BlackVue Sync - A new portable, hands-off, automatic recording downloader for NAS or Docker

Gday all

Reviving this one and hoping someone would guide me step by step.. (as I have no idea)

I have a Synology 918 and I've downloaded docker however not sure where to go from here if anyone is game enough to help.

It's easier to just add the script to your "Control Panel" >> "Task Scheduler"
Where's the script itself?
All the info, including the script is here:

I wasn't able to get the docker image for this to run properly. I didn't use the Task Scheduler, but I have actually have added the task to crontab to run it every hour.

There is no crontab editor available on the synology nas, so you can copy from /etc/crontab, edit it somewhere else, and then copy it back.

- Enable ssh login in your "Control Panel" >> "Terminal & SNMP"
- Create a user that has Admin capability
- Use that user to ssh into your NAS: ssh YOUR_USERNAME@YOUR_NAS_IP
- Once there, type "sudo su -" ENTER, then "cd /etc" ENTER, then "cp crontab /volume1/ONE_OF_YOUR_SHARES"
- Copy the file (see first sentence) to that same share (ONE_OF_YOUR_SHARES)
- Go edit the crontab file and add: "0 * * * * root /bin/python /volume1/ONE_OF_YOUR_SHARES/ --destination /volume1/ONE_OF_YOUR_SHARES --keep 2w --grouping weekly"
- rsh back to you nas, do "sudo su -" again, and copy the crontab file back: "cp /volume1/ONE_OF_YOUR_SHARES/crontab /etc/crontab", then type "synosystemctl restart crond" to get cron to read the new file.

That's it.

I'm really keen to set this up... but I drive a lot and my van is hardly ever in range of my wifi, maybe an hour a day weekdays max... which I guess isn't enough to transfer 8 hours/day of driving?

is there any way to have it upload via a sim card hotspot?

I can get an unlimited data sim card for £15/month

I could power the dash cam and hotspot from a small 12v power bank, so keep them running longer when parked... it would mess up the parking/not parked function of the dash cam but I think I'd be ok with that

I have a server running at home already, runs home assistant / cctv etc. so easy to run something on there

if not... I guess an arduino or raspberry pi could download the footage from the dashcam and then upload it to my server... but it seams bit high power, a bit expensive... and a way out of my to setup from scratch
You could run it on a Raspberry Pi in your vehicle, with a hotspot, uploading to a server or cloud storage.
We do this with a pi for uploading videos during the day when our vehicles are out. Really works great. As mentadent said, pi and a hotspot. Pi zero in my case.

The problem is the upload speed of mobile wifi. Not sure about other areas of the country but in our area we're lucky to get more than 5mbps. Thankfully even the newest models of dashcams have a smaller low quality video available to upload to our servers. Even then sometimes they get behind due to signal strength and our newest videos are an hour or more behind. i really don't see how people are able to upload 4k or even 1080p videos successfully over a mobile connection. And if you don't have unlimited data - wow. You'll hit your limit in no time.
I wish @viofo had an option for these lower quality resolution sidecar videos. It would help and I imagine will be essential if they ever do a cloud offering.
We do have a better solution to save and transfer videos in future models.
Has anyone had any issues with this recently? Has been working for ages, but I wonder if a firmware update (970X Plus) has scuppered it? Camera is connected and visible on the Network, of course...

Currently getting:

024-07-14 17:45:10,220: ERROR Cannot obtain list of recordings from dashcam at address :; error : <urlopen error timed out>

(IP Address deliberately obscured out of habit).
Did you try manually going to the URL?
Did you try manually going to the URL?
The URL is just the camera IP - I wasn't aware that trying to use the IP directly in the browser was supposed to do anything - I don't recall if I have ever tried id before?

If I try the IP directly, It says page not found. I can ping the Camera on that IP, however.

Does this suggest some functionality has been crippled with a firmware update?
I only have a VIOFO but if I go to the IP (I have to type http:// first) I get a directory listing of the files. It seems a good way to check if it is working properly.
I only have a VIOFO but if I go to the IP (I have to type http:// first) I get a directory listing of the files. It seems a good way to check if it is working properly.
That appears not to work.

Interested to learn if anyone else with BlackVue device using this software has seen a change in behaviour?