COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Hehe yeah that letter of "no war" that had as much worth as the Japanese friendship medals.

Actually right now i am watching a doku with survivors of Bergen Belsen, i dont need to but better than getting stupid on youtube.
more deaths than any other nation in Europe
Still 5 ahead of us when you take population into account!

Now you are spreading fake news and propaganda/conspiracy theories even though you object to others doing so!
Still 5 ahead of us when you take population into account!

Now you are spreading fake news and propaganda even though you object to others doing so!

Not based on deaths/million population. And USA death rate is half your rate per million population, so who are you kidding? Only Spain and Italy are beating on you that score but you are closing fast. And this death rate is with fewer COVID-19 cases than Spain or Italy. With almost twice the number of new deaths being reported daily by UK than Spain or Itally you will likely overtake them in very short order.
Only Spain and Italy are beating on you that score
Belgium is well ahead of Spain, Italy and UK.
Mainly because they are good at counting unlike others!

And this death rate is with fewer COVID-19 cases...
Unfortunately there are no published numbers that can confirm or deny that claim.
You would think so, but pretty much any other camp than Bergen Belsen.
Neuengamme ( 2850 resistance people )
Sachenhausen +
Dachau +
Buchenwald ( 1900 Danish police )
Theresiestadt ( 481 Danish Jews )
Stutthof ( 150 Danish communists )
Most Danish women went to Ravensbruck.

In total around 6000 Danes went to one or the other camp, around 600 of them died there.
Belgium is well ahead of Spain, Italy and UK.
Mainly because they are good at counting unlike others!

Unfortunately there are no published numbers that can confirm or deny that claim.

Ignore the facts all you wish and continue your denial regarding your cold blooded, self serving attitude but you are certainly going to need a bigger shovel in order to keep digging your BS.

Just the fact that you keep score as if this is a competition is a sad commentary on who you are and what you are all about.

Nothing about the situation looks very good for the UK, Nigel, and it is clearly getting worse by the day.
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Things are going to get really interesting in the UK when the true numbers are confirmed.

There may have already been 55,000 deaths relating to coronavirus in the UK at a ‘cautious estimate’, experts have said.

The Financial Times newspaper has calculated figures which suggest the excess deaths linked to Covid-19, up to May 6 could be around 54,300.

They say 42,700 of these deaths are official data and 11,600 are estimates based on more up-to-date hospital records.
Germany Has Shared The Details Of Its Coronavirus Contact Tracing Operation. The UK Won’t.
Just like with testing, the UK government is weeks behind and scrambling to catch up.
Ridiculous claim, the UK has published the source code for the UK app on Github for all to look at, use, test as they wish. How more open could you be?

Germany has taken a different approach, we will only find out which was best when it is all over.
Far too many press measuring success by the number of tests that have been done each day, testing on its own can't save any lives!
Ridiculous claim, the UK has published the source code for the UK app on Github for all to look at, use, test as they wish. How more open could you be?

Germany has taken a different approach, we will only find out which was best when it is all over.
Far too many press measuring success by the number of tests that have been done each day, testing on its own can't save any lives!

Yes, Nigel, we certainly will find out which was best when this is all over and the UK's handling of the crisis doesn't look very good at all.

What I find most interesting about your replies here is not the things you mention but the things you choose to ignore, especially your callousness towards the elderly and indeed the extraordinary death count overall. (which is sadly far from over)

The other thing is your weird confidence from day one (along with your government) that this will all work out like an influenza virus when it is turning out to be far more more intractable and unpredictable.
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Ridiculous claim, the UK has published the source code for the UK app on Github for all to look at, use, test as they wish. How more open could you be?

Germany has taken a different approach, we will only find out which was best when it is all over.
Far too many press measuring success by the number of tests that have been done each day, testing on its own can't save any lives!

BTW, the point here isn't whether the "UK has published the source code for the UK app on Github". That is meaningless until contact tracing is actually being implemented. Germany began implementing contact tracing aggressively back on March 25th.

By contrast, the UK is way behind and is still in the planning stages.

"UK Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We are making very rapid progress to recruit thousands of contact tracers. Recruitment has already started and we are confident we will have hired the 18,000 by the middle of May.”

Considering the UK’s population, this figure roughly translates to about five contact tracers for every 18,000 people. However, while the German numbers are real, Britain’s figure is a target. The department of health spokesperson declined to say how many people have been recruited so far, and declined to provide detail about how these recruits will be spread out across the country and distributed between centralized call centers and local authorities."

How more open could you be?

"declined to provide detail" You call that open? Read the article I LINKED to again.

To repeat what I said above: "What I find most interesting about your replies here is not the things you mention but the things you choose to ignore."
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Donald Trump says coronavirus will 'go away without a vaccine'
The US -- usually at the head of the table helping to coordinate in global crises -- has declined to take a seat at virtual international meetings convened by the World Health Organization and the European Union to coordinate work on potentially lifesaving vaccines.
The administration's decision to halt funding for the WHO, the world body best positioned to coordinate the global response to the raging pandemic, has appalled global health officials.
On Friday the US blocked a vote on a UN Security Council resolution that called for a global ceasefire aimed at collectively assisting a planet devastated by the outbreak.

The US has similarly blocked expressions of global unity at G7 and G20 meetings due to anger about China and the WHO.
Polls suggest that the race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is tight, with just six months to go until Americans cast their vote.
Thomas Gomart, director of the Paris-based French Institute of International Relations, said that Europe was watching Trump's response to the pandemic in amazement, calling his behavior "stranger than fiction."
"He provides for us a very mixed balance of amusement and a sadness, which is just not what is expected from a US president,"
interesting turn of events when they start going back through patient records

first known case in China reported as November 17 identified as patient 1 not patient 0

first know case now reported as November 16 at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Colmar, France
A) To know and to deal with Covid 19 = Testing .. Without testing , is a lot like driving blind .
So testing is PARAMOUNT .
B) Covid 19 much like the flue is hitting the old and weak .
C) It could be a lot worse

D) Covid 19 has highlighted one thing for me - The number of S for brains in our society ! I estimate Australia is running about 10% S for brains . Thats a lot of stupid people !
What is it the say (S) , poo rolls down hill !

Without testing ! How do you know when its safe to go back to normal ?
Cos it dont take much Covid 19 to kick start this BS all over again ,

Out of the frying pan , into the fire !

Whos at fault ?
Obviously China for it's initial cover up , + The rest of the world for leaving the door open too long .
So blame all the leaders of the world , your elected representatives . ( So in the end it's your fault for voting for S for brains )
People get the Government they deserve .

The problem as I see it is not Covid 19 , but the bigger badder Virus that comes next !
With retarded leadership , the next big one could possibly kill billions . ( Now that will be something to complain about )

Cos there is a trend , is this the 3rd outbreak of a potential bad ass killer ?
And for the world , 3 fails in a row ?
And will people keep voting for failures ?

Thats my 5c worth .
The medical science has already shown that the virus can't get into the children's bodies, only infect their throat/lungs, it uses a way into the cells that doesn't exist in children.

This ain't influenza!

Rare syndrome tied to COVID-19 kills three children in New York, Cuomo says

(Reuters) - "Three children in New York have died from a rare inflammatory syndrome believed to be linked to the novel coronavirus, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday, a development that may augur a pandemic risk for the very young."

"Cuomo, who has emerged as a leading national voice on states’ response to the coronavirus crisis, said state health officials were reviewing 73 similar cases, which have rattled a prior assumption that children were largely not susceptible to the novel coronavirus.

“We are not so sure that is the fact anymore. Toddler, elementary school children are presenting symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease or toxic shock-like syndrome,” Cuomo said. “It’s very possible that this has been going on for several weeks and it hasn’t been diagnosed as related to COVID.”
Without testing ! How do you know when its safe to go back to normal ?
When your hospitalls start to fill up it is time for more isolation, when they are emptying it is time for less isolation, no testing needed!

Cos it dont take much Covid 19 to kick start this BS all over again ,
Depends on the amount of immunity in the population. With the amount Australia now has things are very precarious, by the time you get to 50% immunity things are pretty stable, slow to change, and easy to deal with. The biggest decision that governments have is what level of immunity to target while waiting for a vaccine to give full immunity without risk.
Whos at fault ?
At least China detected it and sounded the alarm, France missed it completely, and we haven't found the source yet, quite likely somewhere in remote Africa given that both Wuhan and Colmar had people traveling there. Maybe people at the source had enough isolation for it not to spread widely, but once it arrived in a crowded city it got out of control.
And will people keep voting for failures ?
Maybe only the countries where the people directly elect their leader?

In the UK we are a level removed from that, and China is several levels removed, generally resulting in rather better qualified, capable and experienced choices of leaders than a TV reality show host!
@Nigel Either you're testing or you are guessing, and no professional in any field would find the latter acceptable when any amount of the former is possible. This the first principle, the heart and core of Engineering, which makes me wonder about someone who claims such a background yet eschews testing and prefers empirical evidence instead. Asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19 can spread the disease equally to those exhibiting symptoms, and testing is by far the best way to find such carriers, and almost the only way. To truly know the status of the disease in any area there must be 100% testing of everyone until no more positives are found, then retesting after an interval to be certain that the first round didn't miss someone who just acquired the disease but hadn't yet built enough quantity of it to show on the test. This is the only way to know what's going on- nothing else is acceptable. And it's eminently possible and could have been done more quickly and efficiently now had there been a push towards it from the beginning of the response. I called for this approach right from the start but who am I but a simple supposedly stupid Carpenter who can't possibly understand such a thing. I hereby dare anyone to prove me wrong, and I do so without worry :cool: Had this approach been taken from the start it would have been a lot easier to follow through with contract tracing of the positives thus being more able to maintain control of the situation regardless of the method of handling it whether by elimination, herd immunity, or whatever. Knowledge is power, but guessing isn't knowledge.

@old4570 My friend, I fear you've underestimated the true number of SFB people. My assessment is at least one third, with another third being halfway there. It takes such a majority to cause the mess our world is in now, and because it has gotten this bad I'm at a loss of knowing how to fix that :( But you're 100% correct on how botched the governments (ALL of them) have been in their response, with only a scant few choosing a good approach and implementing it in time for it to have been effective. Yet even those few cannot take full credit for the end results because they were also very lucky in having so few cases that was actually possible to create an effective response. With so many SFB's out there we ARE getting the governments the masses deserve (which drags us along with them) but at least we can take solace in knowing there's still a few of us whose brains do more than filling a void inside of our skulls. I hope you and those you care about come through this mess unscathed (y)

@jokiin I'm not sure we can ever know for certain who "patient zero" was. Prior to identifying Covid-19 the symptoms would have been identified as influenza, and if that was in an elderly or infirm person there would have been nothing seen as unusual in their dying from it. It's more probable than simply possible that there was a short unknown chain of infected people before whoever we identify as 'patient zero". Without knowing those unknown we may not ever be able to identify the source
so other than for a study of how Covid-19 has spread I'm not sure there's much value in finding "patient zero" unless indeed they were truly the very first one. I see it as something like a 'trivia fact'; interesting knowledge but of very limited value or usefulness :rolleyes: I think our energies are better spent looking for solutions at present- there will be plenty of time to look at the base causes later on when we've got more free time to devote to that. There is a downside to finding and publicizing whoever "patient zero" was as that gives the tin-hatters, haters, deniers, and SFB people someone to focus their evil on which here in the US is already happening against China as these 'people' believe that's where it began and nothing you can say will change their defective minds :cry: Sometimes it's better to just say nothing, a lesson in life you and Jon reminded me of not so long ago, which I thank you for. ATB to you and yours!

@kamkar1 I'm sorry to hear how overloaded the Medical testing responders there are. FWIW the rest of the world in in a similar situation but perhaps not to this degree. No matter how dedicated, driven, and encouraged we are in the end we're all humans who will reach a point of exhaustion if we push ourselves too far for too long. That must be taken into account and be compensated for not only to save those people from becoming 'zombies' but to get the rest of us their best response. I know you generally have a low view of your fellow citizenry there but perhaps you can take heart in knowing that there are at least some there who will give their all for others- a very honorable quality for a person to have :)

@Dashmellow I'm liking your in-depth research and responses, but you and I tend to be "too wordy" sometimes :oops: Do keep up the good fight but don't forget there's more to life than our dashcam forum and this thread, and those other things are probably more pleasant endeavors. We all need some pleasantness to balance out the rest so be sure you're getting enough of that too :giggle: Be well and I hope this last blast of winter gets done with us soon so you can once again go out and enjoy your photography to the fullest- we're all looking forward to seeing what you share with us from your idyllic part of the world once again!

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