum quality.
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interesting. Possible to increase bitrate for some of the high FPS modes which currently look crap?

Also, have you seen anything for enabling WDR (wide dynamic range) video? It should be supported by ambarella A7 and the sony IMX

Or controls for contrast and sharpness?
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OK it looked like it was working but it wasn't.

First and most importantly, the camera got so hot I could smell it, when I got back and removed the SD Card that itself was almost too hot to touch.

So for me, although it's a nice idea and the snatches of footage I did get were sharp etc, I won't be using this and risking serious damage to the camera.

after how many recording time did u experienced that heat ?
in my test after 15seconds, no heat, but 15 sec isnt much.
ok i did tested again,
i got like 5 min of recording, the case of the YI wasnt hot. maybe just a tiny bit on the power button, but that may also be caused by the leds.
i removed the card and it wasnt hot at all.

got to admit i did put my nose on the camera where the card is inserted and i could smell like heated plastic.
but i never did the same with a non hacked one, so i cant compared. but yea my card wasnt hot at all.
tomorrow i will do more test, but 5 min was ok here.

maybe its cause by slower cards ?
what card u have Calder ?

i use now a Samsung EVO

so test at your own risk anyway.
image.webp I have the Yi in a silicone case - will test without that tomorrow - card is a 32g Sandisk ULTRA class 10