Accident not recorded

I am having the exact same problem with the same card, I went to look at footage to find nothing has recorded for this year of 2018. I tried to format the card in the unit, but all of 2017 footage is still on the card. after formatting the card shouldn't it be clear of files?
Street Guardian is sending me a new MicroSD Card. I hope this new card last longer then 5 months.
It’s rare but any brand card can fail early even Samsung. I can only think of less than a handful in the last few years out of thousands. It’s good practice the check the camera and card at regular intervals.
You might be pleasant surprised,,,,, or monumentally saddened, really a roll of the dice some times.

Only good thing to take away from this situation are to keep a eye on the memory card in the future, 5 - 10 minutes now and then will be worth it.
I am having the exact same problem with the same card, I went to look at footage to find nothing has recorded for this year of 2018. I tried to format the card in the unit, but all of 2017 footage is still on the card. after formatting the card shouldn't it be clear of files?

It sounds as if you don't check your dash cam files too often if you only discovered in June that nothing was recorded since January.

It's a good general practice to review what's on your memory card at least every few weeks and then to periodically reformat the card once in a while, say, once a month or every six weeks. This will alert you to any issues that may have popped up and helps avoid problems going forward.
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It’s rare but any brand card can fail early even Samsung. I can only think of less than a handful in the last few years out of thousands. It’s good practice the check the camera and card at regular intervals.
I realize some cards can go bad quicker than others, I'm not putting blame on anyone/brand that's just the reality of technology. I appreciate your input and the fact that SG is going to make this right. I will set a calendar reminder to check cam and card monthly. Thanks!
It sounds as if you don't check your dash cam files too often if you only discovered in June that nothing was recorded since January.

It's a good general practice to review what's on your memory card, at least every few weeks and then to periodically reformat the card once in a while, say, once a month or every six weeks. This will alert you to any issues that may have popped up and helps avoid problems going forward.
I realize set it and forget it is not the way to go!
I realize set it and forget it is not the way to go!

Those of us who have been using dash cams for many years remember the days when it was all too common to discover that our cameras had stopped recording all of a sudden for no apparent reason. This got many of us into the habit of keeping a sharp eye on our cameras and frequently checking to make sure that files were being recorded properly. Today's cameras tend to be far more reliable than 6 or 7 years ago but they are not foolproof or 100% reliable 100% of the time, so it still makes sense to check on things periodically especially considering the mission critical functionality that dash cams perform. Think of it as a car maintenance task like checking your oil levels or tire pressure. :)
Those of us who have been using dash cams for many years remember the days when it was all too common to discover that our cameras had stopped recording all of a sudden for no apparent reason. This got many of us into the habit of keeping a sharp eye on our cameras and frequently checking to make sure that files were being recorded properly. Today's cameras tend to be far more reliable than 6 or 7 years ago but they are not foolproof or 100% reliable 100% of the time, so it still makes sense to check on things periodically especially considering the mission critical functionality that dash cams perform. Think of it as a car maintenance task like checking your oil levels or tire pressure. :)
hmmm, a lot of people dont bother checking oil, tyres etc.. until something happens. like a dash cam. used to be a motor mechanic, i saw flat spares quite often, road tyres under inflated, engines low on oil, radiators low on water all too regularly and even cars getting towed in run out of water and cooked it or even run out of oil and blew the engine.
Why i wouldn't drive without a MINIMUM of 2 front cameras, nothing like redundancy.
hmmm, a lot of people dont bother checking oil, tyres etc.. until something happens. like a dash cam. used to be a motor mechanic, i saw flat spares quite often, road tyres under inflated, engines low on oil, radiators low on water all too regularly and even cars getting towed in run out of water and cooked it or even run out of oil and blew the engine.
Why i wouldn't drive without a MINIMUM of 2 front cameras, nothing like redundancy.

Well, there's always a percentage of people who are too damned lazy or just not smart enough to ever check on their vehicles. Personally, I maintain my vehicles and other motorized equipment on a regular basis and come to think of it, most people I know do the same to one degree or another. Of course, this avoids visits to the mechanic's garage. Like you, I have multiple dash cams running as well, but the average dash cam owner is unlikely to. Nevertheless, a large percentage of folks do seem to check their dash cam footage periodically so they have a least some notion if their dash cams are performing as expected. A great many people just check their footage because because they like to. Either way, not checking dash cam footage for six months or not checking anything under the hood for that long a period of time is just asking for trouble so any problems one encounters as a result with their cars or their dash cams is self-inflicted.

What's your point exactly?:confused:
It's not the best of comparisons. I'm sure that for most people it would be a lot easier to check if the dashcam is recording properly than to do those car maintenance checks. :)
Yeah many are clueless as to whats under the hood / bonnet of a car, many are also clueless about things in our digital age, but i also think a great many actually know but they do think a dashcam are set and forget, even if they are fully computer literate and have all it take to do the recommended memory card inspection now and then.

Its a general problem i think in all our societies, many things are simply too easy, and the penalty for doing wrong are too little, so folks become complacent with many things.
I mean come on :rolleyes: people call other people they have never met or have any knowledge about for friends on the internet, thats just sick in my book though i do call many internet friends, but the presence of the word "internet" also underline its far from what i call and expect from real friends ( of which i only have one )
We all have routine tasks we need to (or should) perform periodically, whether it is checking whether files are actually being recorded to our dash cam memory cards, checking our tire pressure, how much windshield washer fluid is in the tank, seeing what groceries we need before a trip to the store, or any other of the many things we need to keep an eye on in life. Arguing about which particular routine maintenance chore I chose as an analogy to suggest to a new member who ran problems because he didn't check his memory card for six months is just one of those silly, petty discussions people like to engage in on internet forums. :rolleyes: It doesn't particularly matter what analogy one chooses, with dash cams it's just important to make sure they are working the way they should.
It's not the best of comparisons. I'm sure that for most people it would be a lot easier to check if the dashcam is recording properly than to do those car maintenance checks. :)

I'm not so sure? :geek: With 5 dash cams in my vehicle it can be a time consuming task to take the memory cards out of one or more of the dash cams, bring them into my house, load the files onto my computer, review the files and then take the cards back out to my truck and put them back into the dash cams. Checking my dip stick or the tire pressure takes a fraction of the time and effort.
how many people ever check the health of their MicroSD cards in the mobile phones, I can only assume it's a very small number, there's a whole fake memory card industry that survives on the fact that people don't check that wouldn't be around if people actually checked
Also people think, well that memory card i got for my camera 10 years ago it is still working fine in what ever i have put it in since then.
But ! people forget that there is a great difference for a job in a camera snapping a picture now and then, and then a dashcam that go full tilt writing and deleting from you turn the key to you stop the car, and even after that if you are a parking guard user.
My checking my memory cards have never been anything i was told to do, just make good sense to me, and besides as i UL to youtube then i see most of my memory cards pretty often.

I do hope this issue will be mute soon as this mean one of my dreams for future dashcams have come true, in the mean time i will just have to do what need to be done, and thats quite doable even if i was a family man and a part of the workforce.

6 memory cards going in my car, and really keeping up with those are no problem, just have to get into the grove then it become second nature.
how many people ever check the health of their MicroSD cards in the mobile phones, I can only assume it's a very small number, there's a whole fake memory card industry that survives on the fact that people don't check that wouldn't be around if people actually checked

I don't disagree with you but dash cam memory cards seem to be in their league, in part because of their mission critical nature compared with people taking selfies with the phones. Casual observation here on the forum indicates that a small percentage of people don't check their cards too often but quite a few are downright compulsive about it. At least every couple of weeks seems a good rule of thumb; perhaps even more often in some circumstances. With five cams in my truck I just rotate through checking the cameras on a periodic basis. I tend to check the front cams most often, usually because I'm testing something or other.
I hear ya, im more lazy now than i ever was doped up on weed or weed + beer when i was really young. its like my brain have given up on everything but breathing and bowl movements.

And still i can outsmart some people :giggle:
lot of people either have no idea or lazy or both.

Well, yeah I've already said that. The question is why you focus on such petty irrelevant BS when my post to the OP was actually about recommending that he get into a routine of checking his dash cam footage after what he experienced from not checking for six months.