[App] Ambarella A2 RomKitchen v0.7 (discontinued)

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Ok, which base version did you use?
Nah I'm talking about the firmware you tried to modify :P
Sorry it was 20131230-NOGPS-1CARD think I sorted it
Tried 20140115-GPS-1CARD and that works with my no GPS Camera and Vauxhall logo
Thanks Tobi@s for the great app. Sorry that I am new to customizing fw. How can I modify the .bin file exported from the app? My cam is VicoVation and it is bricked. I can only download .elf file to it to recover. Is there a way to use your tool to get the bootloader/firmware/kernel .elf so that I can unbrick it? Thanks.
Hmm, I'm really interested in this utility, but somehow the more I read the more I feel like I'm missing something on how it works.

Was there a step by step somewhere? Thanks!
If you read through the GS1000 info on the main page there's an explanation about it there, different camera so the process won't be identical but it will give you an idea how it's all done
Hmm, I'm really interested in this utility, but somehow the more I read the more I feel like I'm missing something on how it works.

Was there a step by step somewhere? Thanks!
Hi Jeremy!
Are you talking about DirectUSB or Amba RomKitchen?
Hmm, I'm really interested in this utility, but somehow the more I read the more I feel like I'm missing something on how it works.

Was there a step by step somewhere? Thanks!
The first post contains a "step-by-step" guide. But: You should better have an unbricking cable. I only tested it for Mini0801 firmwares. Basically it should work with any A2 firmware - but as stated: I never tested it with other cams
Yeah it's a Setting in the bootloader calles "usb_dl". In our Minis the default setting for this is 0. When you change it to 1 you can do it without a special cable.
If you have the elf file you can load via the USB software providing you put the camera in the correct mode
Yes, I did put the cam in direct USB mode by pressing Rec then power on. The Direct USB tool from Ambarella showing three sections of downloads possible: Bootloader, firmware and kernel/DSP. All require .elf format files. Romkitchen can output all the sections BT/BLD/PRI/RFS/DSP into .bin with the header.bin as well. Just wondering how to use those outputs to fit into the .elf?
You can't convert the sections to elf executables. You could try to use arm-objcopy (included in several DirectUSB bundles) to create a relocatable elf executable from the .bin but I'm not sure if this will work.

This will not work. But I got an idea for another application: If you get the camera in USB command mode it can be controlled from the usb host (low Level operations). Theres a writemem command which could be useful for sending plain .bin files in usb command mode. Maybe I'm able to develop a low level flasher. But don't expect something too soon.
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You can't convert the sections to elf executables. You could try to use arm-objcopy (included in several DirectUSB bundles) to create a relocatable elf executable from the .bin but I'm not sure if this will work.
So if I modify the sections and re-compile them into one .bin fw by your tool, the only way to use the .bin is upgrade through SD card? My cam is VicoVation DS2 and it failed upgrading through SD card. Only Direct USB can connect it.
What do you mean by "it failed". Did the upgrade process abort the update? Then the Firmware binary was most likely invalid. Is the DS2 a A2S60 SoC dashcam?
What do you mean by "it failed". Did the upgrade process abort the update? Then the Firmware binary was most likely invalid. Is the DS2 a A2S60 SoC dashcam?
It bricked. no display and I can't initiate upgrade through the menu. The cam is a A2S-A1-RH SoC. I connect it to Direct USB by holding Rec then power on. Using normal mini USB cable (no pin 4,5 solder). I can see the cam's internal BT/BLD/PRI/DSP address/length/date etc. by clicking the DirectUSB software's "Upload" buttom. But sending the fw .bin file through DirectUSB can't make the cam back to life.
You can't convert the sections to elf executables. You could try to use arm-objcopy (included in several DirectUSB bundles) to create a relocatable elf executable from the .bin but I'm not sure if this will work.

This will not work. But I got an idea for another application: If you get the camera in USB command mode it can be controlled from the usb host (low Level operations). Theres a writemem command which could be useful for sending plain .bin files in usb command mode. Maybe I'm able to develop a low level flasher. But don't expect something too soon.

Great! Now I just know how to use the DirectUSB utility but not the USB command mode. How can I get into the USB command mode? I guess it is just like a command window? Can I send the fw.bin used for SD card upgrade through "writemen" command?
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