COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Just put the flour next to your mini reactor under the kitchen sink, that should keep it good for a while :)
I found some dish washing soap a while ago in a moving box in my apartment, had not been used in 6-7-8 years, so the normally yellow soap was now a strange hazy kind of black.
Any country that can show a peak in this scourge will be welcome news,
Austria, where Denmark's skiers picked up the virus, showed a pretty clear peak:

But most countries are trying to flatten the peak, so the time at the top is greatly extended.

The UK currently has twice the number of deaths per million as the US and apparently many of these fatalities are occurring outside of hospitals; perhaps this explains the allegedly lower hospital admissions?
Half the US deaths are in New York, the rest of the country has a very long way to go and the count will rise, in the UK, the whole country has reached the peak.

Austria, where Denmark's skiers picked up the virus, showed a pretty clear peak:
View attachment 51278

But most countries are trying to flatten the peak, so the time at the top is greatly extended.

Half the US deaths are in New York, the rest of the country has a very long way to go and the count will rise, in the UK, the whole country has reached the peak.

True to form, once again, you've ignored every piece of data and article in my post. :rolleyes:

It's true though, things in NYC are not good. Part of the reason for this is the population of 8.4 milion in a small geographic area which inititailly led to such a high infection rate . The entire island of Manhattan is only 22.83 square miles, for instance.
You can't really make such generalizations about other areas of the US. Different cities and towns have their own unique situations and some are faring better than others. Where I live everything is going surprisingly well and the relatively low number of cases and deaths has begun to show a definite peak. Our local hospital had several corona virus cases and one fatality recently. Currently they have zero coronavirus patients admitted. Only a few miles over the border in Massachusetts the situation is quite dire by comparison in many locations and the curve has not peaked at all.

It's quite remarkable at this point, Nigel how you still find it impossible not to continue making comparisons between the UK and other nations and feel compelled to ALWAYS put a positive spin on the UK, despite evidence to the contrary. You come off sounding like a politician or government official afraid of getting kicked out of office. The apparent truth of the matter is that the numbers being reported by your government, especially the death count don't reflect the ACTUAL numbers.

BTW, what do Demark's numbers have to do with UK's? You seem to always bring in unrelated facts and figures as a way of dodging the subject at hand.
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we all ride our own wave, if they ( the people in charge ) are wise they do all they can to learn from others now, and if the don't some people will pay the ultimate price.

What freak the hell out of me is China only had so few deaths,,,,,,, i simply can not believe that, its like they are the country that handled this best if you look at what a disaster it could have been out there with their population numbers.
I am more inclined to think they left a digit or two in their numbers.
Demark's numbers have to do with UK's

Thats cuz we are so damn charming and adorable :giggle:
we all ride our own wave, if they ( the people in charge ) are wise they do all they can to learn from others now, and if the don't some people will pay the ultimate price.

What freak the hell out of me is China only had so few deaths,,,,,,, i simply can not believe that, its like they are the country that handled this best if you look at what a disaster it could have been out there with their population numbers.
I am more inclined to think they left a digit or two in their numbers.

It's hard to tell about China's numbers. We have no way to know their accuracy at this point. One thing about China though is that they are a collectivist society living under an authoritarian government. Under such circumstances, China may be in a better position to force the population to adhere to strict measures that limit the spread of the virus than might be the case in more open, democratic societies.
It's hard to tell about China's numbers. We have no way to know their accuracy at this point. One thing about China though is that they are a collectivist society living under an authoritarian government. Under such circumstances, China may be in a better position to force the population to adhere to strict measures that limit the spread of the virus than might be the case in more open, democratic societies.
I think another advantage China has is their ability to do contact tracing, it's a heavily monitored society and they have a lot of detail on where people go, who is near them on public transport etc
What freak the hell out of me is China only had so few deaths,,,,,,, i simply can not believe that, its like they are the country that handled this best if you look at what a disaster it could have been out there with their population numbers.
New Zealand also seems to be winning the battle to stop it spreading.

Seems to be a fine line between it taking off or dying out, so far New Zealand are on the right side to wipe it out. A number of other countries held it off for a while but then lost control, the most isolated countries have done best since they have least cases to track down. But I think most countries didn't try all that hard, instead they followed the pre-planned approach for an epidemic based on influenza, and the pre-plan was for it to spread, New Zealand had the same plan, but decided to change plan fairly early and instead wipe it out while it was still possible. Not letting it spread does bring a big problem, New Zealand now has to keep its borders closed for as long as the virus is still circulating in the rest of the world, no more tourists in or out.

I think China was also trying to wipe it out by the time it had spread out of Wuhan, and since there isn't a lot of tourism in China other than in the set holidays, there were not that many cases to track down, except in the area around Wuhan, and Wuhan itself does now have the advantage of a fairly high level of immunity, so should be easy to keep virus free.

I assume that China has only reported deaths where the patient had already tested positive, hence them looking a bit low. They are not the only country to do that, but everyone else had more time to get testing up and running, when Wuhan started there was no test.
Where I live everything is going surprisingly well and the relatively low number of cases and deaths has begun to show a definite peak. Our local hospital had a several corona virus cases and one fatality. Currently they have zero coronavirus patients admitted. Only a few miles over the border in Massachusetts the situation is quite dire by comparison in many locations and the curve has not peaked at all.
If your area peaked with a low number of infections, that just means that you locked down before it spread significantly within your area, and it is now dying out. The consequence is that when you unlock, there will be almost no immunity and the virus will return for a second peak, unless you wait until a vaccine has been administered to your entire population, before unlocking.

To stop the virus returning, you either need to stay locked down, or have enough immunity, either natural or vaccine generated. Maybe your state should copy Denmark and reopen the schools to increase the immunity level?
what ever you do, make sure the hospitals can keep up, otherwise it get more nasty than it have to get.
I am sure we will slam the door again if numbers start to not match.
Hairdressers open up monday, i so need a haircut, i look like a damn hippie with my 1 inch long hair.

The location / proximity app they whipped up here, it is working fine,,,,,,,, on android phones,,,,,, fruit phones not so much.
If your area peaked with a low number of infections, that just means that you locked down before it spread significantly within your area, and it is now dying out. The consequence is that when you unlock, there will be almost no immunity and the virus will return for a second peak, unless you wait until a vaccine has been administered to your entire population, before unlocking.

To stop the virus returning, you either need to stay locked down, or have enough immunity, either natural or vaccine generated. Maybe your state should copy Denmark and reopen the schools to increase the immunity level?

It's amusing how you keep presenting yourself as an infectious disease expert yet your concepts here seem quite oversimplistic, naive and don't conform at all to the analysis and advice of actual experts.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Just because my local county has managed to keep a lid on the number of emerging coronavirus cases doesn't mean it's time to suddenly stop sequestering and social distancing. (we had a small hospitalization spike yesterday) My state happens to contain 255 municipalities which includes 237 towns, nine cities, five unincorporated towns, and four gores. Each area is experiencing the pandemic in different ways and to different intensities based on their location and population densities. On top of that my state has very active borders with New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York and Canada. So, the current situation in my nearby municipality and surrounding towns is part of a whole and any final decisions to be made concerning a lock down will be made with the entire state and region in mind. In fact, many states in the US are currently banding together in regional pacts for the purpose of orchestrating when and where lock downs will be opened up according to the situation on the ground to protect the safety of the largest number of people. We here in Vermont have been fortunate to have a Governor and team of public officials who have been handling this crisis decisively, professionally, effectively and openly and they've been doing that based on daily data input, modeling and common sense. Earlier this week our Governor announced that the general stay home lock down order will be extended for a month until May 15th. During this time testing will be dramatically ramped up at designated locations across the state and hospitals are setting up surge centers in places where they will be needed if and when the predicted larger wave of the disease arrives.

You seem to keep advocating the concept of herd immunity as some sort of switch that suddenly gets thrown until you achieve a desired threshold of infected individuals but that is not at all how it works, especially if you want to avoid huge numbers of deaths. Herd immunity is an evolutionary process, especially with a novel, previously unknown virus that is still little understood and that no one is immune to. Some members of the virology community have expressed uncertainty whether herd immunity is actually possible with COVID because of how this virus appears to be mutating. As a corona virus it could even be like a very deadly form of the common cold that no one really develops a long term immunity to as each mutating wave of the disease reinfects large portions of the population. People are susceptible to more than one coronavirus type common cold per year, for example. It is also still unclear if you can get COVID-19 only once like chickenpox and gain permanent immunity or whether people will require regular periodic vaccinations, like the flu but more research is needed. Assuming immunity is achievable the current projection is that it will take many, many months and possibly up to two years to happen. In the meantime, social distancing and some level of lock down, probably a rolling lock down will be with us for some time to come. In the interim, vaccines, antivirals, testing, contact tracing and other measures can be brought into play as we continue to balance protecting populations, minimizing death rates and slowly re-opening society and commerce.

Meanwhile, despite the rosy picture you keep trying to paint about coronavirus in the UK the situation may be far more dire.

(April 17, 2020)
UK was too slow on coronavirus and 40,000 could die, professor says: The British government was too slow to react on several fronts to the novel coronavirus outbreak that could cause the deaths of 40,000 people in the United Kingdom, a leading public health professor told lawmakers on Friday.

Professor Foster suggests only 10 or 15% of the UK population would achieve herd immunity after as many as 40,000 deaths and then there would be another five or six waves of the disease to come before 60% is achieved!

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In the end how many people will die because of lack of food from lack of farming, and lack of other supplies compared to how many would die from the virus? Even if I was one of those to die from the virus would it be worth destroying the economy so I could live longer? Was the 1918 flu handled differently? Did it make a difference? If this is basically a cold virus and colds go through a school infecting the same kids multiple times will a corona vaccination exist in time or should we instead look for treatments instead of vaccinations? Is having everyone locked down a good idea?

I do not know the answers. I only know we are facing massive economic devastation caused by policies that are trying to prevent massive devastation from a virus.
The American unemployment numbers are WTF ? for a Dane used to deal in smaller numbers.

Funny thing. Before this the Danish economy was top notch, and still we had 120.000 unemployed people, now we are pushing 180.000 without a job.
So 60000 have lost their job here in little over a month, which are peanuts compared to the 6.6 million of Americans getting in that line in just a week. :eek:
Only about 3 million Danes are working at the best of times, paying for the other 3 million, which might be retired people like myself, or parasites of some degree from here or imported from some other culture.
Before the 2008 collapse we was down to 70000 unemployed, and we peaked with 165000 in 2012.
So even at the best of times where people are screaming for people to hire we have 70000 freeloaders walking around with their hands in the pockets,,,,,,,, that's just ridiculous.

Imagine if our tax money was spent in another way that what is the norm now, working Danes would truly be a rich people then.
Even if we are the poster child often pulled to the front of the line, personally i find the system here unsustainable, or at best a joke.
I saw something this morning talking about a drug used for treating altitude sickness as a possible candidate which seemed an interesting possibility
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