Buffered Parking mode

We appreciate you posting TonyM because no one else from Viofo is posting either here or on their very own forum. A "new" or "existing" customer certainly would not expect that! Blowing-off customers here on this site is one thing, but doing so on their own Company Forum is quite another!

So, it's "good news" you have assessed a "new firmware" that you have tested as being much better in low bitrate parking mode. "Low bitrate Parking Mode" is what most of us are now using since "motion detection mode" and "g-sensor mode" don't work satisfactorily. It would be nice if Viofo at least "threw us a bone" and allowed us "mere customers" the opportunity to use the beta-firmware you have tested that's much better than what we have now! I think the risk that doing so was going to possibly "brick our dash cams" is unlikely since it hasn't bricked yours. And allowing A129 Duo users to use a firmware that somewhat works would be a step in the right direction.

So, thank you TonyM for sharing the good news with us! - - In the meantime, we will all have to sit back and wait. It has been many months already and Viofo has of course missed the "end-of-August" date that they promised me for fixing this problem. But, there's still time for them to meet the "October Promise" they made to Sdeel7491`. Time will tell if that promise gets honored. It would sure be nice if it did and our problem got resolved! (y)
Straycam, you are right and they are wrong, someone is dragging their heels on this one, so hang in there and we shall see what happens in the next week. I am a bit surprised at VIOFO trying to put a new camera on the market when their A129 is not working correctly. With all this chatter I am also convinced it will hurt their A129 Pro sales.
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Straycat, you are right and they are wrong, someone is dragging their heels on this one, so hang in there and we shall see what happens in the next week. I am a bit surprised at VIOFO trying to put a new camera on the market when their A129 is not working correctly. With all this chatter I am also convinced it will hurt their A129 Pro sales.

I don't know if Viofo's future sales of the A129 Pro will be affected or not. One should not be surprised that Viofo is putting out a new product while their current product (A129 Duo) still has problems. It is common knowledge that Viofo has a predictable "perfect record" of releasing new dashcam models without fully testing hardware and firmware. I am absolutely positive that Viofo will release the A129 Pro with problems! That's how they roll. - - And then the "new A129 Pro" customers will be "just like us existing customers" (A129) and will get strung along for months if not more than a year to get their problems fixed. You can count on that happening because it always happens like that with Viofo!!!

That being said, perhaps there's light at the end of the tunnel since TonyM said he has recently tested another firmware that is much better than what we A129 users have been given. - Hopefully Viofo doesn't string us all along for another 1 - 4 months waiting!
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I have a good feeling about Tony, give him some time to make things right for us
TonyM seems to be a "very nice guy", and unlike one of the other beta testers who hangs out here, at least he tells us the truth! That's a plus for sure!

But as Tony said, he really has nothing at all to do with Viofo as a Company other than test their cams. There have been other "very nice guys/beta testers" who posted months ago and said this problem "could be fixed very soon". The reality is, for whatever reason(s), Viofo has not delivered a solution to us users. - - To compound the problem, they don't reply to customers who have reached out to them for answers and or have posted to their Company website forum. - - Therein likes the problem!!!

So, I do appreciate TonyM sharing some "positive information" with us..., but he has no idea when Viofo will fix our problems. - - Viofo has made promises, but they have broken all the ones they've made. We have 11 days left to see if they decide to keep their promise with Sdeel7491. - - Seeing Viofo's track record, I would not bet on them fullfilling their commitment to Sdeel7491. - - Of course, I would love to be wrong...

Where are you getting all these "PROMISES" from Viofo? Even yourself quoted the other user on Viofo's own forum said that Viofo told him "might be coming out in October"

Here's a recent post (Tuesday) from another "unhappy Viofo A129" user on Viofo's own website forum. - - The poster (Alshamal) seems to be saying the "exact same thing" many people on this thread have expressed. "Why are things taking so long and it's clear that A129 users are taking a backseat to new Viofo products!!!"

And notice that he was told by Viofo the next corrected firmware for the A129 "might be coming out in October!"...lol - - I said somewhere earlier that we'll be lucky if the problem was fixed within 2 months from Oct. 2nd - - so, November 2nd at the Earliest!!! - - Now Alshamal thinks it "will never happen". - - I tend to be in agreement with Alshamal!!!

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Where are you getting all these "PROMISES" from Viofo? Even yourself quoted the other user on Viofo's own forum said that Viofo told him "might be coming out in October"

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I can show you quotes from my correspondence with Viofo. They told me the g-sensor would be fixed by the end of August!!! Obviously they had no intention of fulfilling that promise! If you want to make up some excuses for Viofo, get in line behind Nigel! Of course he gets free dash cams from Viofo.

And try to come up with some excuses why Valkyrie has not received replies from viofo. I'm sure Valkyrie is just being totally unreasonable and needs to sit down and gain some patience!!!

Guys like you on this forum are a dime a dozen... all they do is come up with excuses for Viofo!!! Prospective customers - BUYER BEWARE!!!
You keep saying they promised.

Show me where Viofo promised you by end of August

I already showed you (with your own post) that user Sdeel7491 never said that they promised by end of October like you keep saying

I'm not coming up with excuses for Viofo, I could care less either way, my cam works for what I want it for. I'm just curious where you are getting these promises from.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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You keep saying they promised.

Show me where Viofo promised you by end of August

I already showed you (with your own post) that user Sdeel7491 never said that they promised by end of October like you keep saying

I'm not coming up with excuses for Viofo, I could care less either way, my cam works for what I want it for. I'm just curious where you are getting these promises from.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

There promise to me came in an email to me... I Wrote about it in July-August. In fact, I stayed off this forum believing they were actually going to fix it... Boy, was I wrong!!!

Viofo if a Dismal Company!!! They don't even reply to their customers on their own website (Valkyrie). I know that is fine with you, but it is not fine with me and most customers.

But I'm glad you're happy!!!
Yes, I have a very happy life, unlike you, unfortunately, who apparently spends most of their time pissed off at a company over a ~$150 dashcam with some firmware problems.

I've actually found your posts, which basically keep saying/repeating the exact same thing, very annoying to have to scroll through every few posts while reading the forum. You even post things that Viofo DID NOT say, to make the issue seem even worse.


@StrayCam now on my ignore list

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
You keep mentioning the email yet you haven't posted any proof of it?
Wouldn't be that hard, and that would be the first thing i would show myself if they "promised" something
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All you have established is you are goofy!!! You don't have to care about Valkyrie. He took a chance on a company and got burned... no big deal! The main thing is "Goofy is happy"! Well, good for you little fella...

In the meantime, if you don't like this forum or this particular thread, move on. You are excused! No one is forcing you to stay here.

Where are you getting all these "PROMISES" from Viofo? Even yourself quoted the other user on Viofo's own forum said that Viofo told him "might be coming out in October"

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I got a reply on the 7 th September from a ticket I raised with Viofo saying there would be a firmware update in October with ref to motion detection and g-censer issues!
I'm sorry, but as a new user to this forum who has been lurking for the past little while in search of a dashcam, some of you sound like a bunch of whiny little babies.

If you had any idea how long it takes to implement software updates you wouldn't be on here daily complaining about this. Do you not have anything better to do? You must understand that to get 90% of the job done, it takes 10% of the time. To get the remaining 10% done, it takes 90% of the time.

No, I am not shilling for VIOFO. This is commonplace for software updates. Always empty promises, and then eventually you get what you want. It's called patience, I'm sure many of you could benefit from some of it.

Like others have mentioned, it's a $150 unit that has seemingly little wrong with it. You want the perfect cam? Go spend the 3-400+ required to get a perfect unit.
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I'm sorry, but as a new user to this forum who has been lurking for the past little while in search of a dashcam, some of you sound like a bunch of whiny little babies.

If you had any idea how long it takes to implement software updates you wouldn't be on here daily complaining about this. Do you not have anything better to do? You must understand that to get 90% of the job done, it takes 10% of the time. To get the remaining 10% done, it takes 90% of the time.

No, I am not shilling for VIOFO. This is commonplace for software updates. Always empty promises, and then eventually you get what you want. It's called patience, I'm sure many of you could benefit from some of it.

Like others have mentioned, it's a $150 unit that has seemingly little wrong with it. You want the perfect cam? Go spend the 3-400+ required to get a perfect unit.
Everything has a solution, but more important is to sell a product that meets the expectations it promises or solve the problems before putting it on sale.
A product for being cheap does not mean that it is bad, it is bad that it has failures before being sold.
I'm sorry, but as a new user to this forum who has been lurking for the past little while in search of a dashcam, some of you sound like a bunch of whiny little babies.

If you had any idea how long it takes to implement software updates you wouldn't be on here daily complaining about this. Do you not have anything better to do? You must understand that to get 90% of the job done, it takes 10% of the time. To get the remaining 10% done, it takes 90% of the time.

No, I am not shilling for VIOFO. This is commonplace for software updates. Always empty promises, and then eventually you get what you want. It's called patience, I'm sure many of you could benefit from some of it.

Like others have mentioned, it's a $150 unit that has seemingly little wrong with it. You want the perfect cam? Go spend the 3-400+ required to get a perfect unit.
I'm sorry, but as a new user to this forum who has been lurking for the past little while in search of a dashcam, some of you sound like a bunch of whiny little babies.

If you had any idea how long it takes to implement software updates you wouldn't be on here daily complaining about this. Do you not have anything better to do? You must understand that to get 90% of the job done, it takes 10% of the time. To get the remaining 10% done, it takes 90% of the time.

No, I am not shilling for VIOFO. This is commonplace for software updates. Always empty promises, and then eventually you get what you want. It's called patience, I'm sure many of you could benefit from some of it.

Like others have mentioned, it's a $150 unit that has seemingly little wrong with it. You want the perfect cam? Go spend the 3-400+ required to get a perfect unit.
Who rattled your cage !
Who rattled your cage !

I am just expressing an opinion, just as every other user has done here.

As far as the buffered parking mode is concerned - I understand this is a point of frustrating contention for many and I would love to see VIOFO release a fix for this as I too, a prospective buyer, would love to have this functionality nailed down.
I am just expressing an opinion, just as every other user has done here.

As far as the buffered parking mode is concerned - I understand this is a point of frustrating contention for many and I would love to see VIOFO release a fix for this as I too, a prospective buyer, would love to have this functionality nailed down.
Some of us have been waiting months for something that's advertised not anything we have made up!

Where are you getting all these "PROMISES" from Viofo? Even yourself quoted the other user on Viofo's own forum said that Viofo told him "might be coming out in October"

I got a reply on the 7 th September from a ticket I raised with Viofo saying there would be a firmware update in October with ref to motion detection and g-censer issues!


How on earth do you construe a "reply from Viofo" to be a promise??? Did they tell you their reply to you was a "promise"??? - - Are you out of your mind?!?!? Just because Viofo tells you something, you really should not accept it as "gospel truth". You have quite a nerve insisting that Viofo lives up to their word!!! Where did you get such a silly idea??? - - "You just need to sit back and be patient!!!"...lol... That what the "Goofy Guys" will tell you, but not me.

And for the guys that say, "You only spent $200, get over it!" I'll say, "Tough... if you want to let a company blow you off that you just spent $200 with, good for you." - I choose to hold a company that continuously lies to its customers accountable! Many people will just chalk this up to a bad purchase...bad luck, etc... And you know, I tend to agree with them on that! - It was a BAD Purchase!

A very well respected member of this forum (an industry expert) said to me months ago, "Very few owners complain publicly fearing the forum troll attacks, I am not one of them." - - And guess what, neither am I.
He also went on to say, "Viofo has screwed up the A129 Duo Parking Mode G-sensor sensitivity and they know it..."

If current members/users don't share the problems they are experiencing with the A129 dash cams and with Viofo as a Company, how else will prospective customers know what to expect??? - - So, I will continue to "inform" current and prospective customers just as long as Viofo feels comfortable blowing us all off for the sake of their "new products".
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I am just expressing an opinion, just as every other user has done here.

As far as the buffered parking mode is concerned - I understand this is a point of frustrating contention for many and I would love to see VIOFO release a fix for this as I too, a prospective buyer, would love to have this functionality nailed down.
As prospective buyer of a dash cam would you part with your hard earned on a Viofo! After reading all this discussion,because if I new what I know now I wouldn't buy one that's for sure!
As prospective buyer of a dash cam would you part with your hard earned on a Viofo! After reading all this discussion,because if I new what I know now I wouldn't buy one that's for sure!

Honestly, it'd still be a yes. If not the A129, then an A119v3.

Yes, they have some firmware issues. Yes, they have some support issues.

But for the price, there isn't much else that can be suggested as a viable alternative.