COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Yeah maybe, i will not say it is a matter of size as much, a larger country should have more means and so the ability to test much more if they wanted to.
Politics probably have a say too, so the way healthcare are set up and funded.
Though not in any way superior here, 138.000 Danes dont even have a doctor, and many that have one dont like him/her but can not change to another doctor, and changing doctor are not free here it cost you 500 DKkr.
There is no doubt the once top of the world Danish healthcare system are being decommissioned too CUZ there dont seem to be any wish to maintain those standards.
We need Doctors - engineers and other educated people, but the people that come here are sheep herders at best, and most often it take at least 1 generation before any of them get any kind of education.
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Dry tinder? Apparently this fellow, writing for a libertarian right wing think tank subscribes to the same abhorrent Machiavellian thinking that you do. Lives, no matter who's or how many of them are expendable, so therefore rationalizing away their deaths for political purposes is "the" thing to do. (n)
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I am keeping a lid on my most inner thinking's in regard to this thing and the world in general, but i am a dystopian mix of creationism and fatalism.
So with just about any challenge i drop the 80% bomb, meaning that if 80% of us died all problems for the survivors would be solved.
Most just can not accept that, and completely choose to disregard i say "of us" as if i was the kind of person that just want other people to die so i could be fine, but i am totally okay with dying which of course are easy to say at my age and health.
Okay if a large chunk of Danes died from corona, that would probably reset our country in all ways, and be a stellar chance for the most bad people here to steer away from a positive new start.
Dry tinder? Apparently this fellow, writing for a libertarian right wing think tank subscribes to the same abhorrent Machiavellian thinking that you do. Lives, no matter whose or how many of them are expendable, so therefore rationalizing away their deaths for political purposes is "the" thing to do. (n)
You could consider the science rather than dismissing everything except the newspaper headlines!
You will become like Trump if you are not careful!
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Turns out there is even more to this awful story. The "American Institute for Economic Research" where this writer's reprehensible opinions equating Sweden's high COVID death count to "dry tinder" is the very same organization behind the controversial Great Barrington Declaration which promotes a flawed and reckless "risk based approach" to managing the COVID crisis. Basically it rationalizes favoring economic interests over human lives, especially people of color and others considered "disposable".

Can anyone not be surprised that Nigel is promoting this stuff?

The Great Barrington Declaration: When Arrogance Leads to Recklessness

Herd immunity letter signed by fake experts including 'Dr Johnny Bananas'

"An open letter that made headlines calling for a herd immunity approach to Covid-19 lists a number of apparently fake names among its expert signatories, including “Dr Johnny Bananas” and “Professor Cominic Dummings”.
The Great Barrington declaration, which was said to have been signed by more than 15,000 scientists and medical practitioners around the world, was found by Sky News to contain numerous false names, as well as those of several homeopaths."

"Dr Michael Head, a senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton, said the declaration was “a very bad idea” and doubted that vulnerable people would be able to avoid the virus if it was allowed to become widespread.
Ultimately, the Barrington Declaration is based on principles that are dangerous to national and global public health,” said Head."
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You could consider the science rather than dismissing everything except the newspaper headlines!
You will become like Trump if you are not careful!
Out of date analysis. You seem to want so very badly to ignore that Sweden's chief epidemiologist has publicly admitted that his herd immunity approach was a catastrophic mistake!
Out of date analysis. You seem to want so very badly to ignore that Sweden's chief epidemiologist has publicly admitted that his herd immunity approach was a catastrophic mistake!

"No, we will keep on this path," chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said.

"This is how we work in Sweden. We have [a] big understanding for this and a huge adherence to the rules."

Anders Tegnell may be publicly "defiant" to save face but that hasn't stopped Sweden from introducing harsher measures and new guidelines in the face of a worsening crisis which include a 70% jump in daily reported cases. The proof is in the actions not the rhetoric, Nigel.

And he did indeed as Sweden's chief epidemiologist admit that the country is now experiencing a second wave of coronavirus despite predicting that the country's no-lockdown policy would prevent another surge.
Yeah i really think the Swedes put all their money on the wrong horse on this one.
Yeah i really think the Swedes put all their money on the wrong horse on this one.
Well this is the time of year when all the coronaviruses come around every year or every other year depending on which ones, so we should expect the new one to arrive around this time of year every year or two in future.

Up to the end of October, the excess mortality graph for Sweden shows them doing rather well since the summer, better than Denmark and much better than USA, and even if covid deaths do increase a little, they will still be doing well, so I'm not convinced that placing bets on their horse to lose is wise at the moment...:


A couple of the other coronaviruses arriving annually/biannually:
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Yeah i really think the Swedes put all their money on the wrong horse on this one.
One of the lessons I learned in a previous part of my life is to not ever gamble with anything you can't afford to lose ;)

You can't fix stupid.

Data suggests a sharp uptick in coronavirus infections around the time news of the lockdown was leaked to the media. Roland Manthorpe suggests this might have been because the public rushed out to enjoy their freedom after hearing that the Government was to impose a new lockdown. Britain announced 33,470 new infections on Thursday according to the latest daily figures.
Hospitals here was given a little extra money, to the people that have worked extra hard during corona, but what happened was people in middle management got a week extra holiday, and nurses ASO got 4 bars of chocolate.
News like that, well nothing happen, unless for a person like me CUZ that could very well totally screw up my sleeping pattern.

BTW share price on major shares here are up 27% and housing prices are up 5.5%
Moderna has reported that its COVID-19 vaccine is showing greater than 94% efficacy in a preliminary analysis, thus beating Pfizer's report of 90% efficacy for its COVID vaccine. Both are a new class of vaccine using mRNA technology.

“It’s extremely good news. If you look at the data, the numbers speak for themselves,” said Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was one of three people briefed on the data by an independent committee Sunday morning. “I describe myself as a realist, but I’m fundamentally a cautious optimist. I felt we’d likely get something less than this. … I said certainly a 90-plus-percent effective vaccine is possible, but I wasn’t counting on it.”

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine found to be nearly 95 percent effective in a preliminary analysis

Meanwhile, Andrew Pollard, M.D., Ph.D., chief investigator of the University of Oxford's global COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials recently stated to a U.K. parliamentary committee:

"It is “very difficult” to say whether AZD1222 will come to market in the U.K. by Christmas. The Oxford professor sees a “small chance” of that happening. The timing will depend, in part, on the efficacy of the vaccine. As Pollard explained, efficacy affects the number of COVID-19 cases a study needs to show whether a vaccine works. If the vaccine is only 50% effective, more participants in the trial will need to develop COVID-19 to show it works. Pollard hopes AZD1222 and other vaccines will be more than 50% effective."
Would you wait or try to get the shots immediately once available?

I'd like to wait but that might just happen anyway as the first few rounds per what Iv'e read will be given to front line workers, govt. staff, the elderly and so on.
I am in no hurry to get shot up with this stuff, not that i have any anti waxers inclinations, i have been shot up with just about everything, and a lot of extras that was required if you travel the world like i did for a while.
But in anything in life i think a healthy skepticism are only prudent, if you dont have that you can end up in a bad place, and this can be quickly or slowly.

I am wayyyyyy more skeptical about things in my own country than most people here, to me it seem like Danes are just mellow rubber spine go with the flow numb nuts.

A #2 Danish vaccine this one of the cVLP type are also going into human trials in January, its inventors say it have been extremely promising in mice and monkeys generating high levels of antibodies.
It is made by The university in Copenhagen and other universities and few private companies, and they thing it might be one of the best vaccines around.

Unlike some vaccines that seem to have a hair trigger, this one too have pretty normal transport and storage demands, and a okay shelf life after you uncapped it so to say, and very potent even after 1 shot.
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TAX can fix anything,,,,,, in Denmark,,,,,,, or so many Danes think. :rolleyes:

These people are highly delusional and urgent need a shot of real world.
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