Are Amazon Reviews Trustworthy?

Of course there is something to do with Amazon review, some reviewers contact us about review on Amazon, and send their profile to us to check.
Review on Amazon is part of their job.
Unfortunatelly there has been, is and will be a manipulations in all areas of our life where $ is involved.
As they say: "nothing personal, just a business".
Smart ppl google to get a real overview before making a purchase thats why its an important to keep clean such forums as DCT.
Usually this strategy of purchasing reviews doesn't work in the long term. It generally can get a product selling very well for a period, but eventually regular customers will start reviewing the product and the inflated review score will start to level off. Also, Amazon does sometimes get wise to the review purchasing and close the listings.
A better long term strategy that these companies engage in is to put a note in the packaging offering perhaps $15 dollars refund if the customer writes a review. It's generally very strongly implied in these notes that the review should be positive. (ex-

This manipulation of Amazon reviews has gotten worse in the past year or two and I hope Amazon is working on a systematic way of dealing with it, however it is difficult for them as they will not engage in auto filtering reviews as this will eliminate many legitimate customer reviews and enrage many customers.
I get all sorts of random requests from people wanting to review products to promote on their websites with the promise of big results etc, not going to happen
If they are really serious they should buy one anonymously, use it then tell us their honest opinion
Places like that using a simmilar system of rating i have allways started with the worst reviews, and if that end of the scale dont seem too bad i proceed to seek information elsewhere, and if that then seem okay i make my buy.

Amazon reviews seem like politics, you allways look for the lowest common denominator and then go with that.
And then when it all go to hell you say, i did nothing wrong and know nothing about that.
Places like that using a simmilar system of rating i have allways started with the worst reviews, and if that end of the scale dont seem too bad i proceed to seek information elsewhere, and if that then seem okay i make my buy.

Amazon reviews seem like politics, you allways look for the lowest common denominator and then go with that.
And then when it all go to hell you say, i did nothing wrong and know nothing about that.
I usually give the least weight to 1-star and 5-star reviews unless there is a lot of believable narrative to go along with it. Generally most 1-star reviews are either "user error" or "I didn't know what I was ordering and this isn't what I wanted", and 5-star are either "It showed up in the mail so it's great", "I'm a shill for the manufacturer", or "I'm being paid to say this but I can't say that".

The 2, 3 and 4 star reviews are usually from people who actually think about what they're saying and are trying to be honest about it.
Places like that using a simmilar system of rating i have allways started with the worst reviews, and if that end of the scale dont seem too bad i proceed to seek information elsewhere, and if that then seem okay i make my buy.

Amazon reviews seem like politics, you allways look for the lowest common denominator and then go with that.
And then when it all go to hell you say, i did nothing wrong and know nothing about that.
This is why only verified purchases should be able to review the product. although a lot of those are verified, they could be based on never using a dashcam before and assuming its good because they don't have anything to compare it to personally. but hey if it works its better than nothing.
This is why only verified purchases should be able to review the product. although a lot of those are verified, they could be based on never using a dashcam before and assuming its good because they don't have anything to compare it to personally. but hey if it works its better than nothing.

The fake reviews company has this covered. Verified fake reviews are available for a price.
Verified Purchase Reviews

A purchase of your product is not required for us to post a review. If you would like a verified purchase review however we can buy your product first. If the cost is $2.00 or less we will cover the price. If it is more than this you will need to make arrangements with us to reimburse the cost. We are only accepting very limited amounts of verified purchase reviews, please contact us before ordering if you are interested in these.
This is why is good to read forums before buying online stuff. If I can not read on forums I will look for negative reviews. I am tired of „Excellent!, AAAAA, AAA+++” or other reviews like these.

@DashCamMan should release a camera called DashCamTalk One F171. Forum users will buy it and post great reviews on Amazon. :D

This is why is good to read forums before buying online stuff. If I can not read on forums I will look for negative reviews. I am tired of „Excellent!, AAAAA, AAA+++” or other reviews like these.

@DashCamMan should release a camera called DashCamTalk One F171. Forum users will buy it and post great reviews on Amazon. :D

Number of reviews can help though. If there are 6000 reviews it's not likely that thousands are paid. It's those items with 10-50 reviews that can be suspect.
This is why is good to read forums before buying online stuff. If I can not read on forums I will look for negative reviews. I am tired of „Excellent!, AAAAA, AAA+++” or other reviews like these.

@DashCamMan should release a camera called DashCamTalk One F171. Forum users will buy it and post great reviews on Amazon. :D


unfortunately a lot of people end up on forums after they purchase something and don't get what they expect
I joined 2 forums trying to figure out what to buy. I (finally) decided I only wanted a 1997 or 1998 (built in 1997) dodge for my diesel truck. Dash cams are a lot more complicated and difficult to understand and quantify. I was ready to buy 2 mobius. Then it appears that they changed the lens housing and that causes some problems. An overtightened screw from the factory makes the lens unadjustable. Then there is a question if all new lens housings are fiber reinforced plastic which can and will deform in hotter temperatures or not. Until these issues are straightened out I sit on the sidelines.
KDLinks came out of nowhere, and their reviews are strangely out of control positive as well. (I smell a big fat phony) I never heard of Falcon Zero either.

I can assure everyone that 100% of Pier28 Amazon reviews are legit, and were earned the old fashioned way. (over-the-top customer service/support, plus mainly only selling Street Guardian/Panorama products)
I also came to same conclusion and that why I bought from you, very happy with cam and service.
We had a guy who contacted us asking us if we wanted to send him some products and he would write us some Amazon reviews. We refused, mainly because we do not sell on Amazon. We made that previous sentence so clear to him and mentioned it multiple times. He then went on a mad one saying if we did not send him some products he would 'ruin our review rating' on Amazon.

Moral of the story: Don't believe everything you read on Amazon at all. Also look how long a period the reviews have been written over as that is usually a pretty good indicator how authentic the reviews are.

Kind regards,

We had a guy who contacted us asking us if we wanted to send him some products and he would write us some Amazon reviews. We refused, mainly because we do not sell on Amazon. We made that previous sentence so clear to him and mentioned it multiple times. He then went on a mad one saying if we did not send him some products he would 'ruin our review rating' on Amazon.

Moral of the story: Don't believe everything you read on Amazon at all. Also look how long a period the reviews have been written over as that is usually a pretty good indicator how authentic the reviews are.

Kind regards,

We have a saying: "not everything is gold that shines" ;)
We had a guy who contacted us asking us if we wanted to send him some products and he would write us some Amazon reviews. We refused, mainly because we do not sell on Amazon. We made that previous sentence so clear to him and mentioned it multiple times. He then went on a mad one saying if we did not send him some products he would 'ruin our review rating' on Amazon.

Moral of the story: Don't believe everything you read on Amazon at all. Also look how long a period the reviews have been written over as that is usually a pretty good indicator how authentic the reviews are.

Kind regards,


I remember a product I was looking to develop that wasn't quite there yet, I never ended up doing it as it had some hardware issues that went unresolved, first samples were released in May and the Russian buyer that decided it was good enough had great reviews of the product online dating back to January, 4 months before a working version even existed
I remember a product I was looking to develop that wasn't quite there yet, I never ended up doing it as it had some hardware issues that went unresolved, first samples were released in May and the Russian buyer that decided it was good enough had great reviews of the product online dating back to January, 4 months before a working version even existed

It's because "they" have this ;)

