0906 public test - bug list in live

I just used VPN to download the youtube videos, will work with MEGA now.
it is a shame the MEGA.NZ is added to black list here months ago.
Why not stop the English and all the language lessons in school........ then no body can be instigated anymore. :cool:
Is there a better site to use which you can access directly from China please?
Dashmellow, please help to share a clip to mega.nz then i will check the original video. our focus standard is in higher standard than the market that is why we built our-own focusing room.

I would be happy to. It will take a day or so until I have some time to properly install the camera in my vehicle, so be please patient. :) A quick clip I shot here in my office and everything looks pretty good though.
Is there a better site to use which you can access directly from China please?

it is OK, we can still use VPN now.
there was a news which said the GOV will forbid VPN someday. I am afraid I will be LOST then for a while ;)
I just used VPN to download the youtube videos, will work with MEGA now.
it is a shame the MEGA.NZ is added to black list here months ago.
Why not stop the English and all the language lessons in school........ then no body can be instigated anymore. :cool:
You would all have to go back to working on the land as farmers again if you stopped the language lessons and abandoned international trade!
You would all have to go back to working on the land as farmers again if you stopped the language lessons and abandoned international trade!
That could be the UK soon depending on which news source you use!
I was under the impression MEGA was OK in China. I've recently been uploading clips for review there.

it is OK, we can still use VPN now.
there was a news which said the GOV will forbid VPN someday. I am afraid I will be LOST then for a while ;)

Millions of businessmen, academicians and many, many others would suffer terribly from that level of restriction. I wonder how a government could sustain this kind of thing forever and still expect to be a viable world power. It would become like North Korea, cut off from the rest of the world.
That could be the UK soon depending on which news source you use!
We don't have enough agricultural land, we would all starve!

Anyway, we are only abandoning the EU, and going back to trading with the rest of the world and our former empire ;)
Millions of businessmen, academicians and many, many others would suffer terribly from that level of restriction. I wonder how a government could sustain this kind of thing forever and still expect to be a viable world power. It would become like North Korea, cut off from the rest of the world.
It has advantages as well as disadvantages, it only becomes a serious problem when you take it to extremes, in either direction.
From talking to Rayman it seems on my unit the focus is drifting the longer the unit is turned on - not sure if you guys are seeing the same? It was around 14c here today
It has advantages as well as disadvantages, it only becomes a serious problem when you take it to extremes, in either direction.

I would already consider China's internet restrictions extreme. Increasing those restrictions would certainly be. Here in the USA most of us don't view censorship or restricted communications between citizens as having any particular advantages as you suggest.
From talking to Rayman it seems on my unit the focus is drifting the longer the unit is turned on - not sure if you guys are seeing the same? It was around 14c here today
Running out of daylight here, I will do a long test and watch the temperature tomorrow, it is not in the car yet so I can test it without the windscreen affecting focus and have control of the temperature.

Might be nice to add the temperature to the log file...
as my country, communism like china, the internet restrictions is much lower. We can goolge, watch youtube.
And many thing are changing. Alot. The only thing keep us as communism is china. If something change in my country, the china army will do anything to keep it. Our country'll be "Crimea" in asian.
I think if the chinese can access google, the communism goverment in here will fall in 5 years. :)
The communism fear the truth. That's why they block !
I have just washed my car today, and while waiting for washing machine to clear i cleaned the inside of my windscreen.

But my windscreen are scratched for sure, and today i even found another chip in it in the upper right corner, cant be more than a couple of days old.

O and if you don't believe me i have it on tape from the XS that i have moved to upper right corner and then turned 120 degrees or so to play with it as a cabin cam.

I am in the process of editing a clip from the 0906 and the GC together side by side, seem like the 0906 are also OOF other places comparing to the 9665GC.

But you will be able to see for yourself in 20 minutes or so time.

PS. Denmark just signed major trade agreement with China, i assume in return for us selling pork out there the Chinese was told the secret about how to keep your citizens complacent and in a state of ignorance ( i assume it is some form of drug in alcohol/beer they use here )
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O i forgot to say, i seem to be good at making the 0906 lock up so i have to press power off to get going, and the way to get out of setting date & time in the menu are quite cryptic to me, took a lot of tries before i by chance found out how to get out of that menu and save the changes i made in there.

I disabled GPS coordinates embedded in the footage, that killed the little text documents in between the videos recorded, and this made the flow of the video folder much nicer to work with.
PS. Denmark just signed major trade agreement with China, i assume in return for us selling pork out there the Chinese was told the secret about how to keep your citizens complacent and in a state of ignorance ( i assume it is some form of drug in alcohol/beer they use here )
You must be preparing for when the EU bans you from selling your bacon to us in the UK :D
Here are a few pics of how i have the camera installed in the car, the rear camera must be specially designed for my car, so good is its fit on the magnet on the rear hatch.



That looks good @kamkar1. For me, I'm not quite sure how I am going to manage mounting the rear camera. With my pick-up truck with its vertical rear glass and the only position on the headliner I think I can mount it, I don't yet see a good path for mounting. I'll see what happens when I can devote more time to the install.

I think the main message here is that the rear camera will ultimately require more flexible and adaptable mounting options. Granted, this module is not the one that will be going into production, so time will tell.
Yeah the only minus are the way the wire just hang there when i close the hatch, i will have to see if i can find another way of doing it.
But that will have to wait until the weekend.
We also have to remember these cameras are not the ones that will come with the finished product, but i still like this one too not only for its plug in fit in my car, but in its own it are also pretty small.

Okay so here are my head 2 head with the GC, i am also uploading the same to mega as i type.

Here are the MEGA link, it is a 420 MB download.
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