COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Trump reached 200 tweets a day on Friday, and there are still 4 months to go...

That is one tweet every 6 minutes while he is awake, and this was on a day when he also went to Maine, visited a swab factory without wearing a face mask - resulting in the destruction of the entire day's manufacturing run, destroyed a marine wildlife sanctuary, started a lobster war with the EU, recalled 9500 troops from Germany, and held a press conference at the White House that needed a translation from CNN:

If only congress could put a gag order on the presidents social media. :)
Mexicans got POed when they had a cop issue too, going strait to setting cops on fire however seen a bit extreme to me.

Yeah, that's going rather far with things, but when people have no guns and want to combat those who do, they will find ways to do that. Or like here in America where Police all wear body armor of one sort or another. I recall reading about somewhere (I think it was Haiti) that had a word for their variation on this; they'd force an old tire over a person's upper torso pinning their arms, pour something flammable in it, then set it alight. Makes being "stretched on the rack" or "walking the plank" seem rather tame.

We humans do have some nasty tendencies when we feel we've been pushed too far. Without punishment for the wicked we would not have peaceful societies so it becomes a question of who needs it and how much they get. Ain't been up long enough to dig deep into the news this morning but it seems last nights demonstrations and protests haven't escalated, but anything is possible and this definitely ain't over yet. And I hope things don't need to escalate to torching people to get the changes we need done.

I did notice some comments about the lack of social distancing in the protests, with one saying that they were less worried about dying from Covid-19 than from the Cops. Wow, a pretty powerful statement! And not just the protesters- the Cops are bunched together too. Seems there's nothing which is all good happening anymore :cry:

You do not want to make a peaceful man angry, that often go strait to very nasty

Even here in Denmark where peaceful people go angry they normally write a letter to the local newspaper, but once in a while :eek:

A guy hailing from Africa are at trial today, and he did get nailed for killing 2 elderly ladies and empty their bank accounts, but there was one more little old ladies also died but they was not able to prove that, though a great many of them lived in the same apartment block as they guy.
In court he looked very sad and said that's not fair.

He been sentenced to life, which i as a fan of capitol punishment find a bit sad due to the high cost of housing a prisoner in Denmark.


O and BTW on yet another funny note, last night another kid was taken in speeding way too much, he was doing 156 in a 50 zone in downtown Copenhagen.
This guy was however not a 18 yo kid with a brand new license and car, but he was just 24, and he did end up walking home as he no longer have a driving license.

IMHO. kids like that speeding like that ( blatant disregard ) should not be allowed to operate any motor vehicle EVER. I really dont feel that's too much to ask of society or people for that matter.
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and this definitely ain't over yet.
Presumably it will continue until November 3rd, possibly moving on to different issues. Now that Trump has got so many people onto the streets, the protests they are unlikely to stop until he is gone. Hopefully the police will be forced by the governors/mayors/whoever is in charge to leave their arms and armour behind as long as the protests stay peaceful, and only send in armoured police if things turn violent.

He been sentenced to life, which i as a fan of capitol punishment find a bit sad due to the high cost of housing a prisoner in Denmark.
If he is not originally from Denmark, which seems quite likely given the crime, then you should copy the UK and forcibly send him home.
we are too spineless to do that, evicted people ( of which we have 600 or so here ) must agree to go home, if they dont all we can do is place them somewhere, and since they get no welfare ASO, well they only have more crime to do.
Say a little about the intelligence of people in charge here, at least send them to some remote island then. :rolleyes:
The party Hard line do have a solution, and that is to make a refugee / exit camp far north in Greenland, and that would work remarkably well i am sure. ( been up there )
And other people we send home,,,,,,, with a large cash amount in their pocket, well NOTHING in the way of them returning to Denmark as soon as they have spent the money.

There is something rotten in the state of Denmark,,,,,,, and a lot of other nasty stuff.
We come up with some really barbaric stuff over the years, if someone are watching us they will probably take active measures to make sure we stay on this damn rock.
So unlike star treck where a Vulcan come by as humans go warp speed for the first time, really the Vulcan's they will probably be better off just shooting that rocket out of the skies, and move on.

On the other hand the theoretical civilizations of the kardashev scale, going type 2 and 3, well such a civilization probably also have some blood or goo on their hands as they expand to control a whole solar system and then a whole galaxy.

We humans are not even level 1 yet, just toddlers scrambeling around knocking everything over and generally make a mess of things.
Yeah, that's it @Dashmellow (y) Quite a nasty way to go so makes a darn good deterrent ;)

No, the Cops here won't give up their body armor- there are too many people who would shoot them dead if they do. Not condoning that at all, but considering George Floyd and the dozens (perhaps hundreds) of similar situations I can see why they've become targets. Once something bad is allowed to enter a picture and is not handled properly, the entire picture tends to keep going downhill to the bottom with one bad thing bringing on another. Cop killers and killer Cops- just cannot have any of that in any quantity in any society desiring peace and happiness.

We've clearly got a problem here which goes to the very core of our society, how laws happen and their intent and extent, how they are enforced, how punishments for breaking laws are inadequate to prevent recurrance, how rehabilitation hasn't been effective, and so much more. Unless you properly address every part of a probelm, it will return to some degree in one form or another. That is why I don't see an easy or quick ending to this- just too much needs to happen and it will take huge amounts of time, effort, and patience :( TBH we're really not ready to accept and embrace the right solutions because to gain anything will require that each of us lose something which few are willing to do.

The latest from my State's DHEC shows the greater municipal area I'm now at the fringe of has become one of two of the state's Covid-19 "hotspots" with cases and deaths reaching the highest numbers yet seen in this state, while the other areas are beginning to see decreases. So overall the State is improving and getting past this but not for me. Story of my life and just my usual luck :( I'd ask "What's coming next?" but I'm afraid to for the answer I'd likely get :eek:

15K Danes marched in Copenhagen today for the BLM issue.


Political marches are exempt for the rule of too many people in the same place ( now up to 50 here )
Global Vaccine Summit

Saving 8 million lives. I've set the start time to Bill Gates, who is followed by Boris's windup with his hair carefully arranged. Boris's introduction @19:50.

Surprisingly good speech from Scot Morrison, and a few others, but a bit disappointing on the contributions from most, especially China, but with the exception of Bill and Boris who lead the world.

Then there was Trump @27:36, who it seems had to be persuaded by Boris to pre-record a video, roughly translates to:
Trump said:
No I'm not going to take part in the conference,
OK, I'll record a video, but I'm not going to stand in front of the statue of Winston Churchill,
Boris Johnston is someone who has tremendous respect for me and everything I do,
No, the USA is not going to contribute any funds, (Hence his video not appearing with all the other leaders.)
I don't believe in vaccines.
Yes, you go ahead and you develop a vaccine, then let me know when you will give me the exclusive rights.
15K Danes marched in Copenhagen today for the BLM issue.

So far, there have been Black Lives Matter protests stemming from the public murder of George Floyd on May 25th at the hands white law enforcement officer Derek Chauvin in at least 50 countries and on every continent except Antarctica.
Yep, seem to have touched a lot of hearts again those pesky Americans :)

I also just wised up regarding the DK / Germany border, after WW1 it was pretty much the work of 1 man that did so we got a election for a new border ( where it is today )
But of course the official Denmark had to request this, there was actually a lot of Danes expecting the border to be placed much further south in Germany along the old Dannevirke defensive wall.
And today there is a minority of Danes in Germany numbering 50.000, and of Germans in Denmark 15.000.

This year is the 100 year anniversary of the reunification with southern Jutland that was taken in 1864.

It is ( maybe just by Danes ) called the worlds best border, as the people on either side voted for it, and in the current Southern Jutland ( zone 1 ) there was a massive vote to be Danish, weeks later the vote in zone 2 saw a equal large vote in favor or remaining Germans.
There is a range of mutual agreements in between us and the Germans, like the minorities in the respective country have the right to form own schools and teach in their own tongue, but most of this was put on paper as late as 1955.

Learning is cool (y)

BTW. That one guy, when he died in 1936, thousands followed him to the grave in a final display of respect
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he also went to Maine, visited a swab factory without wearing a face mask - resulting in the destruction of the entire day's manufacturing run
That is not quite true. It was bad reporting. The whole event was planned for. It was a day when no actual production was planned.

"The running of the factory machines is very limited today and will only occur when the president is touring the facility floor," Virginia Templet, the company's marketing manager told USA TODAY in response to questions about the event. "Swabs produced during that time will be discarded."

Puritan Medical Products said it will have to discard the swabs, a company spokeswoman told USA TODAY in response to questions about the visit.
It is not clear why the swabs will be scrapped, or how many. The company described its manufacturing plans for Friday as "limited"
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