COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Who is the stand in for Boris if he need to go on a ventilator ?
We don't really have a stand in since the country is run by the government at the appointment of the Queen, not run by the Prime Minister, so anyone in the current cabinet can take over as chairman. The other roles of the Prime Minister will have been distributed to the most appropriate people. If Boris was to not survive then the Conservative Party who won the last general election and thus forms the government would need to elect a new leader in the same way they replaced Mrs May by Boris, and then the Queen would make the winner the new Prime Minister, no need for the public to vote, we don't have a president.

So for now Dominic Raab (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) has taken over as chairman of the government, but he is not prime minister and is unlikely to become prime minister.

Hopefully Boris will get well again soon, apparently he doesn't have pneumonia or anything currently needing a ventilator, a bit worrying that he has had a high temperature for so long though.
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Hospitals are full of sick people meaning nurses doctors etc..

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A lot to be learned here, maybe for a while tax payer money should be spent different than the current norm.
Personally i would put everything none essential / related on the back burner, so sorry NASA - sorry Armed forces ASO now new toys for you at this time.
I know a lot of things generate jobs, but to me it look as it it is better to generate new jobs in other trades at the moment.

Lot of Danish health workers sick too, or if not afraid to go to work.
Just prove even if "they" have agendas / plans for just about everything, this is not one of then, even if the issue have been warned about for a long long time.
We should ask "them" why not, and hold "them" accountable.

Personally i would rather vote for a well intentioned dyslectic farmer from mudville, than any of the established people or parties, cuz IMO it cant really be much worse than the established people.
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Coronavirus: More ‘striking’ evidence BCG vaccine might protect against Covid-19

"More “striking” evidence has emerged that the BCG vaccine given to counter TB may provide protection against Covid-19 and significantly reduce death rates in countries with high levels of vaccination.
A study of 178 countries by an Irish medical consultant working with epidemiologists at the University of Texas in Houston shows countries with vaccination programmes – including Ireland – have far fewer coronavirus cases by a factor 10, compared to where BCG programmes are no longer deployed. This translates into a death rate up to 20-times less, according to urologist Paul Hegarty of the Mater Hospital, Dublin."
I swear just now returning home from visiting my dear old mother i saw a woman jogger wearing what to me looked like a stab proof vest.
it could also be a weight west but she don't look as if she need to carry additional weight around.
PS: Some guy was also stabbed to death yesterday.

I swear just now returning home from visiting my dear old mother i saw a woman jogger wearing what to me looked like a stab proof vest.
it could also be a weight west but she don't look as if she need to carry additional weight around.
PS: Some guy was also stabbed to death yesterday.

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I think it may be a baby carrier without a baby in it. Several companies even make military style "tactical" baby carriers.


Yes it was camo / or something along those lines.

It is legal to wear a stab / bullet proof vest, but you have to inform the police you are getting one as it is pretty normal within the gang world here.
Ill have a look at my side camera footage later on to see if it give a better perspective as i pass by.
Coronavirus: More ‘striking’ evidence BCG vaccine might protect against Covid-19

"More “striking” evidence has emerged that the BCG vaccine given to counter TB may provide protection against Covid-19 and significantly reduce death rates in countries with high levels of vaccination.
A study of 178 countries by an Irish medical consultant working with epidemiologists at the University of Texas in Houston shows countries with vaccination programmes – including Ireland – have far fewer coronavirus cases by a factor 10, compared to where BCG programmes are no longer deployed. This translates into a death rate up to 20-times less, according to urologist Paul Hegarty of the Mater Hospital, Dublin."
I'm not seeing the connection in the data!
Even in little old wonderful picture perfect Denmark, hospital staff have been reusing equipment like face visors, and sure they i assume are also something you can clean just fine.
I have not heard of people here being forced to use single face mask all day, but there is no doubt we don't have too many of those, even at this place in time.

In the entire Danish hospital / healthcare system before corona they would use very few face masks - glovess - visors ASO every day, this have gone up with a factor of several 1000, so just prove how bad it is and how ill prepared we Danes was too.
And it the really bad hit countries it must be a mind blowing challenge.
And IMO it is a challenge that should not be there, cuz with just a little foresight and funding hospitals should have vast stores of face visors and masks, both things that have a long if not eternal shelf life.
And when Danes are forced to convert drinkable alcohol to hand sanitizer, and not a single moan about that is hear it is freaky, cuz in normal day scenario if a store run out of beer it would be like the end of the world for many Danes.
During normal times and say a general strike scenario, Danes would hoard 2 things, yeast to make bread, and beer, that TP issue that's something completely new here, and probably a internet thing too.
I do hope this will teach politicians to focus their savings efforts somewhere else, the Danish healthcare system have been under the knife since the late 80ties, but i must say allso not totally unwarranted as public hospitals like any public branch was just bleeding tax money, cuz why save we get more money next year.
I'm not seeing the connection in the data!

I don't think anybody particularly cares about the opinions or analysis of an armchair "infectious disease expert" like you, spouting analysis and opinion that professionals would laugh at, and most likely even find dangerous. Instead, I'll trust the Irish medical researcher working with actual epidemiologists at the University of Texas who not only have access to the actual data they are analyzing but know what they are doing. And at that they are merely talking about "evidence" in the article that the BCG vaccinations "might" have a positive effect rather than claiming any solid conclusions. It is an interesting preliminary study and that is why I posted the article.

Unfortunately, during a crisis like this the internet is literally flooded with self appointed "experts" like you using maps and charts they find on the web which are questionable or dated at best, or even flat out incorrect or incomplete. An actual researcher or statistician would ignore such material.
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In the entire Danish hospital / healthcare system before corona they would use very few face masks - glovess - visors ASO every day, this have gone up with a factor of several 1000, so just prove how bad it is and how ill prepared we Danes was too.
And it the really bad hit countries it must be a mind blowing challenge.
And IMO it is a challenge that should not be there, cuz with just a little foresight and funding hospitals should have vast stores of face visors and masks, both things that have a long if not eternal shelf life.
Don't worry, the EU is helping, from the BBC:

In late February, the European Union launched a plan to buy equipment to tackle the coronavirus outbreak on behalf of its members.
It was aimed at reducing costs when negotiating with manufacturers.
The first scheme involved buying masks and then, in March, three more schemes were added to purchase ventilators, testing kits and personal protective equipment.

But, to date, nothing has been bought and delivered.
European Commission spokesman Stefan De Keersmaecker says that while some of the suppliers that the EU selected have signed contracts, other have not.

The UK press has been complaining for ages that the UK government failed to join this EU scheme!
One local 'genius' here took his at-home time to a new level and began making face shields from 2L plastic soft-drink bottles and donating them to the hospitals.The local bottles gave him a supply of new bottles for this as their sales had slowed and they had extra on hand. Those are in very short supply, and masks still short too byt nobody is out of anything yet. The death rate here is about equaling the new case rate which seems to indicate we're entering the worst part of the 'curve'. Got everything I went for today except TP and paper towels, but I was told Walmart had those yesterday. I won't go there as I'm avoiding all places where there's any kind of crowds, my shopping trip was one out-of-the-way Dollar store, a hardware store, and a tobacco shop. Finally I wasn't alone wearing a mask- about half the people I saw outside had some form of mask on.

I'm beginning to wonder why we're still short on TP and such; the hoarders have all they need (and more) and stores have strict limits per person so you'd think there should be more available but there isn't. No hand sanitizers or wipes as those get used up quickly and probably won't be seen again till this is long over. But otherwise you can now get anything you need, and usually in whatever brand you prefer. It seems folks are calmer now that we know what the near-future is going to be. That might change as the ones who've lost their jobs run out of money though, as 'stimulus checks' and unenployment compensation looks to be seriously delayed here. Long way from being over and pity the poor slobs who weren't getting ready for it when they should have been.

Finally I wasn't alone wearing a mask- about half the people I saw outside had some form of mask on.

I'm beginning to wonder why we're still short on TP and such; the hoarders have all they need (and more) and stores have strict limits per person so you'd think there should be more available but there isn't. No hand sanitizers or wipes as those get used up quickly and probably won't be seen again till this is long over

Most likely the tp and sanitizer product warehouses are empty. I ordered some tp from walmart (because I am almost out). It was supposed to arrive on the 3rd but has not even been shipped yet. I have seen multiple times walmart and amazon have offered tp for home delivery. After adding tp to the cart and going to checkout the tp quickly vanishes.

The first round of panic tp buying in the stores included people who bought every package they could find and carry. I am sure some people bought so much tp they barely have room to sit in their bathroom. Now, everone who could not find tp before will buy a package and then a few more packages when it becomes available for future needs just in case it remains out of stock. Most likely there was a sellout of 4 months supply of tp in 3 weeks. It takes time to replenish the stocks. No manufacturer will spend multi-millions on new paper machines to meet a temporary surge in buying.

Wearing a mask (if you have one) makes sense although open carrying in a store at the same time might raise some eyebrows.
It would be spectacular and ironic if his house was to catch fire.
Along with all the other open air festivals here the Tinderbox festival are also cancelled.
5400 rolls of TP is a lot of tinder.
If things pan out the very small kids and older kids due for exams go back to school after Easter, many paranoid parents are not happy about that, i assume they think its okay to shut Denmark down for years.

We have a big open air farmers market here that have been running every year since 1750 or something, not this year for the first time ever.
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