COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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So it seem like there is a bonus by living on a island,,,,,, at lest one that don't see that much traffic.
Doesn't seem to matter what size your island is either, New Zealand and Australia are both heading for a wipe out.

However it didn't help Great Britain much, might be the reason that we held it off for an extra 3 weeks compared to some others, but when it is all over we want our borders open, not locked down permanently, so an early wipe out was not really an option. I don't think we actually have any travel restrictions here, if I wanted to travel to Iceland the only real problem would be finding some working transport. (I said Great Britain because some of the smaller of the British Isles, like the Channel Islands and Isle of Man are doing medium high testing and sort of winning.)
Yes the fact you are on a island in itself don't do much, America are a island too.
It is only low traffic to and from your island, and what you do on that island once you know there is a problem that can do you any good.
These 3 Danish islands only have like a few 100 people living on them all year, and double or quad double that number in the summer season, and the only connection they have to the main land are little ferries.
Fano is actually pretty close to land and the larger town Esbjerg, the other 2 are another deal ( for Danish circumstances )
I also think all 3 islands are desperately trying to get people to move there and live all year around, but it is a up hill battle, they have all faced dwindling inhabitant numbers since the 70ties or something.
With the success of the islands, it's as much their timely response as it is their relative isolation and the ability to control that. In almost every case where you see better numbers they addressed the issue earlier and more aggressively. So it's rather clear that the key to it all is timeliness, which allows you to do a more thorough response. Not tough for any nation to find and mitigate dozens of cases, maybe hundreds, but when you're trying to deal with thousands of cases all at once you will not be able to keep up with them even if you've closed off the outside source which the disease came from. That's what is gleaned from studying the 1918 flu too. Where all the major nations of today have failed is in waiting too long to do anything, and that includes China where the first Covid-19 cases were discovered. When these places also didn't respond aggressively right away it simply became too big too fast to be able to control in any meaningful way. I said these exact same things were critical very early in this thread because I'd already read extensively about the 1918 Flu and knew it could happen again. And it did.

Now the entire world is paying the price for our leaders failures. The idiot-in-charge here is now wanting to place the blame on China for their not responding rapidly and effectively enough to contain and control the disease while he has followed the exact same path of "wait and see" which brought us all here in the first place. At least China did fight aggressively once they began; something our idiot has utterly failed to do. It's a damn good thing for us that the mortality rate is so low with Covid-19, but that could easily change when the next new pandemic disease appears. Someone needs to get our "leaders" to understand that with half their population dead there is no "saving face", no "economy" left to get restarted, no businesses left to save, nothing left at all which has any happiness left in it. Only luck has saved us this time, and at some point luck always run out. So screw all the crap and get focused on the people to be ready for the next time, because like the failing of luck, there will be a next time and you can take that to the bank.

Yes blame-shifting i recon will be a big thing as ever.
And for some reason when i smell that that saying of JFK about ones country ring in my ears, so i am doing what i can for my country, by supporting new parties ( just about anyone will do ) and not voting for the old ones, which i blame for any and all misery befalling my country and the world.
Id like to visit the Marshall islands.
In my book its a hallmark location.
Id like to visit the Marshall islands.
In my book its a hallmark location.
To quote Wikipedia: "The Republic of the Marshall Islands is now a sovereign state.", not a US territory.

So which are the "4 U.S. territories have zero cases"?

Edit: Seems to be only American Samoa that is a US territory with zero cases. Not sure why the other 3 are listed, they have their own seats at the United Nations?
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It also say 1/3 of the population have left,,,,,, for the US.

The islands are probably sort of like our Greenland, though i am not sure if the US send money there every year like we send money to Greenland every year.
The islands are probably sort of like our Greenland, though i am not sure if the US send money there every year like we send money to Greenland every year.
Greenland is not a sovereign state, and does not have a seat at the united nations.
It is an autonomous territory of Denmark.
True but they rule them self and have their own elections, and a 100 % say in how the money the get from us are spent.
TBH i think if the decided to they could sell out to the Americans or the Chinese, not quite sure if we could veto that, if we couldn't i would not be surprised at all.

Anyway though the Americans paid deerly in blood for the Marshall islands, and what else have been going on there since then, from where i sit they have some obligations to the area.
The Faeroes have gone a whole week without a new case, looking like they have won, with zero deaths.

The whole concept of framing a particular country as have "won" during the coronavirus pandemic is aberrant and misguided. This is not a contest! This is not a competition! For some disturbing and unexplained reason, Nigel still feels compelled to keep couching things is these terms. Putting aside for the time being the question of the morality of such thinking is that such thinking utilizes flawed logic and ignores the obvious facts.

The true fact of the matter is that each nation facing this unprecedented crisis has their own unique circumstances to contend with in dealing with the situation. It is impossible to make valid comparisons. Certainly, the outcomes (so far) have been heavily influenced by how well or how poorly individual leaders and other government officials have handled the matter, especially in regards to testing, and the US and UK are not exactly shining examples of proactive leadership here with the results being self evident and tragic. But many other determinants are involved before one can reach any conclusions.

There is literally no reasonable or logical way to make a valid comparison between the UK or USA with a tiny territory like Faroe Islands even if you attempt to fudge the facts or use arbitrary, irrelevant numbers.

Let's examine NIgel's following claim:

the country that has done the most tests is the Faeroes, with 122,403 tests per million people in their population
Now that sounds very impressive until you stop to engage in some much needed critical thinking. Certainly, compared to the US and the UK, the Faroe Island has made some intelligent decisions with regard to testing and they made them early. I think they are to be commended for what they've achieved. While commendable though, claiming that they did 122,403 tests per million is intentionally misleading.

Only a single comparison is required to see how ridiculous such a statement is if you want to make an absurd remark like, "they have won" because it is so outrageously lacking in context.

The Faroe Islands has a population of only 52,110 people (2020 estimate) living in an area of 540 square miles. Of course, it is an isolated island territory with limited transport a single modest sized airport and no railroads. To date, Faroe Islands is on record as having tested 10% of their population for coronavirus. Again, while commendable, that's only 5200 people, an easily achievable number under such circumstances, probably under any circumstances in a westernized society, even with the limited and compromised testing capabilities we've been witnessing in various localities.

Let's take a look at New York City as a comparison. Unlike isolated Faroe Islands, NYC is the most populous city in the United States. It is one of the most important international centers of world trade and commerce and hosts many millions of foreign and domestic travelers a year. NYC has a total area of 468 square miles of which only 303 square miles is dry land! This is far less than the entirety of the Faroe Islands at 540 square miles! But New York City (all 5 boroughs) has a population of nearly 8.5 million people. Taking the borough of Manhattan alone you have a land area of only 22.83 square miles with a population of 1,628,706. And that's not all. On any given day the island of Manhattan's population doubles when another 1,628,000 commute to the city from the greater metro area and beyond for employment, tourism, education and commerce. Is it any wonder that a city with such a population density in such a small area would experience a dramatic outbreak of a highly infectious disease?

And so, to make an arbitrary claim that "The Faroe Islands has Won!" (because they were able to test several thousand members, 10%, of their tiny population) compared to a nation like the US or even a single city like New York is assigning an absurd degree of handicapping. And the whole idea of conceptualizing a worldwide pandemic as some sort of Machiavellian contest between nations is daft, immoral and downright ridiculous! Nobody wins here.
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This is precisely the type of content that dashcamman asked NOT to include on this site. Please remove it now.

Why do you have a problem with what Fox News is reporting? I mean, it is what these "journalists" have actually said on camera.

EDIT: By the way, people have actually died following the reporting and advice from FOX News and already lawsuits have been filed with more likely to come.
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Why do you have a problem with what Fox New is reporting? I mean, it is what these "journalists" have actually said on camera.

EDIT: By the way, people have actually died following the reporting and advice from FOX News and already lawsuits have been filed with more likely to come.
The tombstone is over the top. So is the attitude shown by the combination of factors presented. If i included several segements from cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc, or pbs to show they had bias in some area how would that be different? How would that not be likely to raise dissension here?
The tombstone is over the top. So is the attitude shown by the combination of factors presented. If i included several segements from cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc, or pbs to show they had bias in some area how would that be different? How would that not be likely to raise dissension here?

Fair enough, I've removed the tombstone image.

It most certianly would be different. Certainly, compared to Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, or PBS have NEVER made remarks dismissing the seriousness, deadliness or even the existence of COVID-19. NEVER! You will not find a single example.

And the idea that you are so embarrassed by the way the news and opinion personalities on Fox New have reported on the coronavirus pandemic that you would seek to censor the posting of the actual footage is quite remarkable and speaks to the negative effect such a "news" organization is having on our society. You, yourself have apparently have had no problem posting items from CBS, ABC and others.

BTW, Tevor Noah and the Daily Show is satire even when they present clips of these videos as they were actually broadcast.
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Fair enough, I've removed the tombstone image.

But the idea that you are so embarrassed by the way the news and opinion personalities on Fox New have reported on the coronavirus pandemic that you seek to censor the posting of the actual footage is quite remarkable and speaks to the negative effect such a "news" organization is having on our society.
Fox news just like CNN and MSNBC has an agenda that shapes their news reports. Many people who liked fox in the past are not happy with what fox has done in the past few years. I have asked several different news media publishers (including fox news) to consider publishing an undeniable story that casts a bad light on something many people would not want to have a bad light cast on. Without going into the details of exactly what this is about or why the story would be important I can say I have found no news reporting site willing to print or air the story based on 100% verifiable and 100% undeniable facts of 100% undeniable wrongdoing that I consider to be 100% seriously problematic. I suspect it is because the backlash from that kind of report would be to large but who knows for sure?

I am not embarrassed by how some reporters from fox reported or how they made mistakes. Mistakes will happen. People will always tend to over or under estimate the gravity of certain events. We are looking at a death rate that may be well under 1% when all factors are taken into account. It is possible that the death rate will eventually be known to be much higher. How can 397 people get tested, 146 people were tested positive when not a single one had any symptoms if the virus is as deadly as claimed?

We still do not know a lot about this virus. Those who develop the most serious symptoms from corona are likely to die. But many others get it and have no symptoms. No one knows why. I do not want to get corona and hope I never have symptoms although it could happen. No one wants to take that kind of chance.
Fox news just like CNN and MSNBC has an agenda that shapes their news reports. Many people who liked fox in the past are not happy with what fox has done in the past few years. I have asked several different news media publishers (including fox news) to consider publishing an undeniable story that casts a bad light on something many people would not want to have a bad light cast on. Without going into the details of exactly what this is about or why the story would be important I can say I have found no news reporting site willing to print or air the story based on 100% verifiable and 100% undeniable facts of 100% undeniable wrongdoing that I consider to be 100% seriously problematic. I suspect it is because the backlash from that kind of report would be to large but who knows for sure?

I am not embarrassed by how some reporters from fox reported or how they made mistakes. Mistakes will happen. People will always tend to over or under estimate the gravity of certain events. We are looking at a death rate that may be well under 1% when all factors are taken into account. It is possible that the death rate will eventually be known to be much higher. How can 397 people get tested, 146 people were tested positive when not a single one had any symptoms if the virus is as deadly as claimed?

We still do not know a lot about this virus. Those who develop the most serious symptoms from corona are likely to die. But many others get it and have no symptoms. No one knows why. I do not want to get corona and hope I never have symptoms although it could happen. No one wants to take that kind of chance.

Nobody on Fox News has ever legitimately admitted to a mistake. EVER. They just change their narrative and continue with the ultra-partisan agenda. These dismissive and divisive remarks about corona virus on Fox News were hardly "mistakes". And if they really were, how could it be that each of these Fox News personalities makes the exact same mistakes on any given day? They're not "mistakes" they're talking points assigned by executive producers.

So, you can deny that you are "embarrassed" all you want but you can't deny that you demanded the video clips to be removed from this thread. Why don't you want other people to see the same commentary from Fox News hosts that you apparently are so enamored of? And these comments from Fox are merely things anyone can see on TV each and every day.
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