A229 Pro, when?

He was busy soaking up those beers at the Amazon event! Living the high YouTube life haha. So once the hangover is over, THEN he can get started on his reviews haha
lol I think I was the only YouTuber / long form video creator there. It was almost all Instagram fashion influencers and a few home/kitchen Instagram/TikTok people. Suffice it to say I felt kinda out of place, but I learned a lot about creating shorts which is something I wanna get into more anyways. :)
lol I think I was the only YouTuber / long form video creator there. It was almost all Instagram fashion influencers and a few home/kitchen Instagram/TikTok people. Suffice it to say I felt kinda out of place, but I learned a lot about creating shorts which is something I wanna get into more anyways. :)
Shorts seem to be the way to go lately on all forms of social media, so definitely a good strategy to invest in. Just don't leave us behind when you start a second channel to further monetise your content, a fashion/kitchen renovations/home re-modelling channel!
...but I learned a lot about creating shorts which is something I wanna get into more anyways. :)

Please, no!
Shorts on Youtube exist for the generation "me" iPhone zombies that have no patience and the attention span of a goldfish.
It's just accelerating the dumbing down.


And Tik Tok?
This redefines dumbing down.
I'm not on Tik Tok, but the disinformation and general ignorance displayed on Tik Tok often gets a mention on mainstream media over here and to warn people about disinformation, and things that are just plain wrong and stupid.
Best left to the teenagers who don't know any better.

Keep doing what you're already doing VR.
Please, no!
Shorts on Youtube exist for the generation "me" iPhone zombies that have no patience and the attention span of a goldfish.
It's just accelerating the dumbing down.

View attachment 67991

And Tik Tok?
This redefines dumbing down.
I'm not on Tik Tok, but the disinformation and general ignorance displayed on Tik Tok often gets a mention on mainstream media over here and to warn people about disinformation, and things that are just plain wrong and stupid.
Best left to the teenagers who don't know any better.

Keep doing what you're already doing VR.
True points but the engagement, the views and the monetisation is where shorts are and have been for a while now. Unless you strike lightning in a bottle, longform content isn't cutting it these days unless you have a lot of subscribers.

Has been getting harder and harder for youtubers to create good revenue for themselves and support themselves and their families, so they have to move to these alternative forms of content.
What is more annoying then shorts? Youtubers admiring themselves as they talk endlessly to the camera as they walk around for 15+min to say something that could have been conveyed in 30 seconds.

Don't confuse formfactor with content. It is possible to make good short content and the more good people do this the better. If I like the Short content, I might venture to check out if the longer content is worth my precious time.
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What is more annoying then shorts? Youtubers admiring themselves as they talk endlessly to the camera as they walk around for 15+min to say something that could have been conveyed in 30 seconds.

Don't confuse formfactor with content. It is possible to make good short content and the more good people do this the better. If I like the Short content, I might venture to check out if the longer content is worth my precious time.
I like my videos long. Ha Ha.
Well look what the cat dragged in. lol
Trust me the longer you wait the better.
Viofo is still working on firmware that will be "acceptable" for a public release.
Myself, @rcg530 and @safedrivesolutions will not be posting any "driving" test footage until some things are fixed.
I may however post some of my silly garage experiments with a heavy disclaimer about "this is not the final firmware".
There is something wrong with the firmware?? Ha Ha Ha. I do have a lot of cool video.

What is more annoying then shorts? Youtubers admiring themselves as they talk endlessly to the camera as they walk around for 15+min to say something that could have been conveyed in 30 seconds.

Don't confuse formfactor with content. It is possible to make good short content and the more good people do this the better. If I like the Short content, I might venture to check out if the longer content is worth my precious time.
This is true and there are a lot of youtubers out there and a lot that aren't. I'm fortunate enough to know a few techTubers and they work hard to ensure they come across as approachable, knowledgeable, and most importantly to them, not up themselves.

As the amount of screen time per day shoots up into the stratosphere across the general population, I think short term will win out sadly. Which sucks balls because there are times when I want to know the fine details of a tech product, and it's not covered.
lol I think I was the only YouTuber / long form video creator there. It was almost all Instagram fashion influencers and a few home/kitchen Instagram/TikTok people. Suffice it to say I felt kinda out of place, but I learned a lot about creating shorts which is something I wanna get into more anyways. :)
I forgot to say the second channel might have been Vortex Gaydar LoL
Personally I see value in a variety of forms of content. Do you want a comprehensive video review? A full written review? Small bite size forms of content? Different people want different things at different times. It’s nice to have options.

Shorts and long form content can’t replace each other and I don’t think they’re intended to, but they can be complementary.
I've been out of town all week and just recently got back. My A229 Plus & Pro's have finally arrived this week, shipped slowly via 4PX. Once I finish my existing dashcam review next week, I wanna jump in with you all and join the fun testing these new models, hehe. :)
I'm probably the last of the bunch -- mine is trickling on its way via 4PX as well. Looking forward to testing and showing its strengths and weaknesses (if any!)
Well mine did not ship out on the 30th... Going to reach out to VIOFO and see what is going on. Wonder if they are having production delays?
Well mine did not ship out on the 30th... Going to reach out to VIOFO and see what is going on. Wonder if they are having production delays?
Public holiday in china til end of this week.
Well mine did not ship out on the 30th... Going to reach out to VIOFO and see what is going on. Wonder if they are having production delays?

Yep, same here and I am disappointed in the underhanded way VIOFO has handled this. The ship notice was sent to me on 29 September, at 11:10 a.m., that would be 11:10 P.M. Hong Kong time. That is a Friday and my dashcam package, and others have set on the VIOFO dock since then waiting for DHL to pick up. DHL cannot pick up if VIOFO is closed for the multi-day holiday.

It is now, Monday, 9:14 p.m. in Hong Kong and 17Track data indicates waiting to be picked up by shipper. DHL states they have received the shipping notice.

It appears that @viofo have been stretching the truth about their shipping. The package, in my view, is not shipped until DHL picks it up. A package sitting on a loading
dock of the manufacturer for the last 4 days is not a package that was shipped. It seems, those packages will continue to sit there for another 4 or 5 days.

I am more bothered by the underhandedness of declaring something as being "shipped", more than I am in the delay. VIOFO knew full well there was a holiday coming up, they would have been better off to tell folks the pre-orders would ship after the holidays. Their attempt to make their advertised shipping date by sending out shipping notices on the last day possible, knowing, the product would not leave their dock for another 8 or 9 days is unethical.
A lot of overseas shipments can be delayed in updating online. Being a Viofo dealer and ordering from DHL. A lot of times it wont say picked up and then all of a sudden it has landed in the USA.
Absolutely this. Have had the same experience with DHL for years when used to have phones delivered to me, you'd think it was shipped but then it wasn't until it turned up in the country and was out for delivery.

DHL has been the most reliable delivery company for me I've found but tracking can be awry for sure.
A lot of overseas shipments can be delayed in updating online. Being a Viofo dealer and ordering from DHL. A lot of times it wont say picked up and then all of a sudden it has landed in the USA.

Entirely possible and I have experienced the same. I have over the years made a lot of Asian and European purchases. My experience is that when two sources of notification agree, then that package has not been picked up. If only DHL were involved then I would say they may have the package but have not updated the tracking. I know that I have little expectations from USPS on their tracking. USPS tracking is hit or miss, some days you know exactly where the package is and some days it is lost in USPS dreamland. :)

I have found though that tracking from Asia is usually accurate up to the point the package is handed to the carrier. I really did not expect the dashcam until mid October so I am not
bothered by the delay, just the way the shipping notice was handled, it appears to be an attempt for VIOFO to say they made the agreed upon shipping date. :)
Entirely possible and I have experienced the same. I have over the years made a lot of Asian and European purchases. My experience is that when two sources of notification agree, then that package has not been picked up. If only DHL were involved then I would say they may have the package but have not updated the tracking. I know that I have little expectations from USPS on their tracking. USPS tracking is hit or miss, some days you know exactly where the package is and some days it is lost in USPS dreamland. :)

I have found though that tracking from Asia is usually accurate up to the point the package is handed to the carrier. I really did not expect the dashcam until mid October so I am not
bothered by the delay, just the way the shipping notice was handled, it appears to be an attempt for VIOFO to say they made the agreed upon shipping date. :)
I found as I've gotten older I've stopped being so excited by tech coming, and checking the tracking numbers every single day to just checking once or twice or not at all. And then being excited when I get the SMS notification saying my package is out for delivery / pick up from locker haha
I found as I've gotten older I've stopped being so excited by tech coming, and checking the tracking numbers every single day to just checking once or twice or not at all. And then being excited when I get the SMS notification saying my package is out for delivery / pick up from locker haha

I have a friend, not a young guy either, who gets so bent out of shape waiting for new stuff he's ordered to show up that he's like a junkie jonesing for a fix. He finally calms down after the package arrives and he's "unboxed".
Well mine did not ship out on the 30th... Going to reach out to VIOFO and see what is going on. Wonder if they are having production delays?
Yep, same here and I am disappointed in the underhanded way VIOFO has handled this.
A lot of overseas shipments can be delayed in updating online. Being a Viofo dealer and ordering from DHL. A lot of times it wont say picked up and then all of a sudden it has landed in the USA.
I've been getting semi regular shipments from Viofo for the past 18 months.
Ben @safedrivesolutions is correct.
Either way if you are dissatisfied with your pre-purchase you may consider cancelling / returning your order, and waiting until they are available from Amazon US with same-day / 1-day prime shipping.
By that time we might have an "acceptable" public firmware.