Dash Cam Don't Stop For Ambulance

Thanks Alan, I really appreciate your comments.
I have to admit I haven't gotten much done for some time now. Just too much other crap going on in life to do it justice. Have been working my way through a list of other things I got to get done so should be back into it before too long.
Time Lapse, in flank's defence he probably didn't realise that it was your own video because the 'Interesting Dash Cam Videos' section is usually used to post videos filmed by others, i.e. those that you may find on YouTube.
If you had posted this particular clip in the 'Your Dash Cam Videos' section, it would have been more obvious that it was your own recording and flak may therefore not have made the comment "The dash cam guy didn't stop for the ambulance either".

The Dash Cam Videos sub-forum thread names have been enhanced to help people post in the right area. English isn't everyone's first language on this very international forum.

I noticed the change in titles :)

back to the OP. Over here, when running on blues, emergency services can proceed through red lights - but only if safe to do so.
I am, however, completely amazed at the number of drivers I see who simply ignore the enormous firetruck rapidly coming up behind them with lights/sirens going.
Witnessed one the other week - Fluorescent ambulance with thousands of flashing LEDs all over it coming up behind cars. Lead car slows & pulls up onto the kerb where it dropped, as the road was narrow, I followed suit on the other side of the road - giving plenty of room for the ambulance to get through.
silly bitch in the car behind seemed completely oblivious to the noise & lights, simply overtook the car & gave me a little wave to say thanks for pulling over & letting her through!
WTF are these morons on?
I think ALL emergency vehicles should have dashcams & name/shame the morons who don't shift.
The way I see it - they could be on their way to helping my family.
Its all pure conjecture..... too many variables the patient may well have been in the ambulance and on the way to the hospital. the driver may well have stopped momentarily for the crew to administer an injection or perform a life saving procedure. Only the ambulance crew know the why's and wherefores......Ipol to ASSUME only makes an ASS out of U and ME