COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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1: Clearly a politician came up with this.
2: A mask is good to have in case you decide to rob something.
3: The open ones usually have a uncle that's in politics.
4: That is the norm in Denmark, even a decade before the virus, and funny thing is people comply with this now, birth marks changing color and size,,,,, that can wait Danes think.
5: Pandemic, not Pandemonium.
6: See #2
7: Going out is only bad if it is to strut your stuff.
8: It seem like only rabbit food are running out, man food are plentiful.
9: Dont have kids, let your politicians import some instead, this will also enrich your culture.
10: Pony girls are safe, so is any form of cosplaying.
Here in SC USA it's illegal for an adult to wear a mask in public, yet our government recommends that we wear masks in public :rolleyes: This is called 'normal' whenever lawyers or politicians are involved :cautious:

The one sure thing about this disease is that nobody is sure of anything except that it's a nasty and potentially deadly thing you do not want to catch.

16 coworkers of a pizza delivery guy and 72 households he recently delivered to have been put under quarantine after he tested positive.

Now I'm scared to order stuff, even though I've been sanitising the exterior and heating the contents in a pan or oven.
Here in SC USA it's illegal for an adult to wear a mask in public, yet our government recommends that we wear masks in public :rolleyes: This is called 'normal' whenever lawyers or politicians are involved :cautious:

The one sure thing about this disease is that nobody is sure of anything except that it's a nasty and potentially deadly thing you do not want to catch.

My wife was in ICU on a ventilator for three days as a result of this virus. My experience was mild in comparison; I have had colds that was worse than this. This is a very serious virus and can affect normally healthy people in different ways, so everyone needs to pay attention and respect their neighbors. I agree we do not need lawyers or politicians involved in decision making concerning our lives. It is what it is though; be safe. :)
We Danes have a masking ban, and also a ban against the outfits Muslim women wear, but only the ski mask wearing SOB will be in danger of getting arrested.
And also even police ( undercover ) will be wearing masks, and reporting those to the law don't help, it just come back as a case of " the police-officer in question was cold that day" but funny enough he was the only cop of 5-6 of them there that was cold, and it was also a nice spring day.

I am personally severely embarrassed my country have so many laws that are not enforced, or for that matter equal to all who live here, in my eyes that is a sure sign of a failing society,,,,,,, but i am of course out of my mind thinking such things.
Maybe thats why youtube are now often censoring my posts in some channels, even posts that are no way near offending the vague rules of youtube.
O hell yeah :-) AUSSIE !!!!!!!
At least you can keep the toilet paper and still be using it in 10 years time, but the year's supply of flour sold in 9 days is not going to keep for anywhere near the 12 months, so most of it will go to waste.
Seem like the damn stuff can rebound too.

Yesterday a doctor died of it here, and today a nurse, both from the same hospital in Copenhagen.
The DOC was aged at 60 so not extraordinary sad, but the nurse bloke was only 39, which is young, or at least a age i would kill for to be that age again.
At least you can keep the toilet paper and still be using it in 10 years time, but the year's supply of flour sold in 9 days is not going to keep for anywhere near the 12 months, so most of it will go to waste.
Flour can be stored under proper conditions for many years and still be good. However, buying a pallet of flour for a family that never cooks is a waste of resources. The problem is some people bought more flour than they could ever use. Anyone who bought 100 pounds of flour probably bought a reasonable amount for their expected use over a period of several months. Buying a ton or more of flour just to store it might not be so reasonable.

Toilet paper can last for decades. Several years ago I saw a package of tp that was at least 30 years old and probably even older that said it was white on the wrapper yet the tp had turned light brown with age.
Flour can be stored under proper conditions for many years and still be good.
That is not the normal advice, especially for bread flour, but if you keep it dry and don't mind eating the flour weevils after they have hatched out then yes it is edible!
Good news in the UK as we pass over the peak, the hospitals have less patients than normal, the field hospitals have not really been needed and half the patients are on basic oxygen support instead of the ventilators that were expected to be needed.

the number of people in hospital is falling – down 3% in the past 24 hours. The total number is below 20,000, which means there are still 10,000 beds available before the Nightingale field hospitals are taken into account.

UK NHS hospitals have four times more empty beds than normal
Official figures state 40.9 per cent of acute beds unoccupied — about four times the normal number.
On top of this, thousands of covid-19 patients are receiving basic oxygen support but are not on full critical care ventilation. The dashboard data show this number to be more than 8,100 nationally, or about half of the coronavirus cases currently in hospital.
Good news in the UK as we pass over the peak, the hospitals have less patients than normal, the field hospitals have not really been needed and half the patients are on basic oxygen support instead of the ventilators that were expected to be needed.

More happy talk from Nigel! Why is it that the skyrocketing number of deaths in the UK is never a factor of concern for you?

The UK currently has twice the number of deaths per million as the US and apparently many of these fatalities are occurring outside of hospitals; perhaps this explains the allegedly lower hospital admissions?

Warning as UK coronavirus outbreak leads to sharp rise in deaths at home

Social care 'an afterthought' in UK coronavirus response, says leaked letter

(04/16/20 AT 1:14 PM):
UK Extends Coronavirus Lockdown For 'At Least' Another Three Weeks (Passed over the peak?, apparently not yet.)

(April 14, 2020)
UK coronavirus death toll could be far higher than previously shown

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A hospital here had 3 wards ready, only one have ever been in use.
I am seeing the end of this when i see it, and its nowhere near yet, and our flat trajectory in power point presentations, well that can easy turn into a preview of a really nasty tour de France stage.
On a positive note i personally have not heard about anyone i know that have tested positive for the stuff, but then again i cant say i have heard about a single person i know having been tested.
There are 0 news here of overburdened hospital staff, just their fear / apprehension about doing their job, but then they are fortunate people are throwing around the hero moniker.

What i really respect is the New Zealand government taking a pay cut of 25% in solidarity with all the people that have lost their jobs from this,,,,,,,, that Danish politicians will not even consider, they will probably reward them self with a pay hike after this blows over for a "job well done"
Any country that can show a peak in this scourge will be welcome news, but as we've been learning from what is happening in New York City and elsewhere any "peak" at this point is more likely to be an extended plateau. And such a plateau will need to be monitored very carefully with all social distancing measures still in place before any sort of victory can be celebrated.
That is not the normal advice, especially for bread flour, but if you keep it dry and don't mind eating the flour weevils after they have hatched out then yes it is edible!
I have never seen weevils in white flour. I have had some flour that was at least 4 years old.
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