Dashcam Viewer for Mac and Windows

@Paul Schmehl, did you know you can switch between mph and km/h by clicking the units indicator in the speedometer:

As for the timing issue, in the development of DV I have come across a few dashcams whose recording of position/speed is off by a few seconds. The manufacturer, who will remain nameless (not DDPai), is aware of the issue but has chosen not to fix it because they don't think it's that important.

I reviewed one of the videos you sent me and I could see a smidge of this behavior. If you watch the speed stamp overlay and compare to the video itself, there's about a 1-2 second delay, which is most noticeable when you're coming to an abrupt stop or accelerating from a stop. Also, remember that the frequency of the data recorded by the dashcam ( 1 Hz) cannot keep up with the video frequency (30 Hz). So this adds another delay of up to a second in the data recording.
Yes, I did know about switching between kph and mph. I'll do that and see what happens.
As for the timing issue, in the development of DV I have come across a few dashcams whose recording of position/speed is off by a few seconds. The manufacturer, who will remain nameless (not DDPai), is aware of the issue but has chosen not to fix it because they don't think it's that important.

I reviewed one of the videos you sent me and I could see a smidge of this behavior. If you watch the speed stamp overlay and compare to the video itself, there's about a 1-2 second delay, which is most noticeable when you're coming to an abrupt stop or accelerating from a stop. Also, remember that the frequency of the data recorded by the dashcam ( 1 Hz) cannot keep up with the video frequency (30 Hz). So this adds another delay of up to a second in the data recording.

the data track is generally saved real time, on screen display of any speed etc is not real time and is injected in the video afterwards which also shows a delay
the data track is generally saved real time, on screen display of any speed etc is not real time and is injected in the video afterwards which also shows a delay
Logically then, if DV is getting its data from gps, it should precede the video speed, not lag it by 9 seconds or so. I'm going to switch to kph to see what happens.
OK, this is too weird for words. I switched DV to kph, and the speed matches exactly. Speed displayed in the video is identical the speed that DV displays above the video and in the speed graph.

How is that possible? To display mph, all DV has to do is calculate the speed in mph based on the speed in kph. In computer time, that should be instantaneous. So what could possibly introduce that delay?
I think an 'instant' would equal zero speed. A brief time-slice, though, and velocity can be calculated. I mean in general theory, not necessarily as it related to this in particular.
Dashcam Viewer v2.2.0 Released for Mac and Windows

Hi Folks, Dashcam Viewer v2.2.0 was released today with the following new feature and bug fixes. Dashcam Viewer is available for Mac OS X and Windows (64-bit and 32-bit). Download the free version from our website.

New Features:
  • You can now click in the Graph to jump to key points in the movie sequence. This feature can be turned off by a checkbox in the Preferences. [Thanks to user “Manuel” for the suggestion!]
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug that could change the currently selected graph tab if the user switches movies.
  • Implemented workaround for bug in F770 GPS data stream in which extraneous data points are present at the end of the stream.
  • Reduced unnecessary white space surrounding the Graph windows.
- John
Website: http://dashcamviewer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamviewer
@allerley : of the ~60 dashcam models supported we've found 3 models whose movies do not play in the Mac version: DDPai M6+, Thinkware 750, Thinkware F770. If your dashcam is one of these I'm afraid there's nothing I can do on my end to make the files play in Dashcam Viewer. I'm sorry about that-- I'd love to add Mac support for these popular dashcams. But these files will not even play in Apple's own QuickTime Player 7 so it's not just a DV issue.
@allerley : of the ~60 dashcam models supported we've found 3 models whose movies do not play in the Mac version: DDPai M6+, Thinkware 750, Thinkware F770. If your dashcam is one of these I'm afraid there's nothing I can do on my end to make the files play in Dashcam Viewer. I'm sorry about that-- I'd love to add Mac support for these popular dashcams. But these files will not even play in Apple's own QuickTime Player 7 so it's not just a DV issue.

Strange I can play the M6+ video files fine in my MacBook Pro 2015 they just won't play in dashcam viewer.
I’m not sure what point you are trying to make, DDPai has made their video files compatible with QT10 the latest release, the majority of Mac owners will be on that version only really old Mac’s which can’t be updated to the latest OS will be on QT7

Are you saying DDPai should make their video files compatible with an obsolete version of QT for your program DV to work?
I’m not sure what point you are trying to make, DDPai has made their video files compatible with QT10 the latest release, the majority of Mac owners will be on that version only really old Mac’s which can’t be updated to the latest OS will be on QT7

Are you saying DDPai should make their video files compatible with an obsolete version of QT for your program DV to work?
I'm not sure how familiar you are with programming, so this may or may not be clear. When you create a program like DV, you make choices about what external libraries to use. DV uses libraries from QT 7. In order to change to QT 10, @traveler would have to completely rewrite parts of his program. That takes a lot of work AND bears the risk of breaking the program for all the other cameras for which it's presently working. Right now, the Mac version doesn't work for DDpai and two Thinkware models. By "fixing" it for DDpai, he might break it for dozens of other cameras.

Programmers are forced to make decisions like this all the time. I've discussed this issue with @traveler, and I know he has a back-of-the-mind plan to rip out the QT parts of the program and replace them with something more universal. But it's not a high priority, because the program still works for over fifty camera models and doesn't work for only three.
I appreciate this would require some effort to update DV and I don't expect it to be a top priority. But it would be interesting to see if older QT7 files play on the latest version of QT as I would think they will have kept them compatible. I've no means to test that myself. If older files are compatible then there would be little risk in updating DV. Also newer dash cams using MP4 files are likely to use the latest version to reduce file sizes and introduce higher resolutions
I appreciate this would require some effort to update DV and I don't expect it to be a top priority. But it would be interesting to see if older QT7 files play on the latest version of QT as I would think they will have kept them compatible. I've no means to test that myself. If older files are compatible then there would be little risk in updating DV. Also newer dash cams using MP4 files are likely to use the latest version to reduce file sizes and introduce higher resolutions
For a programmer the problem isn't the risk. It's that making major changes to the guts of a program requires extensive time consuming testing. You can't just verify that older formats still play in the newer libraries. You actually have to test with raw files from cameras. It's a lot of work, so it's not something one takes on lightly. I know that @traveler has a back-of-the-mind plan to update, but the libraries he wants to use are still in beta. Until those are stabilized, there's no point in even beginning the work, because the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) could change before it comes out of beta, breaking all the work he's done to migrate to the new libraries.

I know it's frustrating, but patience and time will resolve the issue eventually.
Love this app. Mentioned it yet again to someone.
The one thing I would like is for Mac OS X Gatekeeper to see you as a trusted developer.
Users get the usual Gatekeeper warning/blocking...
I would be very interested to know you plans to become an identified developer, and I for one would even HELP FUND you in doing so, if it would make it happen.
Apple's Page on this subject, from what I can tell: https://developer.apple.com/library...sOutside/DistributingApplicationsOutside.html

@Paul Schmehl , you took the words out of my mouth. Let me just add that although the Mac version of DV uses QuickTime 7 libraries for playback, there's no reason a dashcam maker has to produce a movie file that is not compatible with QT7. Most dashcam and other movie producing products I've tested are fully compatible with these older libraries. GoPro Hero is a good example of a camera that produces an excellent movie product (high-res, high-frame rate), which is compatible with QT7. I don't know why Thinkware and DDPai don't do the same, but it's their choice.
@boilers, it's very generous of you to offer financial assistance in getting Dashcam Viewer past the Gatekeeper! But this is not necessary.

To make a long story short, the early versions of Dashcam Viewer were code signed so that they could be installed with your security settings because I was an "Identified Developer". Then Apple changed the rules and methods for code signing and this broke signing process. After trying a few things, I basically punted and decided to leave it unsigned. Instead I provide instructions for temporarily bypassing the Gatekeeper.

But after looking at that link you provided, I see that Apple has improved the process. So I renewed my developer membership today and will revisit this. Thanks for the info and offer to assist!
Stop turning down free money!!!! It's un-American! :) :)
Seriously. Continual thanks, kind sir.