COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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The Spanish fly ran for 36 months I bet that fly was very tired when he finally sat down. :giggle:

So i sincerely doubt anyone have done this on purpose, or even by accident, though labs around the world have and are messing with some very nasty stuff.
I can see no advantage to China, the U.S., or any other country from knowingly releasing the corona virus. It is causing devastation across the globe and could continue for many months. I believe it could have been released in a lab accident. China will probably lose a lot of its manufacturing jobs and financial power as other countries pull their manufacturing back into their own country because of the virus. This virus may cause the destruction of the global supply chain that begins in china.

There is one long term positive outcome that hopefully will come from this pandemic. Hopefully every country will see the utter stupidity of germ warfare causing it to be outlawed and abandoned. The biggest problem with biological warfare is once the contagion is released it can travel across the entire globe very quickly and infect everyone especially if it mutates. The end result of biological warfare could be the destruction of every government and the loss of millions or possibly billions of civilian lives. The economic devastation coming from this virus might be nothing compared to the devestation caused by an even more infectious bio-weapon.
And so now you're trying to equate... I will take some of what you have been smoking the next time I need to lose my mind and read things that are not written (which will be never). The greeks used greek fire in warfare. In the middle ages boiling oil was poured on enemies climbing up or near castle walls. Cannons did similar damage. A Trebechet was used to throw fireballs. The founders knew well how fire could be applied in warfare even if those exact rockets did not yet exist (bot rockets had existed for 6 centuries). The chinese used rockets in the 1100's The use of rockets in wars was revived with the creation of iron-cased rockets, known as Mysorean rockets, which was developed in Indian Kingdom of Mysore during the mid 18th century,[1][2] and were later copied by the British. The later models and improvements were known as the Congreve rocket and used in the Napoleonic Wars.
There was a regular rocket corps in the Mysore Army, beginning with about 1,200 men in Hyder Ali's time. Colonel William Baillie's ammunition stores are thought to have been detonated by a hit from one of Hyder Ali's rockets at the Battle of Pollilur (1780) during the Second Anglo-Mysore War, which contributed to a humiliating British defeat.[2]

The U.S. Constitution was drafted in 1787. The use of rockets was well known by then.

Do you agree with the following statement?

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.

Oh wow, you looked rockets on the internet! How impressive! Yes, primitive rockets have been around for very long time and were invented by the Chinese. They were not used as effective weapons during the revolutionary war or for many years after. You seem to think there is some equivalency with modern weaponry that was anticipated by the founding fathers when they wrote the second amendment. This is an idiotic argument.

And you are still talking about armed insurrection because you are stuck at home due to Governor Janet Mills issuing a temporary “Stay Healthy at Home” Executive Order which requires that Mainers remain at home unless to leave for an essential job or an essential activity. The whole notion that keep you speaking in terms of taking up arms against your state government for such a perceived violation of your rights and privileges for a period of three weeks during an emergency is so off the wall and insane it is hard to imagine that you really think in such terms. But then again, that's the mentality we get to witness from you and your fellow Patriot cranks who think a temporary pandemic shutdown is a valid reason to go out in public brandishing weapons and infecting each other. Have to wonder why you are hunkered down hiding at home instead of protesting with your good 'ol boys.

You know, this has grown tiresome and is a complete waste of my time and energy. I have no interest in engaging with your inanity any further.
I see conspiracy theorists have thrown their love on some female sergeant in the US armed forces who attended the world cup for military world games in wuhan as a cyclist.
They should have asked Amazon for some help!

Hope these problems get sorted out in liquidation or whatever, it should be possible to sort most of them, and sometimes a bit of change is good.
I'm sure Amazon sees the value in bricks and mortar book sellers, a percentage of people would go there and browse, and then buy from Amazon
The Star Spangled Banner was not written until 1814 during the War of 1812 and didn't become the official national anthem until 1931. The founders had nothing to do with it.
Interesting that it is all about war, and nothing else, sort of goes with your guns!

Even the Danish national anthem, which you might expect to be full of viking violence, actually starts off (according to wikipedia translation?):
There is a lovely land
with spreading, shady beech-trees,
Near salty eastern shore
Its hills and valleys gently fall,
its name is ancient Denmark,
And it is Freya's hall. :
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I'm sure Amazon sees the value in bricks and mortar book sellers, a percentage of people would go there and browse, and then buy from Amazon
There is probably a lot more to it than that, I guess a lot of people who take up reading, start off with bookstore books before becoming new Amazon customers. Then the authors do signings at bookstores, which can't be done on Amazon, and I think a lot of the literary prizes are organised by bookstores, so it is a whole industry that Amazon depends on, or at least the Amazon books department depends on.
@dashmallow I decided to stay home 2 weeks before an executive order was given and before the virus was in this county.:rolleyes:
I wish I had gotten a haircut, more seasonings, and cheese back then. :banghead:
I have made the choice to remain home myself not because of any executive order or the governors or the presidents request. :cautious:
Knowing I have a higher risk of complications than many I do not want to expose myself to this virus.
I am hoping to outlive the virus by not going into any public place for any reason. If this pandemic does not last a lot longer that can happen.
I could lose 20 pounds before I would become desperate to find food. A few days spent fasting and being thinner would not hurt me.
I never said I wanted an armed insurrection. I do not want one.
I want to know that an armed insurection never needs to happen because the people can defend themselves if it becomes necessary.
Ensuring peace through strength was Reagan's approach. If you appear strong enough you will not need to fight.
If you appear to be weak you may have no choice but to fight.
I thought armed insurrection might happen in Virginia earlier this year if they passed their proposed gun control bills.
I read multiple online comments that suggested it was going to happen.
I was happy that gun control bill died in committee and the people lost the reason needed to rise up. That would have been ugly and a waste of lives.

Your comprehension skills are lacking.
I'm sure they stand to lose more than 250k if the small bookstores weren't there
It is quite possible that since people can't currently go to small bookstores, and there are a lot of people stuck at home that want to read, that Amazon are making far more than 250K extra from covid-19!
I saw a video on youtube lately explaining Norse mythology pretty decent in 15 minutes.
As most other religions it is a utter mess, you pretty much have to be high on mushrooms and mead to fall into.
I saw a video on youtube lately explaining Norse mythology pretty decent in 15 minutes.
As most other religions it is a utter mess, you pretty much have to be high on mushrooms and mead to fall into.
At least it has plenty of gods, it is the religions with only 1 god that are the dangerous ones, just like the countries with only 1 leader!
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Interesting that it is all about war, and nothing else, sort of goes with your guns!

The lyrics were written by the then amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor. It had nothing to do with the American gun culture during the colonial era or the opening of the West. It was all about British guns and the War of 1812 which you basically lost leaving America to proceed with its expansion.

It was the American Revolution against British tyranny and the War of 1812 and perhaps the French and Indian War, all of which were integral with the founding of our country that led to the notion of a patriotic wartime theme to our national anthem.
The 'rockets' referred to were not used for war nor were they 'rockets' as we think of them today. They were more like aerial flares similar to a 'skyrocket' firework but larger, and were used to signal for ship movements to the fleets from the flagships at night. At that time only red ones were in use; other colors came later. And the 'bombs' that burst in the air were not 'bombs' as we think of them today but explosive hollow iron cannonballs; essentially anti-personnel artillery meant to kill and wound by shrapnel rather than to sink a ship. Oddest of all is that in seeking music to put his words to, Mr. Key found an unworded score which he thought sounded nice, never realizing that it was the music to Britain's national anthem- not what you'd choose when you were at war with them! So we share the music, but not the words. Most strange since he had almost certainly heard the tune used in it's original context before more than a few times, which has led to speculation that Mr. Key might have been much into the ship's rum when he did all this. Which couldn't have been the case with all of the later people who chose to use his song for our anthem; surely someone knew about the music and commented on that, but somehow we went forward with it anyway If such a thing happened today there would be lawsuits flying over copyright laws and unpaid royalties for unauthorized use of the music, and instead of being some kind of hero, Mr Key would be scorned and shamed to no end... History and language are strange things!

These protesters who are claiming that this is about rights and freedom are not like the Patriots who founded our Nation who were civic-minded and wished the benefits of Liberty and Freedom on everyone with nobody having the right to cause undue harm or distress to innocent people. Truth be told, these protesters are exactly what our founders were fighting against: tyrannical individuals who want to force their will onto the masses without regard for the rights or welfare of those masses. Their actions belie their words- if they were truly patriotic they would have used social distancing and masks which is eminently possible, in which case I'd support them even though I disagree with them, but instead I despise them as traitors to the principles my Nation was founded on because that is what they're showing themselves to be. Your words are meaningless if your actions don't follow them; it's the actions which matter, not the words.

Graph of the day...

Looking at the normal new infection figures, the UK appears to still not have passed the peak, but that is quite likely because the amount of testing has been increased 10x. Death figures suggest that maybe we have, but they are maybe 4 weeks behind the infections. This graph which shows the number of infected people in hospital maybe the best view we have of what is actually happening with the epidemic, if you add two weeks of delay for people to arrive in hospital after infection then we passed the peak a month ago, and that was about 1 month into the epidemic, if the infections die away at the same rate that they increased then we should be geting close to no new infections by now, which may explain why the vaccine professor was worried about not being able to test his new vaccine:


Also interesting that UK borders are open with no checks on people bringing virus into the country, they are not a worry for a country that is largely immune:
On 15 April the Health Secretary Matt Han**** said that 15,000 people were still flying into the UK every day. These travellers were not tested at airports, he explained, because there was little scientific evidence that it would halt the spread of Covid-19 in the UK. What’s more, testing people who are not showing symptoms often failed to identify those with the virus.
If this becomes a seasonal virus like the typical cold is what can be done?

I wonder how long it will take the Chinese government to force them to recant that as happened with the original Covid-19 report. o_O :D
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