COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Would you wait or try to get the shots immediately once available?

I'd like to wait but that might just happen anyway as the first few rounds per what Iv'e read will be given to front line workers, govt. staff, the elderly and so on.
By the time it is available to normal people rather than trials or front line workers, it will have been very well tested and the risk from the vaccine will be tiny compared to the risk of being killed by covid-19. It makes sense to take it as soon as it is available to you.
We have a vaccine for measles, doesn't stop hundreds of thousands of people dying through not taking it:


Whether you want to call it a tax or any other name, there will be a hefty price to pay to stop COVID-19 as well as climate change and we will all be paying it regardless of whatever dumb, politically motivated memes people like you get a kick out of posting online.
Lighten up.
Sometimes humor helps people get through tough situations.
I found this to be humorous. Apparently so did others.

Whether you want to call it a tax or any other name, there will be a hefty price to pay to stop COVID-19 as well as climate change and we will all be paying it regardless of whatever dumb, politically motivated memes people like you get a kick out of posting online.
I think that text is written by a Dane. :ROFLMAO:
I have no number for the times i have had to stop people and tell them that NO there are no free schools and healthcare ASO in Denmark, you pay 50 % of what you earn in taxes to some people that then spend it as they please.
And then continue to argue that the price to run the Danish schools and hospitals are probably higher than anywhere, and the quality of both are lower too.

But i might as well be driving in my car and talking to myself, and even then i have a smarter audience.
I was wondering how Borris held a Round Table discussion with Bill Gates etc., but now I've seen the picture of the table, it is indeed round!

How come Bill is working with Boris and not Biden?

Mr Gates, who is co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said the world needed a “comprehensive strategy” to avoid future pandemics. He said: “Every head of state is thinking about two questions right now – how can we end the current pandemic? And how can we prevent the next one?
“To answer those questions, the world needs a comprehensive strategy; a coherent approach to financing and manufacturing billions of doses of vaccines, tests and drugs; and a network to monitor for new threats.
“We’re fortunate that Prime Minister Johnson has come up with a smart plan to do just that in the UK, and our foundation will continue to work with his government and others to make it a reality.”

Apparently, Biden and his people are working with a broad range of people and entities behind the scenes including Moderna and Pfizer.
Sounds like secret GiE (government in exile), banished from their rightful home in the White House!
Hope it doesn't last as long as the Polish government spent in London - 50 years.
Well i would like to meet with Bill Gates too, but to have him tell me how the hell i make my windows 10 work :ROFLMAO:
Reading today where the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require substantial cold for storage. NPR Article HERE

Pfizer requires storing in a special container using trays to hold the doses at -70C :eek: Dry ice is used, and requires topping off every 5 days, total time before last opening for use is 15 days. It can only be opened twice a day for 1 minute each time round. Removed doses last 5 more days under normal refrigeration.

Moderna needs to be cooled to -20C o_O using already-developed common containers cooled with dry ice, can be stored six months, removed doses can be refirgerated for 30 days, and thawed to room temperature is good for 12 hours more.

All this is really going to screw with distribution and use :( but they say there is no other way to do it using the mRNA type vaccines. Moderna says to expect 90% effectiveness and Pfizer says 95%, both will be used here in the US and which is available to each person will likely be decided based on location due to the distribution issues.

Pfizer requires storing in a special container using trays to hold the doses at -70C :eek: Dry ice is used, and requires topping off every 5 days, total time before last opening for use is 15 days. It can only be opened twice a day for 1 minute each time round. Removed doses last 5 more days under normal refrigeration.

It may be the first time in history where a side effect of getting vaccinated is frostbite.
Moderna says to expect 90% effectiveness and Pfizer says 95%
It's the other way around I think (not that it makes a lot of difference). The Pfizer environmental requirements will be causing distribution issues for sure, particularly in rural areas.
Reading today where the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require substantial cold for storage. NPR Article HERE

Pfizer requires storing in a special container using trays to hold the doses at -70C :eek: Dry ice is used, and requires topping off every 5 days, total time before last opening for use is 15 days. It can only be opened twice a day for 1 minute each time round. Removed doses last 5 more days under normal refrigeration.

Moderna needs to be cooled to -20C o_O using already-developed common containers cooled with dry ice, can be stored six months, removed doses can be refirgerated for 30 days, and thawed to room temperature is good for 12 hours more.

All this is really going to screw with distribution and use :( but they say there is no other way to do it using the mRNA type vaccines. Moderna says to expect 90% effectiveness and Pfizer says 95%, both will be used here in the US and which is available to each person will likely be decided based on location due to the distribution issues.


This has been known for quite some time. It was also discussed on the PBS evening news last night. While there are challenges, apparently there is a fair amount of leeway and lead time to final vaccine administration. It goes from super cold storage to cold storage to being able to be in a doctor's office freezer for a certain period and even at moderate temps for another 12 hours. I forget the exact specs but this was anticipated and worked out in advance and it is not the first vaccine with these requirements. Probably more of a challenge in the third world.

In the meantime, shipping companies like UPS and FedEx have been preparing for this for months now, setting up "freezer farms" in strategic locations around the country and around the world in anticipation of a COVID-19 vaccine.

August 3, 2020:

UPS Readies Freezer Farms to Ship Virus Vaccine — If We Get One

September 18, 2020

How to Ship a Vaccine at –80°C, and Other Obstacles in the Covid Fight

Developing an effective vaccine is the first step. Then comes the question of how to deliver hundreds of millions of doses that may need to be kept at arctic temperatures.

The Danish vaccines both just need negative 1 digit deg C temperatures, and are still working for days after opened and stored regularly in a cold place.

So you take a Styrofoam box, toss in the vaccines and a little dry ice and off you go.

But if it is cryo and in a hurry, We have been doing that too for ages, just with other substances ;)

The problem with avoiding infections during the spring and summer is that now we are entering the cold and flu season when coronaviruses spread fast, the countries that avoided infection have no immunity to slow the spread and the hospitals are going to rapidly be in trouble. Those countries that allowed some herd immunity to build up during the slow virus spread months now have much slower spread and half empty hospitals.

State Officials Call to Vermonters: ACT NOW to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 Governor Phil Scott called on Vermonters to prioritize “needs” over “wants” during the surge in COVID-19 cases the state is experiencing.
Over the last few weeks, there’s been a surge of COVID-19 cases in Minnesota, with daily case records broken every few days. In just the last week, four days have seen daily new case numbers over 7,000. So dramatic has the increase in cases been that health officials are now urging Minnesotans to limit Thanksgiving celebrations to their own households.
Seems unlikely a vaccine is going to do its job in time, even if it was given today.

And those places that have completely isolated themselves are building up a large stock of people who would normally have died by now but who will actually die shortly after the borders are reopened and any cold or flu viruses arrive to infect those with failing immune systems. If these latest figures for Hawaii are complete counts, then that is half the normal death rate, it has to be corrected at some point, and no vaccine is going to prevent the correction!


And in Sweden where they let it spread, only Stockholm saw unusually high deaths, and that was because it has been seeing unusually low deaths for years:


Yet the media has been praising Vermont and vilifying Sweden :unsure:
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