COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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So, you can deny that you are "embarrassed" all you want but you can't deny that you demanded the video clips to be removed from this thread.
What I said was "The tombstone is over the top. So is the attitude shown by the combination of factors presented."
To show fox (or other news station) reporters saying whatever they said (whether they were stupid or brilliant) is not over the top. Starting your post with a picture designed to be offensive was the issue I responded to.

P.S. I do not recall ever saying I was "enamored of" any of foxes hosts.
What I said was "The tombstone is over the top. So is the attitude shown by the combination of factors presented."
To show fox (or other news station) reporters saying whatever they said (whether they were stupid or brilliant) is not over the top. Starting your post with a picture designed to be offensive was the issue I responded to.

P.S. I do not recall ever saying I was "enamored of" any of foxes hosts.

Based on many of your remarks and posts over time you seem to have an affinity for those particular folks and their politics so I used the word "enamored". At any rate, I met you half way and removed the satirical image that offended you so let's leave it at that, shall we?
Meh, all the news stations/networks/reporters are biased. I haven't seen anyone I'd trust completely since Walter Cronkite and if you read his post-career interviews you'll see that even he had some bias in some matters. Whatever moral decency there was in American journalism has died during my lifetime. It's all just businesses chasing dollars anymore and they tailor everything to keep their customer-base happy same as every business does. If you want the truth try listening to everyone from all sides, then check the veracity of what your brain tells you is believable for yourself. If you've been getting your news from a single source you're in for a shock when you do this so have your heart medicine handy because in time you're going to see how they've been playing you for a fool- and how you've been just that :cautious: Falls right in with my credo of never being led by anyone so that you can't be misled, and in fact it was misleading news reports which first set me onto that path. Nobody likes discovering they are/were wrong, yet nobody is ever 100% right- not, me, not you, not anybody- which is why it's so important to hear everyone and everything if you really want to know the truth.

I went out today to see some friends and to check on a possible return to my employment and business. I dashed in and out of two stores in a smaller suburban town trying (unsuccessfully) to find hamburger buns for one of them. I noticed that almost nooby is heeding the Governer's advice on wearing masks and gloves in public, with a few folks ignoring social distances too. I fear that when they soon lift the business closings we'e going to see another outbreak here because we haven't gotten everyone into compliance with the new necessities of life in public. It will be those people who begin reinfecting the masses, and those masses will be experiencing the onset of this disease all in a very short time frame. We won't be able to 'flatten the curve' of such a thing nor do we have the resources left to deal with it; we've used up everything we've got already. If such a thing transpires it will be nearly impossible to dodge a worldwide depression the likes of which we've never seen before as everything and everyone fails all at once. It's a risk we don't have to take, a premature rolling of the dice in hope that the results will be OK when we can simply accept some economic losses now and wait awhile longer to better ensure we aren't going to have this thing re-emerge onto the scene once again. Yes there will be some pain in waiting, but it also greatly reduces the chance of a calamity which we cannot handle if the dice roll turns up craps when we make out move. So at this point there's no point of me hiding out in the hills any longer. I can't avoid another massive outbreak for a lack of money and I;m still at a point financially where I'll have no problem picking up again. I've got work at a near-finished house which has been sitting idle awhile and there will be nobody there but me and one or two others. And what luck- it's only 20 minutes drive from where I'm living at now so I'll still have a fair amount of social isolation during my non-working hours which might be enough to see me through safely. A week, perhaps a little more, then I'll probably need to be back home for access to what work comes after that. And it looks like there will be enough work ahead for me to get by on or better as long as we don't get the calamity I fear might happen. There's still a few projects which I'd like to finish for my friend yp here who has been so kind as to have me here without asking for a dime so in one more week I shall return to life in whatever form the world out there has for me and I hope it works well for all of you too.

One more thing: My apologies to anyone who might have been offended by words I've used here in this thread previously, but no apologies for the fact that they are absolutely correct and true.

I take words of other men as their personal opinion, which can be based on facts or not, or be something i agree with or not.
It is very rare i engage in a debate trying to change a persons opinions, cuz i know from myself this is very hard if not impossible to do, but i have myself changed many times over the decades but i cant say that have happened as a result of a single other person lecturing me.
For the most it more feel like it is my ongoing quest to learn more and enlighten myself.

I am still not the smartest SOB around, i know that, but i respect if other people are the same in case they don't know ( which often seem to be the case )

Like many if not all Danes seeing my youtube videos of traffic, and the first thing in their mind is " well he is not that good of a driver himself" or "how dare he shine light on other peoples shortcomings"
And totally ignore that i have never claimed to be a perfect driver myself, it is ever rare i say " that i might be better than a lot of people"
I just find it strange that every time i approach a intersection someone or more do the " i think i can just make it into the intersection before it get too red" when i myself don't fall into that trap too often anymore.

Seem like when i got my license the yellow light meant something all together different than it do today.
I went out today... I noticed that almost nobody is heeding the Governer's advice on wearing masks and gloves in public, with a few folks ignoring social distances too.

Almost nobody can obtain appropriate masks or disposable gloves to comply. A dirty and dusty N95 mask previously used during construction work is better than no mask at all and a t-shirt placed in front of your face. How many people have access to such masks either new or used? Making a mask from a t-shirt has been said not to protect the wearer from getting the virus so why bother? Oh yeah, it is because if you wear the mask and have corona it might help prevent you from infecting others. For those who do not have corona wearing a homemade mask will not help them.

Should everyone wear dishwashing gloves, winter gloves, welding gloves, mechanics gloves or some other kind of reusable gloves to prevent catching the virus? If everyone is supposed to throw them out every time they get back in the car or leave a potentially contaminated area throwing those gloves away could become unaffordable very quickly for many people. Before the self-quarantining and layoffs began 47% of people did not have the ability to pay for a $400 unexpected expense. Where do 47% of the population get the money for these unexpected expenses? How do people get the materials needed to make masks when fabric stores and office supply stores (for rubber bands) are not essential and shut down?

When the medical community can not get the appropriate masks and gloves how can anyone else be expected to wear them? I am sure this is as much a supply issue as it is a lack of compliance. Not maintaining distances could be irresponsible behavior or it could be a result from people who do not mentally recognize how close they really are at the same time they fail to remember to maintain that distance. Some mental defects can cause what is normally 100% harmless innocent behavior that some people can not completely control.
Around 1/5 of all masks reaching Denmark have been returned as they are not up to par. If you are buying masks you better check what you get cuz many are probably into those to make a quick buck.
Hand sanitizer you can now get in shops as a mere mortal, so that's nice and i might get me some, no masks but i am looking forward to see my barber cuz i am going to make a appointment soon.
Goberment guidelines for hairdressers ASO only recommend wearing a face mask & visor when you do peoples hair in the front.
But a lot of people are freaking out, saw a driving instructor on "TV" last night and she was clueless cuz she kept focusing on don't be too close, which you of course have to be in a car.
So of course a driving instructor just have to take their chance, maybe wear a mask and maybe even i visor, so not rocket science for me, but apparently for the female #2 in the Danish orginazation of driving instructors.
But a lot of people are freaking out, saw a driving instructor on "TV" last night and she was clueless cuz she kept focusing on don't be too close, which you of course have to be in a car.
So of course a driving instructor just have to take their chance, maybe wear a mask and maybe even i visor, so not rocket science for me, but apparently for the female #2 in the Danish orginazation of driving instructors.

One thing you can do if you simply have to be in a car with someone else is to keep the windows open. The flow of fresh air cleanses the interior environment and also makes it much more difficult for any viral particles to land on or adhere to anything.

Many medical authorities also recommend keeping the windows open in any building where you need to congregate with other people. Masks and social distancing are still required but the interior environment will be cleaner of pathogens.
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@country_hick While I can see your points, I only somewhat agree with part of them. I've explained before that any mask is better than none in protecting you; you're not eliminating the hazard but you are reducing it as the mask will capture some particles the virus is adhering to, just not all of them. There are plans online in great numbers on how to make your own masks as well as which materials are best. And yes, the truth is out that low-grade masks essentially just protect others, but if everyone without exception uses them, then you've eliminated the possibility of virus transmission happening that way. Even a bandana worn 'cowboy' style does that job decently so I can hardly imagine that anyone can't have a mask, no matter how poor they may be. Gloves are not quite as necessary but the disposable cheap ones are becoming available again around here anyway. And like home-made masks any gloves- even thin cloth ones- will offer some increased protection. Plus some grocery stores have gloves for free to use while you're shopping there right at the entry door. And in a worst-case scenario you can stuff your hands in plastic grocery bags or the like- those are also free and easy to source. So there's no excuse to go without, and if by some disability or lack of means you can't do something yourself, asking around will get you a mask donated to you; local media has reports and articles on how people are helping others just this way locally. No excuse, no exceptions. I just wish my Governor had the 'cojones' of his female predecessor, for I'm pretty certain she would have made non-compliance criminal instead of just suggesting some good advice. Also on N95 masks, you shoot your own arguments down on protections they offer when you say the medical heros need them yet somehow they won't do the same thing for humans in other endeavors. We're both humans with similar respitory systems so either they work or they don't, and if they don't work then the Doctors and Nurses wouldn't say that they need them would they? That's another point I made long ago in this thread.

The lack of social distancing I'm referring to is clearly intentional, examples I saw were two women jogging together, people who did not appear to be related to each other talking in a small group, two people on opposite sides of a gas pump talking beside the machine as they fueled their cars and such. They were making no attempt to socially distance at all. I'm not referring to grandmotherly types or children who can't estimate the distance well, but grown adults who will almost certainly not be off by more that 1/3 the distance. Not everyone is like me with a lifetime's experience of seeing similar distances measured literally millions of times so I don't expect perfection from them. But I do expect them to try. Which was and is my point- everyone must try, and those who will not try must be removed from society of otherwise dealt with in such a manner that they lose the ability to adversely affect the general population who is trying. Not everyone has equal abilities or resources, but everyone can try, and in this situation that must be 100% mandatory for the concepts to work at all.

Shopping earlier i had a nice talk with a grandmother with a car that was outfitted with a dashcam, she did :eek: when i said there is 6 cameras in my car, and even more so when i told her that the number are actually low.
Which was and is my point- everyone must try, and those who will not try must be removed from society of otherwise dealt with in such a manner that they lose the ability to adversely affect the general population who is trying.

Looks like an unusually large number of people will be receiving Darwin Awards this year. :dead:
Hehe yeah, right now i listen to the 18:30 news in another window, and it is very clear to everyone that the Danes are having a much more relaxed take on the matter of keeping a distance.
They are also planning to test for antibodies in the white tents put up around the country, but not right now but probably in a month or so they will test for that too.
The minister of health would of course not answer the question ( if a Dane are confirmed as a carrier will his / her interactions with other humans then mean that those people will be tracked down and tested too )
And of course it will go down that way, otherwise why bother at all, but it seem like the minister think the Danes actually have some sense of personal freedom that might get violated, and really he need not to bother as Danes are so sickening "for the horde" minded.
Okay Danes like personal freedom too, depend on what definition of freedom you have, and the Danes one are of course tied strongly to our very social coherent society,,,,,,, and people like me that are offended by that are frowned upon, and all hell will come loose if i dare to speak my mind on this matter.

Like i have said often, deep inside me there is a little Texan living, and he is not overly happy about these communist tendencies. :) and i can not love it, and i can not leave it, and the little Texan don't like that either and call me a spineless looser and a whining maggot.
And i cant really disagree, so i get what i got coming, or as we Danes say " you have made your bed, now you must lie in it"
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@country_hick And yes, the truth is out that low-grade masks essentially just protect others, but if everyone without exception uses them, then you've eliminated the possibility of virus transmission happening that way. Even a bandana worn 'cowboy' style does that job decently so I can hardly imagine that anyone can't have a mask, no matter how poor they may be.

I would say the chances of getting infected by wearing any mask is cut down not completely but by a very large percentage. I would still hate to be in that perhaps 1% chance group who get infected while wearing a mask.

The problem comes down to trying to stop a 1 micron wide particle by providing a 3 micron (or wider) hole. Walmart online had gloves available to buy. As soon as I added them to the cart they were gone. Nitrile gloves appear to be made of unobtanium. It has been over 2 weeks since I was in a public place so I could not catch anything. I also have no idea what can be found on any stores shelves now.
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