COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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I wonder if shooting someone coming towards you after warning not to come close due to fear of getting virus will be self defense.
Specially, if the person is at risk like old age, underlying condition or or has old family members.
It would probably depend on who did it and what they had for a job.
Yeah, I saw that a few days ago. Today's youth are way below the stupid level.

I think it's more than just stupidity with "some" younger people today. When it comes to something like licking toilet seats or whatever crazed behavior in order to acquire views on social media, it's like some form of internet induced toxic narcissism manifesting as a craving for attention and an addiction to the "Like" button.
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If you run out of tp and can not find a bidet here is a do it yourself option.

WARNING: This could be very cold where you want it to remain warm.
it's like some form of internet induced toxic narcissism manifesting as a craving for attention and an addiction to the "Like" button.

Everything you need to know about life can be learned from Star Trek ;)

I remember a Star Trek TNG episode called "The Game" where the entire crew were not doing their jobs because they were playing an addicting video game which was threatening to kill everyone as their ship's life support systems were going untended becase 'the game' was essentially a computer worm which was shutting everything down :eek: Even with everyone knowing what was happening, nobody wanted to stop with the pleasurable game. Kids today (and in that group are many 'adults') are so intent on being 'accepted' by their virtual friends who really do not care about them in the least that they will do anything to be 'popular'- it is the only value they have in life. Unlike Star Trek there's no simple fix to be had by getting the bad parts out of the computers because that's not the problem here. The problem is outside of the systems- the problem is us- so to fix it we must change.

Same as how I feel about driving licenses needing to be restricted to only those who can and will drive properly, the same applies to smart phones. It's all only going to get worse until at some point all our own 'life support systems" like food production and manufacturing of necessary goods begins failing and people begin dying because of there not being anyone wanting to dedicate themselves to those jobs as there are more pleasant things to do right there in their hands. The problem is that like this Covid-19 virus everyone gets affected, good and bad, rich and poor, everyone. The only solution is to universally restrict everyone's everything to only those things which they can and do handle well, which is going to take away something of some kind we like and don't want to be without from every one of us

It's an unpalatable solution so it's not going to happen until there is absolutely no other choice available, and it will most certainly get down to that level sooner or later; it has to :(

Today's pestilence numbers.
Total tested: 26,776 ( up 3013 over yesterday )
Total infected: 3092 ( up 277 over yesterday )
In hospital: 535 ( up 6 over yesterday )
In ICU: 146: ( up 1 over yesterday )
On ventilator: 129 ( down 2 over yesterday )
Total Deaths: 104 ( up 5 over yesterday )

In the good news they are now opening up for people with mild symptoms can get tested too, and all the health workers at the hospitals too.

In Sweden they have seen 59 new deaths since yesterday for a total of 239, maybe all that partying on the slopes and in large groups are beginning to make its mark.
There is now talks about helping Italy out by taking some of their cases,,,, if they can survive i flight all the way up here i assume.
Danes in a nutshell so eager to help anyone, and its not even sure we have apex ed our self, and no mention of the 1000sands of planned surgeries that have been postponed here, seem like EU solidarity are #1
Dont get me wrong i think helping others in need are a valiant thing to do, but it would be stupid if you do that at the expense of your own citizens which i must assume naturally come first as its them who have paid or will be paying for such a effort to be undertaken.

But no one talk about that.

Germany are taking Italians, so that's nice.

There is now talks about helping Italy out by taking some of their cases,,,, if they can survive i flight all the way up here i assume.

Yes, this is what happened in mid March to a guy moved by air on an Air Force C130 from Bergamo (Northern italy) to Lecce (southern Italy, a bit less than 1000km away)
He went into cardiac arrest and died in the landing airport.
Everything you need to know about life can be learned from Star Trek ;)

I remember a Star Trek TNG episode called "The Game" where the entire crew were not doing their jobs because they were playing an addicting video game which was threatening to kill everyone as their ship's life support systems were going untended becase 'the game' was essentially a computer worm which was shutting everything down :eek: Even with everyone knowing what was happening, nobody wanted to stop with the pleasurable game. Kids today (and in that group are many 'adults') are so intent on being 'accepted' by their virtual friends who really do not care about them in the least that they will do anything to be 'popular'- it is the only value they have in life. Unlike Star Trek there's no simple fix to be had by getting the bad parts out of the computers because that's not the problem here. The problem is outside of the systems- the problem is us- so to fix it we must change.

Same as how I feel about driving licenses needing to be restricted to only those who can and will drive properly, the same applies to smart phones. It's all only going to get worse until at some point all our own 'life support systems" like food production and manufacturing of necessary goods begins failing and people begin dying because of there not being anyone wanting to dedicate themselves to those jobs as there are more pleasant things to do right there in their hands. The problem is that like this Covid-19 virus everyone gets affected, good and bad, rich and poor, everyone. The only solution is to universally restrict everyone's everything to only those things which they can and do handle well, which is going to take away something of some kind we like and don't want to be without from every one of us

It's an unpalatable solution so it's not going to happen until there is absolutely no other choice available, and it will most certainly get down to that level sooner or later; it has to :(


I certainly agree with the basic premise of your post here but I'm afraid I disagree with one of your comments. That would be: "Unlike Star Trek there's no simple fix to be had by getting the bad parts out of the computers because that's not the problem here. The problem is outside of the systems- the problem is us- so to fix it we must change."

Well yes, the problem is indeed "us" but that's not the whole picture. The problem is that computer systems, websites and forums including DCT are literally designed to be addictive. One of the most powerful addictive techniques employed by interface designers (intentionally) is the LIKE button. Every aspect of modern commercial network interface system design (and much web design) is intended to draw the user in and keep him or her coming back for more and more and more. This includes online reviews, likes, reactions, comments, click bait links, gossip, surveys, feedback, product reviews, auto page refresh, etc., etc., etc. Studies have clearly shown that each time you click on an enticing link or receive a "like" your brain produces a small "jolt" of dopamine. It is a dopamine-driven positive feedback loop and is a literal brain chemistry addictive reward system. We have all become like rats performing a predetermined task so that when we push down on the lever we are fed another food pellet.

In addition, we have the modern approach to computer hardware interface design, especially smartphones. Smartphones in particular are designed to be much like slot machines with bright colored squared icons, flashing movements, visual "surprises", alerts, notifications, rewarding sounds, and further built in psychological incentives to continue interacting with the device.

When we see people behaving in more and more outrageous ways on social media in order to garner more and more attention it is not unlike an opioid drug addict seeking a bigger fix each time they feel a craving.
And how many of us have felt genuine anxiety or panic when we are suddenly separated from our devices such as when we've misplaced a smartphone or lost access the internet on our laptop and desktop machines?

Some interesting links on this subject:

Dopamine, Smartphones & You: A battle for your time

How Is Your Smartphone Like a Slot Machine? - A Stanford psychologist offers answers for those who want to resist the temptation of their gadgets.

'Irresistible' By Design: It's No Accident You Can't Stop Looking At The Screen
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No tp? Help is on the way (with a little DIY).

one site / forum i visit threw out the like button, at first people complained, but its all good now.
TBH i rather people comment on me than like me, and it don't have to be a elaborate comment at all.

At some time i do think things in our current time will be listed as decease, i have no doubt smartphones will be like that.

Also notifications, i have those off on any devise, why would i need to know so and so emailed me right now, i will find out in a few hours when i look at my phone.
Okay maybe if you are a very important person whose skill and insight are a right here and now must have in some construct, but that's not the case with 98% of phone users.

It might be my like for K.I.S.S that keep me from using such features.

I have a crap load,,,, well 5 brand new pumps, 4 of them are little 2 x 2 x 2 inch 12 V pumps, and then i have one mains Einhem pump too, intended for aquarium use.
But i am not rigging any bum washer up in my bathroom that's for sure, but if i got the chance i might try one of those fancy Japanese toilets,,,,, try

Actually my my bathroom are so small that my actual toilet are a Jr model, so it is 4-5 inches shorter in the seat than the normal model.
Meaning one of those oversized humans, would have 2 massive problems going to the toilet in my apartment.
There is now talks about helping Italy out by taking some of their cases,,,, if they can survive i flight all the way up here i assume.
I can't imagine that your health workers signed up to risk their lives treating infectious italians!
So hopefully you will be getting the normal hospital patients while the italians treat their own covid-19 patients?

Would make more sense to set up a field hospital for them in Italy, although since their new cases are now dropping fairly quickly, it would probably not be needed by the time it was built.

Danes in a nutshell so eager to help anyone, and its not even sure we have apex ed our self,
Not until the end of this week, and your hospital patients will keep rising for another week or two after that since people don't leave hospital very quickly for covid-19.
since we are now testing hospital staff, well 114 of those just in and around the capitol got it, and that's out of the 1214 infected in the capitol area.
So not even sure Italians would risk going here.
This of course put a dent in the number of people hospitals will be able to care for with people out sick.
As much as i sympathize with the people of Italy, i think we should "clean" our own house, before we put on the french maid outfit and go cleaning other houses.

The number for recovered patients are 900 they say, this is actually a algorithm and not honest to god numbers,,,,,, i cant believe they can get off doing something like this.
The number for recovered patients are 900 they say, this is actually a algorithm and not honest to god numbers,,,,,, i cant believe they can get off doing something like this.
I think that testing people who are well enough to leave hospital is a waste of effort, so it has to be a guess of some sort.
As much as i sympathize with the people of Italy, i think we should "clean" our own house, before we put on the french maid outfit and go cleaning other houses.
I have to agree, you can't have much spare capacity, and you have worked hard to avoid overload. The Italians didn't work so hard and are paying the price, it is good to help, but not by risking your own lives.

As for New York, which has a population not much different to Denmark, they have just overtaken China on total cases, and have 18x your death rate still growing rapidly, and really do have themselves to blame so shouldn't expect much sympathy or help!
The Swedish capitol will run out of ICU places within a week.
I can't imagine that your health workers signed up to risk their lives treating infectious italians!
  • Around 1.9 million people were employed in the healthcare workforce in the UK in 2018.....
  • Of these, British nationals make up 88% of the workforce and non-British nationals make up 12% – 6% were EU nationals and 6% non-EU nationals.

Thus all Eu and non EU countries should repatriate their own citizens working in the UK to treat their own infectious nationals....
Why should they risk their own lives to treat those infectious british people?
Some Austrian ski resort are also the target of a group lawsuit from ski tourists.
Why should they risk their own lives to treat those infectious British people?

Well if they take a pay check, they must do whatever that entail.
But if doctors from wherever working here in Denmark ( and many / some do for sure ) then i would not blame them if they went home to take care of people there.
IMO it is a travesty that essential jobs like those in the healthcare system can not be manned by Danes alone, but for masons ASO where the Danes working are almost non existing i will not complain.
But hospitals IMO should just be manned by Danes, and so should our military and other crucial branches of society.

Some things i would like to be able to 100% trust the loyalty and skill of the people working there,,,,, and we have had a few cases of "hack" doctors from other countries,,,,,, and Danish too.
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