Choosing a First Dash Cam

C'mon - vf300w has already proved to be a good deal for the money, whereas for the supposedly different cam ls3000 you have only found bad results. This still appears to be quite consistent.

You will never know exactly if there really is a difference between the cams and if there are good and bad cams unless you buy both cams. Several of them.

So why do you hesitate? For me, Niko's findings were sufficient for an informed decision (to order vf300w). It's not a lifetime investment, it's a 70$ dash cam :)
Dash Cam deserve the money. What a compliment to the retailer. You are really a good customer :)
Dash Cam deserve the money. What a compliment to the retailer. You are really a good customer :)

Please explain your statement.

Is there something wrong with Niko's review? Do you have reason to doubt Niko's credibility? Do you have better insight in Chinese or retailer's business behaviour? Do you have more reliable information on the cams in question?

Then please let us know.
So why do you hesitate? For me, Niko's findings were sufficient for an informed decision (to order vf300w). It's not a lifetime investment, it's a 70$ dash cam :)
If he chooses/will chose his spouse as he chooses the dashcam, he will remain unmarried.
Sorry for my unclear statement. I mean when customer get they want is really a good thing. No offence to the retailer. Thank you.
I know. Your point of view as retailer is that the potential buyers must do it as quickly. :D
Rapid rotation of funds = Maximum profit. ;)

lol. Nice talk!!:)
If he chooses/will chose his spouse as he chooses the dashcam, he will remain unmarried.

Thanks for worrying about my marital status. I am happily married to The Best wife in the world !

Regarding tons of dash cameras tests I am doing, - this is my enthusiastic side: I worrie about you guys who are newbies to dashcam world and who ask questions and want to know more, to see more real life side by side tests,so to make easier decission on what is what. Not that I am the smartest here, - not at all !. I also learn from forums ( from you guys ) and from personal life experience by having this or that product in hand, sharing my opinions here to others.

Myself personally in this stage where I am to picky when comes to buying / chosing any technical innovation that important to me ( headphones, audio-video, etc ), maybe its because being half of life close to electronics, so some time no money spared. For rest of you who have set some limited budget of buying dash cams, - I do those tests.
I am glad if my tests or any other info I share is usefull to somebody.
Also I appreciate those who I can learn from as well.
Niko, it was about another member. Read carefully. :)

Ok. I must be missunderstood quotations or translation issue.
Thanks for clarification.
MJ700 spoke to another member. :) You done your job succesfuly, by testing those cameras. Very helpful for us, those who cannot touch so many cameras.
Foxoffer $72.90

Shenzen Givoe @ AliExpress $70
LS300w neutral

These are the 2 cams that I'm looking at right now.
Gskill 32gb class 10
Newegg $19.99
I think I have another newegg coupon for 20% off as well.

wow i didn't see this page of posts. Yea it was never clear if the ls3000 or vf300 were the same cam or not. I asked multiple times but got no responses until I made a dedicated thread on the subject. it was a pretty simple question that I posed almost a week ago, all it took was a simple reply that no one gave.

People just keep saying 'pick a cam already why take so long' but the ls3000 looks like crap, and I wanted to avoid buying a piece of crap. It's like if a hot girl came up to you but she had a twin sister that had AIDS and all sorts of crazy, you'd take a second to make sure which girl it was.
Okay, I'll go with the foxoffer vf300w because it's just $2 and you guys insist on foxoffer. I don't know why, but whatever. I'll always regret that $2 but for sake of expedience.

So to niko and others, before I make the plunge on a vf300 from foxoffer, I see that you've tried almost every GT300w clone.

Have you noticed any noticeable difference between any of them in regards to video quality, build quality... or anything? Obviously, varying form factors and the unnoticeable fact of the vf300w being 12mb/s.

Do any of the models stand out to you, as either good or bad?

And why are you trying so many out? Because they are all identical so you just try a different clone for each different car (or whatever reason you have for needing so many cams)?

This goes to anyone who's tried multiple gt300w clones, really. I swear, last question before I make the decision.
Okay, I'll go with the foxoffer vf300w because it's just $2 and you guys insist on foxoffer. I don't know why, but whatever. I'll always regret that $2 but for sake of expedience.

Hehe Belial88, are you someone when comes to buying a loaf of bread, will be standing on the shelf checking and feeling every loaf for half an hour before you pick one? Sounds like my mum :P

Anyway good luck to your purchase and have fun with it.
Hehe Belial88, are you someone when comes to buying a loaf of bread, will be standing on the shelf checking and feeling every loaf for half an hour before you pick one? Sounds like my mum.

Mine too. When i take her to a store. Between checking bread and milk and dates on the food not to mention she always finds someone to talk to about the bread and milk it feels like i am in there forever.

A little more back on topic I just wanted to thank Niko for all the hard work he has done and hard earned money he has spent. It's really great to have so much feedback,testing, and information available. Helped me feel better about buying a G1W
Hehe Belial88, are you someone when comes to buying a loaf of bread, will be standing on the shelf checking and feeling every loaf for half an hour before you pick one? Sounds like my mum :p

Anyway good luck to your purchase and have fun with it.

Eh, kind of. And then the next 100 years, I will be satifisfied knowing I am buying the best bread there is, and will never have to take more than 1 second picking out bread ever again. Money is a vote, and I not only want to support good products, but I want to make sure that my money never goes to bad products to encourage their production.

I just like making educated purchases. This isn't bread, this is a dash cam that I can do just fine not buying for another year. There's no hurry to get this. I'd rather do it right once than wrong twice, given the amount I pay for it (of course, cheaper cams might just break earlier, but I'm okay with a cheaper item breaking earlier, as opposed to a cheaper cam that's worse than it's equally priced competitor).

I mean over the last week or two, I've asked about 2-3 very simple questions that no one will answer. It's okay, I just need to make threads for each question.

So now, I've just a got very subjective, simple question. To niko, and anyone else who's used multiple GT300w clones - have any of them stood out in noticeable quality.

If I have to wait 6 months for answer, that's fine by me. I'll just bump every day until then.
So now, I've just a got very subjective, simple question. To niko, and anyone else who's used multiple GT300w clones - have any of them stood out in noticeable quality.

I've used a few, they seem mostly the same, that said though there's no guarantee that if you ordered from the same source that the product would be identical anyway, this generic stuff changes all the time so unless it came from the same batch it would be impossible to directly compare
Thanks, that's all I needed to hear. Just really weird to me that there's just like 30 models of the same cam and they're all exactly the same in different shells. It's almost as weird as you buying all the different models (no offense, I'm sure there's valid reason, ie reviewer, manufacturer, fleet of cars, etc, and I appreciate the reviewing and info).
Well I know it's a lot crappier but $38 is hard to beat. Is a $70-100 gt-series really 2x as much quality (well, probably at night)? It just seems to me to be the best 'daily driver' model as most people don't drive around too much at night, and don't need much more than that (especially given that the dvr series is worse?). But like I said, I'm interested in at least some night quality and something a bit better, and can appreciate motion detect, so I personally want a bit more in a main cam.

Anyways, I've found some different pricings. And as I understand it, avoid any GT/LS cams being sold by 'givoe' or that say 'neutral', as they have 12mb/s instead of 15+.

Shadow GT300w $63!!!

Way cheaper, I'm definitely going to get this tonight instead I think.

I also see G1W/G2W, are those same internals as GT? I see them for only $50. There seems to be so many dash cams being released in last 2 months that it's hard to tell exactly what's the best buy...
This is not GT300W by Shadow. Givoe has misleading title.
Its a vf300w and has no better performance than g1w. I have tested them all.
But of course its your choice.

just reviewing the thread. so if that's a vf300 for $60, why dont I get this buyer?