COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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But hey Matt, recently you complained that @jokiin and I had both posted the same link you had already posted two days earlier and yet this is now at least the second time you've posted to the same stories I and other members recently have.

Personally, I don't think when well meaning members post interesting links to the same sources or information it is much of a big deal, but if you wouldn't mind, please don't complain about this when you yourself indulge in the very same activity , OK? Thanks. :)

i am soooo sorry...........:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
And yes,I should have known better, "let him that is without posting the same link cast the first complain".

I have to admit lately I am not following much this thread and coronavirus numbers & news, more or less everybody now knows (despite still few) what are the dangers and the concerns.
And to add another excuse, yesterday I painfully formatted and reinstalled my full disk, it should have been a breeze (it's a Mac after all) and was a nightmare.

But at least someone is keeping count of my redundant posting... ;)
Well, Sweden's death rate just spiked to 79 per million compared to the US at 49 per million. The UK is at 105 per million but that tally is still from yesterday so we'll need to wait several hours for today's numbers. Italy is at 302 per million. The number of fatalities per million is really the only solid metric that can me used to compare the impact of the disease on different nation's populations which is why that comparison is the only chart in the article. Time will tell, but there is a reason for skepticism about the approach Sweden is taking.
Sweden is coming up to the peak, USA is a long way away, but will catch up rapidly and soon overtake.
Sweden is roughly the same as the UK when corrected for position.
Italy is well on the way back down, so of course it currently has far more deaths per million.
But New York has a higher deaths per million than Italy even though it is still on the way up, and a number of USA states are heading for a similar situation.

You can't compare deaths per million when countries are at a different stage without first correcting for their position.
Sweden is coming up to the peak, USA is a long way away, but will catch up rapidly and soon overtake.
Sweden is roughly the same as the UK when corrected for position.
Italy is well on the way back down, so of course it currently has far more deaths per million.
But New York has a higher deaths per million than Italy even though it is still on the way up, and a number of USA states are heading for a similar situation.

You can't compare deaths per million when countries are at a different stage without first correcting for their position.

This is merely rationalization and speculation on your part, especially as when it comes to the whole "herd immunity" aspect which you ignore here.

Of course, while indulging in schadenfreude would be entirely inappropriate at a time like this, the sheer irony of Boris Johnson's advocacy of taking a “herd immunity” approach to UK's COVID-19 crisis is impossible to ignore now that he is fighting for his life in the ICU. The same will be true when the virus comes for you Nigel although schadenfreude might at that point be the most appropriate response for someone quite as ghoulish as you.
Of course, while indulging in schadenfreude would be entirely inappropriate at a time like this, the sheer irony of Boris Johnson's advocacy of taking a “herd immunity” approach to UK's COVID-19 crisis is impossible to ignore now that he is fighting for his life in the ICU.
That is not a nice thing to say,

Anyway, he is not in ICU, "A spokesman added: "He is in extremely good spirits." " :)
That is not a nice thing to say,

Anyway, he is not in ICU, "A spokesman added: "He is in extremely good spirits." " :)

OK, apparently he's recently just been moved out of the ICU. So, I guess that means we can now ignore the fact that he landed in there in the first place. He is very lucky to be alive. Hope he stays that way.

It's amusing you feel that my pointing out the irony of Johnson's near death experience as a result of his own policies is not nice. Sadly, it's the plain truth of the matter.

Hehe no fancy moves buddy.
Masks have been made compulsory if stepping out. Neighbourhoods with hotspots are being sealed off, no movement allowed. Lockdown is being extended by another 2 weeks.

If it wasn't for religion, we and the rest of the world would have a lot less cases.

If it wasn't for religion, we and the rest of the world would have a lot less cases.
Well, if it wasn't for religion we would have had a lot less hospitals too.

I should ad "If it wasn't for FOOTBALL religion", we would have had a lot less cases too...
Well, if it wasn't for religion a LOT of people down through history would not have been murdered in its name. :(

They would have been murdered anyway in the name of something else.
Politics here in Denmark was sort of invented to stop people getting killed, cuz back in the day if a Dane got himself a nice new axe, who else better to try it out on that that idiot next door.
That in turn also often led to Danes travel so much as those people was ostracized / outlawed so they had to go elsewhere or die.
But there are other places where they latched on to politics, when we Danes still lived in mud huts.

You can still find those parliaments here and there in the country, its just a circle of stones so the biggest bosses could sit down.
The typical was fines only more severe actions was outlawed or at the other end someone lost his head.
You can still find those parliaments here and there in the country, its just a circle of stones so the biggest bosses could sit down.
Do you still use them?

Still in use over here, but with a roof these days:

The High Court of Tynwald is the parliament of the Isle of Man and has an unlimited, but not necessarily exclusive, legislative competence. Tynwald is of Norse origin and over 1,000 years old, and is thus the oldest parliament in the world with an unbroken existence.
The principal part of the ceremony — proclaiming the laws — takes place on Tynwald Hill, the name of which indicates its ancient use. Tyn " is derived from the Icelandic word "Thingvellir," which means the place where a "Thing " — that is, a public assembly — is held. "Thing," denoting an assembly, was in common use in Anglo-Saxon times, and is still preserved in the Storthing, in the kingdom of Norway. In Early English history, too, it appears in such forms as "Althing," " Tything," " Thingstead," etc. "Tynwald," therefore, may be taken to mean the place of meeting of a public governing body.
At one time proclaiming the laws was common among Norse nations, and long survived in Iceland — the Tynwald Hill or Thingvellir of which country, it may be noted, is also called the "Loberg," meaning Law Rock — though it has been discontinued. But only in the Isle of Man is the custom now carried out.

No sadly Danes prefer to give all the power to "big brother", and then feed of the scraps from his table :cautious:
No sadly Danes prefer to give all the power to "big brother", and then feed of the scraps from his table :cautious:
I do like the idea that the government can't introduce new laws without doing it in front of the public and thus everyone knowing about them:
New laws cannot be introduced on the island until they have been "proclaimed" in both English and Manx on Tynwald Day.
Clerk of Tynwald Roger Phillips said it is a system which retains its legal impact.
"The idea was that if you were not present at the Tynwald meeting and you subsequently broke the law you had no defence.
"Even today, if a law is not proclaimed on the hill during the Tynwald ceremony it will lapse - that is a rather pleasing connection to our Viking ancestors.
"Everyone was expected to talk about how to end disputes - this was a very important part of keeping the peace and the beginnings of a very early form of democracy."
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