COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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If the number of people being infected is correct (millions) then the death rate would be very low and the undeniable serious complications including deaths would be a rare result of being infected. I hope this virus is not eventually determined to be similar to the flu regarding the typical expected number of deaths and sickness considering all of the measures taken to defeat it and the cost involved.

We don't really have a complete picture of the numbers yet. And unlike the flu, as bad as that can be there is no viable COVID-19 vaccine on the horizon yet.

This is supposedly a disease that kills the elderly and those with co-morbidity but yesterday we learned that a healthy 5 year old girl died from COVID-19. She experienced meningitis and swelling of the brain. In fact, there are beginning to be reports of brain damage in recovered COVOID patients but not much is known about this so far.

We all have to hope for the best outcome. This isn't the flu.
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That is why, if you have a cough, you should be self isolating, not out in public spreading it about, and if you are self isolating then you wont need the mask. For people who are out in public, the 6 foot should be sufficient and the mask unnecessary since they will not be coughing.
That is why, if you have a cough, you should be self isolating, not out in public spreading it about, and if you are self isolating then you wont need the mask. For people who are out in public, the 6 foot should be sufficient and the mask unnecessary since they will not be coughing.
That would be true of you and I. However, to many people are out there who would cough on others just to contaminate them. Remember the story of the grocer who had to throw out $35k in groceries because of one person coughing and touching them? While well over 90% of people are decent people who would not act this way a small percentage exists that makes taking stronger precautions such as larger distances a very good idea.
And people cough and sneeze spontaneously all the time. Many don't cover their mouths and noses or cough into their elbow. When this pandemic first started to unfold and social distancing was not yet a "thing" and COVID-19 didn't even have a name yet I was in a big box store when a woman and her teenage daughter walked across my path. Suddenly the girl let loose with a huge sneeze and she only made a perfunctory attempt to block the sneeze. I found myself doing a quick about face, walking away from the direction she was facing when she sneezed.
Was just going to say something similar (y)
I've seen many reports of various health problems apparently brought in by having this disease, most being with lungs and kidneys. The usual flu doesn't do that. I'm hearing that there will soon be a shortage of dialysis machines because of this disease :( With things like this you usually hear of only very unusual complications (like the poor little girl mentioned) or when there is something specific happening in significant numbers. Given this, a too-early lifting of restrictions could end up overwhelming the healthcare system on a permanent basis unless a vaccine/cure is found PDQ.

That would be true of you and I. However, to many people are out there who would cough on others just to contaminate them. Remember the story of the grocer who had to throw out $35k in groceries because of one person coughing and touching them? While well over 90% of people are decent people who would not act this way a small percentage exists that makes taking stronger precautions such as larger distances a very good idea.
Here the courts are giving a clear message to people like that:

Well aint she a Lady :giggle:
And aint he a classy guy, a thug even, he is going to be hard to keep up with.

I will be a thug again tomorrow, where i will do my best to force my dear old and now very sick mother into a ambulance, cuz on her own no way in hell will she go.
Across the US, more protests keep popping up in both red and blue states. And they have backing from powerful conservative and right wing allies in Washington DC, including President Trump.You have to admit it's hilarious that many of the same people who have spent their entire lives stockpiling beans & ammo and publishing newsletters about preparing to hunker down and shelter in place during a global crisis are the very ones having meltdowns because they can't go out to dinner at Applebees :smuggrin:

Protester with his assault rifle dressed up as George Washington along with other assault weapon toting protesters at an anti shelter-in-place demonstration in Pittsburgh.

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Across the US, more protests keep popping up in both red and blue states. And they have backing from powerful conservative and right wing allies in Washington DC, including President Trump.You have to admit it's hilarious that many of the same people who have spent their entire lives stockpiling beans & ammo and publishing newsletters about preparing to hunker down and shelter in place during a global crisis are the very ones having meltdowns because they can't go out to dinner at Applebees :smuggrin:
You have to admit it's hilarious that many of the same people who have spent their entire lives stockpiling beans & ammo and publishing newsletters about preparing to hunker down and shelter in place during a global crisis are the very ones having meltdowns because they can't go out to dinner at Applebees :smuggrin:
How do you know the ammo and bean stockpilers are the ones complaining about not being able to eat out?
Based on comments I have read online many people are saying this is about government overcontrol and oppose their lack of freedom. I did not read anything about people saying it was about eating out. Job loss? Yes, but not about eating out. I am not saying you are wrong I simply have not seen this.

I was not preparing for this current situation. I do not have 800 rolls of tp ready to go like this guy had 7 years ago. (I saw this for the first time today based on a youtube recommendation.)

Estimates from today’s release suggest that 30 states may fall below the 1 prevalent case per 1,000,000 threshold during May (greens to the light yellow in the map below). As further detailed in the April 17 update, this threshold is considered a conservative estimate of the number of COVID-19 infections that states could reasonably identify via active case detection and contact tracing.

Snap 2020-04-21 at 21.10.10.png
How do you know the ammo and bean stockpilers are the ones complaining about not being able to eat out?
Based on comments I have read online many people are saying this is about government overcontrol and oppose their lack of freedom. I did not read anything about people saying it was about eating out. Job loss? Yes, but not about eating out. I am not saying you are wrong I simply have not seen this.

I was not preparing for this current situation. I do not have 800 rolls of tp ready to go like this guy had 7 years ago. (I saw this for the first time today based on a youtube recommendation.)

Estimates from today’s release suggest that 30 states may fall below the 1 prevalent case per 1,000,000 threshold during May (greens to the light yellow in the map below). As further detailed in the April 17 update, this threshold is considered a conservative estimate of the number of COVID-19 infections that states could reasonably identify via active case detection and contact tracing.

View attachment 51335

CDC director warns second wave of coronavirus is likely to be even more devastating

Infectious disease expert: We're only in the second inning of the pandemic

Infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm, who has been warning for a decade and a half about the possibility of a global pandemic says we're only in the second inning of a nine-inning contest, with the possibility of as many as 800,000 deaths or more in the US over the next 18 months.
It's the chemtrails and the hoarding of tinfoil which prevents people from making hats to protect themselves from the crocodillian aliens who abduct humans and disembowel cows at night! :ROFLMAO: We're in some serious doo-doo from this disease because of how it's being mishandled.

I wish we could have armed protesters here, cuz the government sure are abusing the fact they are up against unarmed protesters who actually like to be unarmed.
Being armed with 1 vote you get to fire every 4 years is like pissing in your pants on a cold day to keep warm, sure its nice for about 30 seconds but then it get even colder than before.
Trump said:
Trump said the U.S. government has stockpiled 29 million hydroxychloroquine pills, and other administration officials have also pushed the drug’s use.

“We don’t have time to say, ‘Gee, let’s take a couple of years and test it out, and let’s go and test with the test tubes and the laboratories,’ ” Trump said Sunday, claiming that even if it’s not effective against the coronavirus, there’s no harm in trying because “it doesn’t kill people.”

Study said:
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone.

So Trump has killed 17% of the people in that test group who put their faith in him o_O Maybe should have used some real guinea pigs first!
keep in mind when he was telling people how great that drug was every second sentence was 'look, I'm not a doctor' getting his defence on record I guess
keep in mind when he was telling people how great that drug was every second sentence was 'look, I'm not a doctor' getting his defence on record I guess

Trump said:
“What do I know? I’m not a doctor,” Trump said. “But I have common sense. The FDA feels good about it, as you know, they approved it.”

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