A118 Novatek 96650 Full HD 1080P Car Camera DVR

if the dots are raised it might be a problem, the tape you have on there now is 0.8mm think and almost flush, look for some 1mm tape it will give you a bit more leeway and will bond better if the surface is not smooth
the tape i used this time is about 2mm thick and is a soft foam so it should deform around the dots nicely. the gray stuff came off the mount surprisingly easy. didnt have to scrape or anything and left no residue, so it probably was the problem. not blaming anyone, just probably a bad batch of adhesive. i already had some tape in my toolbox so it didnt cost me anything to fix it.

i used adhesive promoter on the mount before putting on the new tape, then put some on the windshield too, after scraping it with a razor and scrubbing with windex/ammonia. gonna leave it to cure overnight before i put the camera back in since my wife will be out driving in the morning and it seems like her car is a magnet for crazy drivers. thus the dash cam.

i didn't have to go thru this much trouble when mounting the f70 in my 1998 camry, but then it doesn't have those painted dots on the windshield either.
Hopefully it works for you - personally I think scraping the dots off is a bit excessive but that's just me! :D Cleaning it like a madman with alcohol, etc., will hopefully work on mine when I put it in tonight/this weekend ;) Going to make sure the window is nice and warm, and clean it really well. Probably hit up a store for some of the black or clear tape before I start so I don't have to take it down when the gray shows through. :confused:
I've literally just stuck some 3M tape on mine to see how that holds - it's on the back screen which has a slight curve so we'll see how that goes.

I tried the GPS from the GT680W just in case they were generic but no such luck - just an orange light on the GPS module.
It was worth a punt mate :)

Video quality is excellent - I see what you all mean about night time - I'm running it rear facing through factory tinted glass and it's dark, but at the same time there is good detail there.

I'm looking forward to checking it out at home but initial impressions are excellent and it tucks out the way lovely in the back window.
there's two that will suit but I'm not aware of any common models out there that are using the same versions right now
Put mine in yesterday. Happy with how it turned out! :)





Thats fitted really well and barely noticeable, the dotted area of the windscreen hides it, almost looks like its a factory fitted addition .......

I have just fitted mine after allowing the bracket to stick to the window for 24hrs to give it as secure a fit as poss.. Will post some pics tomoz..
A quick bit of comparison footage with the GT680W as promised (they're slightly out of step due to varying video lengths and boot up times etc).

You can see that even though they're based on the same CPU and CMOS sensor, the lens and firmware affect the video in different ways. The A118 seems brighter as my GT680Ws do seem to be on the darker side for a lot of footage. They're both at default EV settings and from looking at the footage the A118 has ramped up the exposure time to get the brighter image as numberplate reading isn't as sharp. Swings and roundabouts really.

The microphone is more sensitive on the A118 but it has the high pitched noise I've heard mentioned in here. Both work fine tbh and this could be also to do with the fact the A118 is located closer to the speaker so your milage may vary.

Raw files can be found here:
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I think the distance between lense and windows might cause those differences, and also the reflections...

Have you messured the distance of the A118-Lense and the GT680W?

But yes - the A118-Mic is very sensitive... Unfortunatly; already happy I got the camera (been involved in a little incident), and very unhappy with the Mic - as I've been clearly heard ...well: doing what I'd like to describe as "directed swearing against the one in front of me"... (the official warning I've received for this caused me to deactivate Audio-Recording - I'm over 35, but even I can still learn from my mistakes ;)
Problem: Police drove behind me when the Incident took place - when they saw my Cam, they asked if it's been running; I didn't think they had the opportunity to check the Vids (they had.)... No way to edit the Vids in time ;)

But the incident is another story (and I'm happy I got away with the warning) ;)
You got a warning for swearing?

I'd have been locked up with the key thrown away by now if I was over there.
Yeah, Traffic-Rules in Switzerland are ...heavy to swallow... (actually, the officers refered to "public offense" and I have to admit - the words I've used were defenetly not g-rated ;) ) But hey, in Germany, you can end up before a court, when you point your forfinger against your temple...