Could I get some qualified purchase advice please?

Could any of you have a discussion like this in a foreign language?
You don't know what my native language is!
I was not born in England.

What else could you say in this context,
Well I could have said that my first visit to Germany was to Hamburg, and I was a little impressed ... mainly by how little there was in the way of old buildings, we destroyed 99% of everything in the war! The stupidity of starting a war that could never be won is indeed "gobsmacking"!

Looks like "private i" has a serious preconceived and prejudiced hate problem so I'm done with responding to this thread.

Good move.
Uhm - nickt sprecken inglish. Und das wird sich wohl auch nicht ändern.

Und warum solltest du beim jetzigen gesprächsstand noch weiterreden, noch dazu in diesem stil? So benehmen sich normalerweise nur juden - widerlich
The internet has numerous forums dedicated to the 'discussion' of politics and philosophy - this is not one of them.

@DashCamMan (the site owner) developed a 'code of conduct' regarding participation in the forums that was agreed to when joining - - which includes the following:

1. Treat other members with respect. While debating and heated discussion is fine, we will not tolerate personal attacks, rudeness or inflammatory posts.

9. Since this an international forum, "bashing" of any nation, people, individuals, ethnic groups, race or minorities is prohibited (even your own country). This includes any insulting imagery of any people(s) or nation. Inflammatory political comments and imagery is also not allowed on the forum.

Just an FYI for anyone who may have overlooked or misunderstood this - or the core intent of the site.
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