Differences between SG9665GC V2 and V3

some minor updates, new lens assembly and lens housing to suit the included CPL filter are the most notable changes, CPL was a $40 option previously and in your market is now included at no extra cost
Yeah! V3 is out? Cool! Firmware will run on both V2 and V3 right?
Thanks guys, will order later today. Now to decide if I should hardwire or just get a 12v splitter.
If you order on Amazon search for "SG9665GC V3" not just "SG9665GC". This way you'll see all card bundled options. Since some of the listings are new, they have a low search ranking until more people buy them. (And are 2 pages deep short term)
some minor updates, new lens assembly and lens housing to suit the included CPL filter are the most notable changes,...
Is there a summation somewhere of the differences from V1 to V2 to V3? Would be nice to help determine if upgrading from V1 to V3 would be worthwhile.
If you order on Amazon search for "SG9665GC V3" not just "SG9665GC". This way you'll see all card bundled options. Since some of the listings are new, they have a low search ranking until more people buy them. (And are 2 pages deep short term)
Yeah only the 32GB model was showing up without the V3. Getting the 128GB, in stock Dec 9th, hopefully i can get it before my trip on the 15th.
Yeah! V3 is out? Cool! Firmware will run on both V2 and V3 right?

yes, will both run the same firmware, there will be some extra adjustments to do to suit new lenses which will be V3 specific but they will need to remain user selectable so we can cater to both models, those won't find their way back into the V1 firmware as there will be no need for them
Is there a summation somewhere of the differences from V1 to V2 to V3? Would be nice to help determine if upgrading from V1 to V3 would be worthwhile.

it's more evolution than revolution, once the next V1 firmware is released it will be much the same as where current V2 is now so just a small change then to V3, some other models that are coming might be more interesting for you if looking for a more noticeable upgrade
it's more evolution than revolution, once the next V1 firmware is released it will be much the same as where current V2 is now so just a small change then to V3,...
So, reading through all the announcements regarding V1, V2 and V3 it seems the determining factor(s) in the version number changes were:

V1 to V2 - Use of protected memory for calibration data
V2 to V3 - Lens/housing/CPL changes

Any other changes along the way are pretty much incremental small improvements?

Any date for the V1 F/W release?

...some other models that are coming might be more interesting for you if looking for a more noticeable upgrade
Yeah, 4 cameras in 1 vehicle with 4 memory cards is a bit of a PITA so you can pretty much guess what I'm waiting for.
I'm waiting for a 60fps product.
Here are some V3 photos





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