Accident not recorded

New Member
Feb 24, 2018
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United States
Got rear ended today, checked the dashcam video for the first time on my computer, only to find no accident footage and all the video footage is from the previous year when I installed the dashcam. It appears that the data was never rewritten. Any ideas on how to correct this issue. Thanks
Memory card appears to be working (its full and the video looks great), the card is the card it came with from amazon which is a samsung 64 evo select micro sd xc
Sounds like a potential bad memory card. Make, Mode, Size? (edit you just posted it was Samsung) I'd format the card, eject it and run the h2testw memory checker app from the support section of our site.
What was the last time you formatted the card in-camera?
Have you ever updated the firmware of your dashcam?
What power supply are you using?
Will do, I formatted the card in the camera when it was first installed July 2017, and the firm ware was also updated July 2017, power supply that came with the unit.
Not to be smug or anything, but you really need to keep a eye on your dashcam, and not least the memory card in it.
I myself have had high class brand memory cards go bad on me so fast they almost dident fill up 1 time ( 64 Gb ), and even if it work for starters then the memory card will most often be the weak link at least in a good camera.

When i once in a while take a look at my memory cards it take me about 5 minutes to verify that a 128 Gb card are fine,

First i look at time date stamps and how they correlate with my drives of lately as i can remember them at least ( dont drive much so i can literally have weeks of footage on a 128 Gb card )
I then proceed to see if select files will launch and play with my default windows 10 player, here i focus on first and last file in driving sessions.
So if the first file start some place weird, that is far from my home address or the places i frequent, then i know something might be wrong there.
Same with the last file in a session, if it end mid drive on some highway and not at home or a place i frequent or a gas station i might be visiting, then i know something might be wrong too.

Of course i dont play the whole 3 minutes of every file i take a look at, pretty much just make sure it start/end where i would expect, and then the player on my PC can play them.

As i said i dont drive much not even daily so i only have a look on my memory card every month or so, usually in relation with me having filmed some moron in traffic that just got to go on youtube.

I have 4 cameras in my car ( one each direction ) and the 2 side cameras i maybe only look at every 2 months, it is rare i get footage of them.
But the front and rear camera i do handle more often, and i think in total for maintenance and control i use about 10 - 15 minutes tops every month.

There are focus on the fact that cameras do not give a alarm when failing to record, that's a week spot on many older and current cameras.

With the SG9665GC that i also run you can always look for the blinking red record LED, i dont think it blink if the camera are not recording, but the location of the camera can mean this are not easy to do / a option.

Some new dashcams claim to be maintenance free and format free, but i would not trust that, the 10 minutes now and then are well spent.

Having looked at my dashcam footage for years now, i find that i am pretty set in where i drive, 99.9% of my drives are the same routes again and again, and i now know that if something worth saving happend in so and so intersection on the drive, i know that it will be the #8 file in that recording session that i have to look for.
Pretty scary how precise it is for me, normally its only off by a minute or so depending on my luck with the light in intersections i have passed by, the speed i know are always on the max limit.
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Unable to format keep getting write-protected errors, and when I run h2testw I get this

Error creating file 'F:\1.h2w'.
(The media is write protected. Code 19)
Warning: Only 1509 of 61044 MByte tested.
Writing speed: 0.00 KByte/s
H2testw v1.4

try removing the write-protect get this
DiskPart has encountered an error: The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error.
See the System Event Log for more information.

Guessing its a bad card
just thinking, is it possible to run a check that goes like this.
file recorded and written to card so the dash cam says, save the file name to a variable.
on the next write cycle, do a check, can the last saved file name in variable be found on the card, if yes then do nothing, if no then throw a warning on screen with a few beeps.
ok cool, never had the issue yet so dont know.
Memory card appears to be working (its full and the video looks great), the card is the card it came with from amazon which is a samsung 64 evo select micro sd xc
I am having the exact same problem with the same card, I went to look at footage to find nothing has recorded for this year of 2018. I tried to format the card in the unit, but all of 2017 footage is still on the card. after formatting the card shouldn't it be clear of files?