COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Captain Tom Moore, who has raised more than £27m for the NHS by completing 100 laps of his garden, has been sent more than 25,000 birthday cards ahead of his 100th birthday on 30 April. Stephen James, manager at the South Midlands Mail Centre, said: "None of the team have ever known one person receive so much mail."

Meanwhile, British Formula 1 driver Lando Norris has spoken to Capt Moore via a video chat and offered him a tour around the McLaren F1 factory. "Nothing would give me more pleasure - it would be absolutely phenomenal to go around McLaren because I've always been a McLaren fan and still am," said Capt Moore.

Royal Mail will be using a special postmark wishing Capt Tom a happy 100th birthday. It will appear on all stamped mail across the UK starting next week.
I wonder how long it will take him to find the one from the queen :D
Happy 100th Birthday Captain Tom,

His 25,000 birthday cards were opened for him by the local school, the one from the Queen arrived, as did a video card from Boris, a flypast by the RAF, so nice to hear those Rolls Royce Merlin engines again, and to top it off he has made No. 1 on the UK singles chart on his birthday!
Yeah tough old bloke (y)
I have always had a dream of owning a car with a Merlin engine in it, just so i could drive around and enjoy the sound of it.
I would probably spend a lot of my driving time in the tunnel on E45 at Aalborg, going back and forth.
I have always had a dream of owning a car with a Merlin engine in it, just so i could drive around and enjoy the sound of it.
I would probably spend a lot of my driving time in the tunnel on E45 at Aalborg, going back and forth.
They are not quite the same without the doppler effect as they pass by at 300 mph, really need to be in the air, and of course you really need more than one to get the full sound effect, probably why they always fly the spitfire with another spitfire or hurricane. Or you can go for the Lancaster with 4 of them, turn the volume up:

Now USA scientists are making the science clear: :unsure:
Dr Anthony Fauci who runs the NIAID said: "The data shows remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery."

He said the results prove "a drug can block this virus" and were "opening the door to the fact that we now have the capability of treating" patients.

The impact on deaths is not as clear cut. The mortality rate was 8% in people given remdesivir and 11.6% in those given a placebo, but this result was not statistically significant, meaning scientists cannot tell if the difference is real.

Very kind, thank you Sheikh Mohammed, good to know who your friends are...
The ruler of Dubai has purchased 60 tonnes of personal protective equipment (PPE) to donate to the UK's National Health Service.

The first of several planeloads arrived at Heathrow from suppliers in China this afternoon.

A spokesman for Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, prime minister of the UAE, said that because of his "deep and longstanding connections with the UK...he is determined to do his bit to keep Britain's health workers safe".

The first flight carried more than 660 boxes of face masks and other items.
...especially when those you donate to might have a working vaccine available soon:
A coronavirus vaccine could be available for limited use by the end of the year, AstraZeneca's chief executive Pascal Soriot has said.

The pharmaceutical giant has agreed to manufacture and distribute a coronavirus vaccine being developed by the University of Oxford, if the treatment proves effective.

Mr Soriot said that "the need for a vaccine to defeat the virus is urgent".

The first human trial in Europe for a vaccine began in Oxford last week.

Mr Soriot said the University of Oxford team's track record is very strong, their technology is advanced, and AstraZeneca will know by June or July whether its confidence is well-placed.
Valued BAE customer.
Valued BAE customer.
Well, his country is, but I think it is more about friends than war, he has many other interests not compatible with war, for example:
A keen equestrian, he is the founder of the Maktoum family-owned Godolphin racing stable and the owner of Darley, a thoroughbred breeding operation with operations in six countries. In 2012, he rode the horse Madji Du Pont 160 km to take the FEI World Endurance Championship.

Godolphin has won over 5,000 races worldwide and numerous awards since its inception in 1992, marking their 5,000th win in August 2018. Its most successful years numerically are 2015 (650 wins), 2017 (607 wins), 2016 (597 wins) and 2014 (361 wins). Godolphin was leading owner at the Dubai World Cup Carnival on eleven successive years from 2008 to 2018, and crowned British Champion Owner on twelve occasions - 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Godolphin racing stable is in Cambridge UK.
Just like Dredd is the law in the movie, i think you will find that guy / family is the country, at least its him that rake in most of the money the country make, and then he might decide to share some of them with his people.
I think he also own the Danish serum institute, or someone with the same kind of money down there do at least.
This is not about me or others in just one state.
I see a bigger picture from the protests reacting to a problem as mentioned here.

Consistently, you quote from and link to highly questionable media outlets that have demonstrated Far Right and Extreme Right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, failed fact checks and lack of transparency.

People who engage with critical thinking check the sources of the so called "news" they read and take the time to consider the agenda being promoted by the organizations. Obviously, you repeatedly post these bogus source because they are consistent with your own agenda. Perhaps you think readers of this forum may not check the validity of the reporting in these links?

The first link you posted here is from "Summit News" analyzed by the non-partisan Media Bias/Fact Check organization as "Extreme Right Wing" and a "Questionable Source"


The second link you posted is from "Law Enforcement Today analyzed by Media Bias/Fact Check as Far Right biased with poor sources, failed fact checks and lack of transparency.

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The protesters protested mandates and orders coming from the executive branch that is only supposed to enforce not to create laws. The protests were not intended to oppose ignorable requests the protesters did not agree with. The protests were about what were declared to be legally binding orders that were not even laws that had been properly passed by the legislature as required by state constitutions.

. When and how did the people alive today knowingly and willingly agree to take orders from any state governor?

The problem is that the government violates its own rules as they are written. No one is presumed to have implied consent to tyranny by government.

It is amusing to witness all your table pounding allegations accusing your state Governor of tyranny and your bogus claims that your Governor is arbitrarily "creating laws" out of thin air, that "had not been properly passed by the legislature as required by state constitutions."

Nothing could be farther from the truth! The state of Maine is under a legally declared State of Emergency as duly proclaimed by your Governor. Under a declared State of Emergency your Governor has extremely broad and extensive temporary powers for a period of up to 90 days.

Among many designated emergency powers she can: "Suspend the enforcement of any statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business, or the orders or rules of any state agency, if strict compliance with the provisions of the statute, order or rule would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency."

Control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein" (Stay at Home Order)

"Take whatever action is necessary to abate, clean up or mitigate whatever danger may exist within the affected area."

And many more.

And all of these broad and extensive powers were indeed properly passed and authorized by your state legislature as required your state constitution. These powers are spelled out in exquisite detail under the follow state statute:


Title 37-B Contents

The State of Emergency is for a period of 30 days unless extended by the Governor. If it becomes necessary to extend the state of emergency beyond 90 days your Governor is required to bring the matter to your State Legislature.

The so call "tyranny" you claim is a product of your imagination and your political bias.
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All of these broad and extensive powers were indeed properly passed and authorized by your state legislature as required your state constitution. These powers are spelled out in exquisite detail under the follow state statute:
The separation of powers does not allow the legislature to give any of its authority to pass laws or regulations any other branch of government even during a state of emergency.
The Michigan Court of Claims rejected both allegations, ruling that an injunction against Whitmer's order would not serve the public interest, "despite the temporary harm to plaintiffs’ constitutional rights."

Where does any Constitution at the state or federal level allow for the government to allow any "harm to plaintiffs’ constitutional rights"?
The judge actually admitted that the governors order violated their constitution but went on to declare the constitution does not really apply if a government employee wants to violate it. When did the people agree to that?
The separation of powers does not allow the legislature to give any of its authority to pass laws or regulations any other branch of government even during a state of emergency.

Your legislature didn't in any way give its authority to "pass laws or regulations to any other branch of government". Your Governor is merely acting with the emergency powers your legislature gave her.
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I "follow" a couple of Danish channels on youtube, both demonetized and all manner of obstacles put in front of them, pretty much just cuz they are not main stream.
One guy is a ex cop.

The other are a political party that do have a main point of people coming to Denmark in particular Muslims.

I cant even post a few lines from a HC Andersen fairy tale on those channels when censorship are most active.

A twitter social media account ( twitter or facebook ) had a meme of the PM removed yesterday, but as soon as main stream media got involved the picture was returned.

Your legislature didn't in any way give its authority to "pass laws or regulations to any other branch of government". Your Governor is merely acting with the emergency powers your legislature gave her.
The point is the legislature can not give powers to any other branch of government. The separation of powers found in every state and federal constitution does not allow it. Any legislation that sends legislative authority to any other branch of the government has not passed a valid law.

People can only be pushed so far before they push back. The country is getting very close to a dangerous tipping point as shown by what happened in this story. I did not expect to see the people going against the government like this for years to come. This is however exactly the kind of response mentioned in the federalist #28 when the representatives have failed the people.

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo. Federalist #28

Making matters murkier, the Republican-led state legislature is preparing to let Michigan’s state of emergency order expire Thursday and set up a legal fight with Whitmer who is claiming she has emergency authority during the pandemic with or without legislative approval.

People were denied the right to protest while the government was acting to remove the rights of the people. This situation is exactly why protests need to be allowed. Once peaceful protests are outlawed protests like this that no one should want are highly likely to take their place. You have people who are broke, hungry, out of toilet paper, and angry. The government is acting to make them hungrier, angrier, and even more financially desperate. The people need a reasonable outlet for that anger. The government by refusing to allow them to protest peacefully only made the situation more volatile.

I seriously doubt this was a previously organized protest. I expect it was an organic protest resulting from several desperate people all reacting the same way at the same time. If those protesters had been shot down by the state the reaction by many others would likely have been large. That first armed protest would likely be nothing in size when compared to the second wave composed of those who were angered about their fellow countrymen being mowed down.

I have no desire to protest mostly because it accomplishes nothing and partly because I am not in the shape to protest. I dislike being in a crowd and have for decades. I am currently avoiding the virus by staying in place. I have never seen a protest make a big difference so why bother? The protests I have observed did nothing but get people together who made no difference or had changes result. I have avoided the virus so far and hope to continue avoiding it by not being part of any large group. I have no plan and my disabilities prevent me from edoing a lot of things. I would have a hard time standing up while holding a sign for 2 hours as required to protest properly. I fear if this lockdown continues for 3 more weeks this situation will turn very ugly. No one wants to see that happen.

After seeing this story I wonder of buying bulletproof vests is in order. Now everyone on both sides is going to be nervous and that can only result in an even more dangerous situation.

This is the kind of situation I was afraid could arise. Depending on what the state does next things could deteriorate quickly. There are more angry rednecks, veterans, and redneck veterans along with people who are becoming more and mroe desperate because of what the state is doing than the states can handle if this situations blows up.
I cant even post a few lines from a HC Andersen fairy tale on those channels when censorship are most active.

A twitter social media account ( twitter or facebook ) had a meme of the PM removed yesterday, but as soon as main stream media got involved the picture was returned.

I only speak english and bad english. Would you translate the meme and explain who the 2 people are so I can understand it?
The 2 people are the female Danish PM and one other of her kind saying something like Jesus these guys are stupid, Right Mette ( the PM )

And the sheep in the background are the Danes saying stuff like Thank you Mette, and thank you for taking care of us.

All very wholesome and Danish, but as soon as a complaint from a few woke people hit the desk its delete - delete - delete.

ATM Mette and her social democrats are in charge here, and when they are, history tell things turn to poo more / faster than when the other side of the bench are in charge, but probably just a little faster.
The point is the legislature can not give powers to any other branch of government. The separation of powers found in every state and federal constitution does not allow it. Any legislation that sends legislative authority to any other branch of the government has not passed a valid law.

People can only be pushed so far before they push back. The country is getting very close to a dangerous tipping point as shown by what happened in this story. I did not expect to see the people going against the government like this for years to come. This is however exactly the kind of response mentioned in the federalist #28 when the representatives have failed the people.

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo. Federalist #28

Making matters murkier, the Republican-led state legislature is preparing to let Michigan’s state of emergency order expire Thursday and set up a legal fight with Whitmer who is claiming she has emergency authority during the pandemic with or without legislative approval.

People were denied the right to protest while the government was acting to remove the rights of the people. This situation is exactly why protests need to be allowed. Once peaceful protests are outlawed protests like this that no one should want are highly likely to take their place. You have people who are broke, hungry, out of toilet paper, and angry. The government is acting to make them hungrier, angrier, and even more financially desperate. The people need a reasonable outlet for that anger. The government by refusing to allow them to protest peacefully only made the situation more volatile.

I seriously doubt this was a previously organized protest. I expect it was an organic protest resulting from several desperate people all reacting the same way at the same time. If those protesters had been shot down by the state the reaction by many others would likely have been large. That first armed protest would likely be nothing in size when compared to the second wave composed of those who were angered about their fellow countrymen being mowed down.

I have no desire to protest mostly because it accomplishes nothing and partly because I am not in the shape to protest. I dislike being in a crowd and have for decades. I am currently avoiding the virus by staying in place. I have never seen a protest make a big difference so why bother? The protests I have observed did nothing but get people together who made no difference or had changes result. I have avoided the virus so far and hope to continue avoiding it by not being part of any large group. I have no plan and my disabilities prevent me from edoing a lot of things. I would have a hard time standing up while holding a sign for 2 hours as required to protest properly. I fear if this lockdown continues for 3 more weeks this situation will turn very ugly. No one wants to see that happen.

After seeing this story I wonder of buying bulletproof vests is in order. Now everyone on both sides is going to be nervous and that can only result in an even more dangerous situation.

This is the kind of situation I was afraid could arise. Depending on what the state does next things could deteriorate quickly. There are more angry rednecks, veterans, and redneck veterans along with people who are becoming more and mroe desperate because of what the state is doing than the states can handle if this situations blows up.

You've obviously drunk so much right wing Cool Aid that you are now completely out of your mind! :hungover:
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