COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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In April, 2020 the C02 level in the atmosphere reached 416.21 ppm, the highest ever. 350 parts per million has been identified as the safe upper limit to avoid a climate tipping point.

50 million years ago the CO2 concentration was round 1,000 PPM. Life forms around the planet (like you and I) selfishly took CO2 from the atmosphere to make things like bones and shells. Then when they died the CO2 was locked into solid form.
Hehe yeah if you go back long enough the oceans was full of Acid. :eek:
A fortunate chain of events have brought us to now, and i suspect it dont take much either to wipe the slate clean of us again.
Even if we are some resilient and crafty bastards
When LEO agencies are sending three armed men out to ward off a single surf fisherman, we’ve created a greater threat than Coronavirus.

50 million years ago the CO2 concentration was round 1,000 PPM. Life forms around the planet (like you and I) selfishly took CO2 from the atmosphere to make things like bones and shells. Then when they died the CO2 was locked into solid form.

So what!

That's not how it works; the carbon cycle is far more complex than that!

In very simplistic terms the carbon cycle involves volcanic activity, the oceans and atmosphere that were eventually formed and plant growth. In fact. most of the carbon on earth was introduced by volcanic activity. Over the lifetime of the earth, roughly 75% of the carbon injected into the atmosphere by volcanoes has found its way into deposits of calcium carbonate (limestone). Limestone tends to accumulate on the beds of shallow seas where the acidity of sea water is reduced. The acidity is higher on the deep ocean floor and the shells and skeletons of marine organisms dissolve as fast as they precipitate.

The rest of the carbon introduced into that atmosphere helped fuel intense growth of plants that captured much of the carbon and it was primarily this growth that helped sequester atmospheric carbon and which eventually became the fossil fuels that have been burned in the form of coal and petroleum that has reintroduced that carbon back into the atmosphere to what at this point are dangerous levels not seen before in the human era.

The Eocene period lasted from about 56 to 33.9 million years ago. Even early humans beings (like you and I) didn't exist at that time. Modern humans have existed for only about 200,000 years. The species to which humans belong, Homo sapiens, is the only species of human alive today. However, all species in the genus Homo are technically humans. This includes Homo habilis, the oldest undisputed species in the genus at 2.2 million years old.

Human beings and modern lifeforms live in a relatively narrow range of climate conditions that can sustain us. The conditions on earth 50 million years have little or nothing to do with our current situation except that the temperatures were about 32º Fahrenheit or more degrees hotter because of the higher C02 levels at that time.

Like I say, it is a far more complex process but you seem to have no idea what you are talking about.
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I so want to hear what those cops was saying to each other, before they approached the person :)
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This video really shows the economic devastation caused by the shutdown.
Lots of man made stuff, with almost no men.

I so want to hear what those cops was saying to each other, before they approached the person :)
I hope they didn't destroy the artwork?


I don't understand why one very isolated fisherman should be an issue?
He must be at less risk from the virus there than if he was at home, even if he was a live person?
And doesn't fishing count as an essential activity, along with farming/gardening/shopping for food?
No restrictions on using the beach here, as long as you remain isolated from people not in your household (2m distance).
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I don't understand why one very isolated fisherman should be an issue?
He must be at less risk from the virus there than if he was at home, even if he was a live person?
The real issue is he did not fall to his knees and bow down when ordered to.
I understand keeping people apart and quarantine procedures.
The fisherman was not close to anyone and was unable to engage in human transmission of the virus in any way unless it is airborn.
The real issue is he did not fall to his knees and bow down when ordered to.
I understand keeping people apart and quarantine procedures.
The fisherman was not close to anyone and was unable to engage in human transmission of the virus in any way unless it is airborn.
Until not 1, but 3 potentially infections persons unnecessarily approached his position!
Belgium ( a hard hit country ) are now introducing "corona bubbles", where in 4 can get visited by another 4 people, to these 8 can meet and interact socially as it would seem like the Belgians are loosing it on social interaction.
Sweden say they have heard immunity mid June, but a lot of people question that.
First off its based on just 40% of swedes having been infected, and it pretty much disregard that many infected dont really seem to generate much resistance to the damn thing.

Anyways, we will see, they must be keeping a close eye on numbers.
Mid June does seem to be a little early for them to get down to zero new infections per day, they are currently behind the UK and we are not expecting to reach single digits until maybe August.

However having enough herd immunity to remove nearly all the restrictions while keeping R below 1 is a definite possibility. When the curve is exponential, as it will be, actually reaching zero takes almost infinitely long!
Scientists should be studying these people to find out if there's some common thread in their bio-chemical individuality that has helped them survive the disease.

Bill Lapschies, the 104 year old from Oregon said, “I don’t know,” “It just went away. Sit out here, and you can get rid of anything.”
Scientists should be studying these people to find out if there's some common thread in their bio-chemical individuality that has helped them survive the disease.

Bill Lapschies, the 104 year old from Oregon said, “I don’t know,” “It just went away. Sit out here, and you can get rid of anything.”
Even at 100, the people who die after catching covid-19 are still a small minority, the chance of dying from it increases with your chance of diying from other things.
Even at 100, the people who die after catching covid-19 are still a small minority, the chance of dying from it increases with your chance of diying from other things.

The very fact that there are even this many folks this age who have survived COVID-19 at all is quite remarkable and something to celebrate. Sure, older people who reach this age are a tiny minority, especially if they survive serious illnesses that have felled many others (as most of these individuals have) but studying the reasons for their survival despite their increased chances of dying is certainly a worthwhile thing to explore and is in fact exactly the reason for doing so.

Here are a few more 100 plus year old COVID-19 survivors.

‘I was determined to survive’ – 108-year-old woman recovers from COVID-19

"At 108 years old, Sylvia Goldsholl may be the oldest person in New Jersey – and possibly anywhere else – to recover from COVID-19.

Goldsholl tested positive for the virus in March and was moved to the COVID-19 isolation wing at Allendale Community for Senior Living where she has lived since 2007. Within two weeks she was considered healthy and cleared."

The World's Oldest COVID-19 Survivor Is 107

Meet Marilee Asher from Maryland: She was born in 1912. She survived the Spanish Flu when she was 6, and now she's survived COVID-19.

Britain's oldest coronavirus survivor - aged 106 - is out of hospital

106-year-old Connie Titchen, who recovered from a hip operation last year – believed to be Britain’s oldest Covid-19 survivor – has left hospital after shaking off coronavirus and suspected pneumonia.
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