Best Idea Yet

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Let's break this down.

Dashmellow and I have been here many years and I believe he scans 'all new posts' at each visit to see what's going on across the board.

This method provides useful information about what's good and what's not so good and we try to advise, from experience, what to try or not to try when appropriate.

In this case we have both pointed out potential problems/future problems with the method suggested which has only been in operation 3 weeks.

DM has held his experienced corner against a new member so the insults have now drifted to other topics also dragging in another member who seems intent on revenge from previous posts.
@Kremmen- thank you for your post, and I'm sure you mean well.

But no one has the right, whether they've been a member 20 days or 20 years to gang-up on someone with rude, caustic comments such as @Dashmellow has done!

If he disagrees with the original poster's point of view, he could simply say so and move-on, but that's not how @Dashmellow operates. Consequently a "brand new member", who incidentally is from the UK was compelled to "block @dash MELLOW".

Surely members here can treat others with respect. Or isn't that necessary?
Your rude, caustic comments have been reported to DashCamMan (DashCamTalk Administrator) This was not the first time I have reported you, and I'm fairly certain, it will not be the last time because unfortunately you cannot control yourself.

Well, @DashCamMan will see yours too, no doubt. You still haven't explained why you quoted @kamkar while accusing me of a post I never made.

It's funny, you have no problem saying things to me like, "you seem to have a comprehension problem" yet when I say you are actually the one who apparently has a comprehension problem because you quoted another member while attacking for me for the "inane" post I never made. You characterize this as "rude and caustic "but somehow your repeatedly attacking me in post after post is OK? You should take a long hard look in the mirror. The only times I have ever interacted with you on this forum have been when you picks gratuitous fights with me in one thread or another and I do find it pretty outrageous that you have the nerve to behave as if you are the victim.
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Well, DCM will see yours too, no doubt. You still haven't explained why you quoted @kamkar when accusing me.

It's funny, you have no problem saying things to me like, "you seem to have a comprehension problem" yet when I say you are actually the one who apparently has a comprehension problem because you quoted another member while attacking for an "inane" post I never samadeid. You characterize thus as "rude and caustic "but somehow your repeatedly attacking me in post after post is OK? You should take a long hard look in the mirror. The only times I have ever interacted with you on this forum have been when you initiate gratuitous fights with me in one thread or another and I do find it pretty outrageous that you have the nerve to act like you are the victim.
I did not read your last post above, except for the first couple of sentences. I'm happy to let @DashCamMan (DCT Administrator) decide what's proper on this site. - Goodnight.
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