0906 public test - bug list in live

It is now dark here ( 22:31 ) so in a half hour or so i head back into the little red lightning for some low light recordings around town.
I really like the small unobtrusive look of the rear camera module too. It just needs some sort of more versatile mounting scheme for my situation. DIY, here I come! :D
I thought the UK had a pretty robust pork industry on its own.
We do, but we have different standards, pig welfare regulations and thus prices. Cheap bacon comes from Demark, we export a lot of the bacon we produce.
(So much for the EU creating a single market!)

Don't know how true this is:

"Nearly half of the bacon we eat, comes from Denmark, where pigs are reared in intensive units, often made up of multi-storey sheds known as 'pig flats', where they are deprived of light and forced to live an unnatural life.
We do, but we have different standards, pig welfare regulations and thus prices. Cheap bacon comes from Demark, we export a lot of the bacon we produce.
(So much for the EU creating a single market!)

Don't know how true this is:

"Nearly half of the bacon we eat, comes from Denmark, where pigs are reared in intensive units, often made up of multi-storey sheds known as 'pig flats', where they are deprived of light and forced to live an unnatural life.

For some reason the pork industry is kind of a disaster just about everywhere. Interestingly, Smithfield, the company mentioned in the article you cite is an American corporation (headquartered in Smithfield, Virgina) with worldwide operations and they have been controversial here as well.

Well at least for me, I've occasionally raised my own pigs here and there over the years and I can buy locally raised pork, beef and chicken just down the road. The last pig I raised was named Yummy! People tell me not to name them but I just can't help myself.
I have never seen pigs live in layers on a farm, chicken yes but never pigs, and farmers do after all figure often in the news here for one or the other reason.
only place where i have seen livestock in layers are when they are being transported to the slaughterhouse, and this we also have strict rules for now after some nasty incidents.
I think the Danish rules for transport on animals are even 1 up on the EU rules on some accounts, just like we have always been over-implementing EU stuff here to the tune of a massive cost that don't really earn us anything.
For instance Danish grain are so lean people will hardly buy it even just for food for animals, other EU countries have 1/3 more protein in their grain due to them fertilizing way more than Danish farmers are allowed to do.

Anyways just got home from my night / low light drive so i will throw myself at that have have a look.
I have never seen pigs live in layers on a farm, chicken yes but never pigs...
Seems like more than half our chickens have free access to go outside and enjoy themselves hunting during the day now if they want to, even for egg production, very few live in layers. A lot of the pigs have individual houses out in the fields.

Anyways just got home from my night / low light drive so i will throw myself at that have have a look.
It is able to see in conditions as dark as my eyes can cope with, although it gets a little noisy at the limit. No need for bright headlights any more!
All birds here just been kept inside for a while due to some disease, but they are free to roam again, the cows allso been put out on grass last week i think.
Cows seem to love spring too.
Well i am back from the farm with a little roll of film under my arm.

Yeah the only minus are the way the wire just hang there when i close the hatch, i will have to see if i can find another way of doing it.
But that will have to wait until the weekend.
We also have to remember these cameras are not the ones that will come with the finished product, but i still like this one too not only for its plug in fit in my car, but in its own it are also pretty small.

Okay so here are my head 2 head with the GC, i am also uploading the same to mega as i type.

Here are the MEGA link, it is a 420 MB download.
Nice job @kamkar1
In relation to bugs, on my evening drive i set off with the rear camera having its footage the right way up, but it seem to me some unfortunate press of the 4 buttons can make the rear camera revert to upside down mode again.

Another thing i will have to dewll and research upon at a later date.
Looking forward to seeing SG dropping their IMX 291 bombs :D then again a lot of people will seemingly drop those soon.
Looking forward to seeing SG dropping their IMX 291 bombs :D then again a lot of people will seemingly drop those soon.
The IMX291 is a great sensor - the really big advantage they have is in parking mode when they'll be able to see more without headlights than previous generation sensors.

I've just been out again today and noticed a strange quirk with the naming - the first GPS file of the day has taken on the name of the last video file from yesterday.


You can see file 30B.txt has inherited the name of the last video from the day before so it's in there with the previous days video.

It took almost 4 minutes to get the first GPS lock of the day so no speed or location data was recorded until then.

The first videos of the day are nice and clear but you can see focus shift on this unit after less than 12 minutes of driving - ambient today is around 8c.

Bitrate wise here are the front and rear channels - the front is interesting as it looks as though it's in CBR (constant bitrate) mode for the first 1 minute 30 seconds before switching to VBR (variable bitrate). The rear seems to be in CBR mode:



I checked another first trip file from the front camera and it seems to be in CBR mode for longer - I guess it's not too aggressive with the switch up in bitrate:


  • upload_2017-5-4_9-12-12.png
    123.6 KB · Views: 3
Also maybe specific to this specific test camera it doesn't seem to be always shutting down correctly - I noticed when turning off the ignition last night it instantly turned off.

From that trip the front file is playable but not the rear and RV throws an error:

This morning the camera appeared to close off instantly again with the same problem - the last rear file is not playable after a 5.5 minute trip. This was tested in Windows 10 Video player, VLC and RV.

The trip time yesterday was probably 15-20 minutes so should have been sufficient for charging so maybe this unit has a problem with charging the capacitor assuming no-one else is seeing this issue. From memory the camera was very hot indeed yesterday but not so much today.
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The trip time yesterday was probably 15-20 minutes so should have been sufficient for charging so maybe this unit has a problem with charging the capacitor assuming no-one else is seeing this issue. From memory the camera was very hot indeed yesterday but not so much today.
The manual says that it "need half hour to recharge to full".

A lot of people do 10 minute trips, I think it should charge sufficient to shut down cleanly in less than 10 minutes.
I've just done a quick frame grab of the first and last frames from the journey - the first frame is when the camera is cold and the we're leaving home and the second is when the camera is warmed up and we're back:


You can see the additional blur in the left of the frame - this is after between 11-12 minutes driving.

Both frames attached for reference below.

Frame 2017.05.04 07-29-50 (0-00-00.000).jpg Frame 2017.05.04 07-48-13 (0-05-04.617).jpg
The manual says that it "need half hour to recharge to full".

A lot of people do 10 minute trips, I think it should charge sufficient to shut down cleanly in less than 10 minutes.
Exactly, for reference the larger Panorama / SG cameras used to not start recording until the capacitors were charged and that took less than I'd say 15 seconds at startup (I'm assuming they were always fully charged at the end of that sequence anyway). These could be a totally different capacity though and I guess a totally different charging circuit as the dual recording will be sucking more power from the USB.
I tried the RF controller earlier and it didn't appear to do anything when pressed - not sure if it's supported yet in the 424 firmware?
I tried the RF controller earlier and it didn't appear to do anything when pressed - not sure if it's supported yet in the 424 firmware?
Mine appeared to take a photo with a short click and lock the file with a long click, but only if the screen was on, otherwise it just wakes the screen up for a second...
Testing my lens, not behind glass, the two bottom corners are a bit out of focus and a bit dark, the left bottom being worst. It is only very close to the corner though and the windscreen is going to make it worse anyway so I don't think it is a big problem, no lens is perfect. It is only at the bottom though, the top is OK so maybe that indicates bad positioning of the lens/sensor...

This image shows it best:

The walls have the same texture all over but it is not recorded evenly.

I think most of the blur I had last night was from the plastic lens protector not being in contact with the glass in the left corner!

As the camera heats up, the edges of the image start to go out of focus, it is good at 24C (as shown on the LCD screen), I start to notice it loosing focus at around 45C and by 65C it is quite noticeable, the image is still OK at 65 and the centre isn't really affected. The weather is a bit cool here today so I can't easily get it up to 90C.

Maybe you should focus the lens at normal working temperature, which I guess is 50-60, it looks like it was focused at 20C...