70MAI Pro custom firmware.

Cool, can't wait for test results :)
Any progress on custom fw or autoload scripts (or DIY hex editing)?

keep us updated!

Great work as usual Nutsey :)
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Cool, will test it out! You still plan to relese your custom fw tho?
You got handy that custom fw from 4pda.ru (english ver)? I can't pass russian kaptcha to login on forum (doh!)
Hi Nutsey,

I am new here. I have downloaded your file. May i know how do i update to my dash cam?
Hi Nutsey,

I am new here. I have downloaded your file. May i know how do i update to my dash cam?

1. Charge your device.
2. Unpack/copy 'update' folder to your sd card.
3. Turn on your cam by pressing right button and power button with no power cord attached.
4. Wait ~15 sec until done.
I have tried that russian mod fw, works ok!

@70Agus, have you followed procedure? After it says on screen updating firmware, it is quickly done (10-15sec) and ther is no confirmation screen.
Same as Zliko here. Camera is off and wasnt able to turn it on again after the update. :(
My camera works ok with russian custom fw. I didn't had any issues updating it. Battery has to be charged before updating firmware (battery does not lasts long anyways, 5min max).
Thanks, Nikolai. Unfortunately it didn't work out for me. Camera still broken. I really don't know what to do.

One observations is that when updating, the camera makes a very low noise like it is working on something but after 10 second the camera shuts down and then is back at the dead status. When connected to the power, the camera red light blinks a little bit each 1 second, but that is all what it does.

What's wrong?
I tried hex editor but I did not get anything useful from the files. Please what sw did you use to edit those files? Can you look if there is any option how to remove(disable) watermark? Thank you