DOD LS430W now available?

Yeah, YT definitely causes quality loss. A suggestion for the review is definitely mention the high heat blurriness (do a test of your own if you can, around 55C). It's the one major disadvantage I have found so far. Battery runtime also appears to be extremely short; 4-6 minutes. (I strongly suspect the battery is 200mAh not 500mAh. Haven't opened mine up, but the 300W was using a 200mAh from the pictures I saw, and quotes 500mAh as well).
Yeah, YT definitely causes quality loss. A suggestion for the review is definitely mention the high heat blurriness (do a test of your own if you can, around 55C). It's the one major disadvantage I have found so far. Battery runtime also appears to be extremely short; 4-6 minutes. (I strongly suspect the battery is 200mAh not 500mAh. Haven't opened mine up, but the 300W was using a 200mAh from the pictures I saw, and quotes 500mAh as well).

I do, thanks, the manual advised caution in hot days, hopefully there will be a video somewhere (quite chilly in Central Europe right now :-)

Battery runs 10 minutes max., at first I was suspecting a faulty one but 200 mAh seems about right, dashcam is quite small and lightweight.
Anyone that has not seen a DOD LS43oW should watch our full review. Shows real world driving including night with rain, and all other functions and menus. Do not take this as pushy sales this is intended as information for this post.
Good job and nice to see other retailers. Agree with your other posts.. under $200 is hard to believe, perhaps its refurbished units? Who knows
Not refurbished, not fake, mine comes with 10 languages, so perhaps domestic Chinese version? I am sure it's not a fake. So yes, you can get it easily under 200 if you can wait and have more difficulty with any warranty RMA if necessary. (shipping etc) Just read up this thread, another user got one from e-prance and it's also a good non fake model.
firmware can be different, better to ask @billknow from Foxoffer as he does some DOD models but all that aside people need to keep in mind if buying from a Chinese reseller the cost structure is much different, they don't have the same taxes, freight charges etc as when buying locally, the warranty support is much different and add to that some of these Chinese sellers work on ridiculously small profit margins that just wouldn't work in other countries
I thought of buying from ebay, but end with the unit from local store. 263 CAD, taxes included.
Just because of warranty...
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I thought of buying from ebay, but end with the unit from local store. 269 CAD, taxes included.
Just because of warranty...
Yeah Staples most likely. Good price! It was at $245 CAD + 13% tax at one point, _might_ go on sale for Xmas or something.
Canada Computers has it for 269CAD, but "Save up to $43.00 additionally for online shipping!"
After shipping: 263CAD (with tax)
We have it for $249CAD with full warranty in Canada. Jokiin is correct Asia is a different game.. Prices are lower but if you ever need the warranty its on you to ship it back, check out the price for a insured and tracked package to China, for one camera with decent delivery times its upwards of $80 CAD. Then waiting for repairs and the shipping back.... this all takes time and can be up to 3 months before you see your dash cam again! This must be factored into N.American prices. Generally customer service is better from local small businesses and tech support is usually offered (someone to call if any problems arise, means alot to people).

There are viable options to the N.American purchaser, just have to do some searching.
We have it for $249CAD with full warranty in Canada. Jokiin is correct Asia is a different game.. Prices are lower but if you ever need the warranty its on you to ship it back, check out the price for a insured and tracked package to China, for one camera with decent delivery times its upwards of $80 CAD. Then waiting for repairs and the shipping back.... this all takes time and can be up to 3 months before you see your dash cam again!

even if there was no shipping cost the time without a camera should be a deal breaker for most, being able to get something sorted within days rather than months has to be worth more than the difference, as you say, add the support, service etc, sure it costs more locally but it costs more locally for good reasons
Totally agree with the above two posts. Going with the China Domestic versions is like buying a lottery ticket with possibility that it turns into $70 dollar winnings or $185 loss after a year. However your odds are very good that you will win when compared to an actual lottery, so there is some logic to it. (you are still more likely to win than lose)
Agree with above posts as I went without a camera for almost 3 months getting it repaired and shipped back from China. Something to consider anyway should problems arise.
Ok, few comment on the LS430W in comparison with Lukas LK7900 ACE. I was using LK7900 since April this year and bought LS430W a week ago.
1. Instant start of LS430W. After I start the engine and before I buckle up, camera is already starting recording. Amazing! it takes LK7900 about 15 seconds to start
2. LS430W has better video quality. I assume due to the 15MBS bit rate (LK7900 has 11MBS at max)
3. Addition to #2. Night quality for sure is better on LS430W
4. I still want to hear voice confirmation that LK7900 is doing... LS430W does the job silently
5. LS430W has screen... Don't know but i like the presence of the screen. Probably useless during the drive, but useful to check the recordings just after the stop without removing SD card and looking for computer nearby
6. USB and HDMI on LS430W. LK7900 does not have any of them (at least which can be used to access the video files). Basically, I don't need to remove SD card every time I want to check what was recorded.
7. Battery on LS430W. It can work outside the car for about 7-8 minutes. Not much, but personally I like this.
8. Cam attachment. LK7900 has very weird type of attachment, that can be easily broken. LS430W has 2 types of attachments: suction cup and tape mount. Also it is possible to turn the cam right/left up/down very easily on LS4300W
9. LK7900 takes less space and I was able to hide it completely behind the mirror. At least with suction cup it is not easy to do with LS430W. But maybe I just didn't try hard.
10. Display. LS430W has speed and compass, LK7900 has speed and time. I prefer speed and time...
11. It is possible to install CPL filter on LK7900 optics. Very nice feature that is not present on LS430W. But surprisingly enough, LS430W does not have so much glare on video, as LK7900 without CPL filter. LK7900 with CPL - no glare at all!

Still think that both cameras are good, but now prefer LS430W...

BTW, today was -20C and LS430W started without any issues. Waiting for colder weather for testing (just for testing! :) )
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