A119 please help


New Member
Sep 15, 2016
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United States
I recently bought a Viofo A119 from FoxOffer, well my issue is that I was just trying to watch my footage and it seems as when the video is playing that someone is pausing and playing the video constantly, is the best way to describe it. Or when its playing it seems laggy? What can be the issues? I did the newest firmware update, and I am using a Transcend high endurance micro SD card that was recommended by dash cam central on youtube. Any addition info that you may need to better answer my question, I will gladly give, thank you.
Where are you watching the video?, ...on the camera?, ...on your computer?, ....what computer?, ...what program? We need a bit more information in order to help.
Where are you watching the video?, ...on the camera?, ...on your computer?, ....what computer?, ...what program? We need a bit more information in order to help.
On my desktop, its a Dell inspirion 560, I think I am watching it on File explorer? Sorry, I'm really not that tech savvy, but I just put the memory card in my card ready that's built in my desktop and I open the file it says file explorer at the top, it doesn't say much else, I have windows 10, another question I have if I recorded this at the highest quality and I watch it on file explorer and if I'm not mistaken my LCD BENQ monitor is only 1080P capable, when I play the video it just automatically downgrades to 1080 P? Thanks , any more info you need, I can try and provide, thanks again, for the help
Also, is there any apps or programs that are free that I can download on my computer to watch, save, upload, my footage that would work well with this cam?
Try daum potplayer to play the files.
On my desktop, its a Dell inspirion 560, .....but I just put the memory card in my card ready that's built in my desktop and I open the file...
I'm not real familiar with that machine but it sounds like the transfer rate of the builtin card reader may be too slow to watch videos directly from the card.

Try copying one (or more) of the video files to the hard drive and play it from there. If it plays OK then you'll know for sure it's a card reader issue and can move forward from there. If it still plays erratically when played from the hard drive then the problem is somewhere else and further research is called for.
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