Double-beep of death?

you can easily bypass that by plugging into the camera and see if you get the same result

one more thing for you to try as well, can you give this a go and let me know the result

1. Reset to factory defaults (just so we have a known baseline) - camera powers on and starts recording at 1440P30.
2. Press REC to pause recording and change resolution to 1080P60.
3. Change Loop Recording to 10 minutes.
4. Format the card
5. Press Menu to exit

see how it goes from there before the next thing to try
Sure, will try that. I'm also going to buy a 32GB card but can't test any of this until I get home later.
OK, so I was able to replicate. It's not when powering through the GPS mount. It's using 64GB cards in 1080p @ 60fps. Looping at 10 min. Haven't tried other looping times, other resolutions yet or a 128GB card (don't have one here). I did try to format card after adjusting settings and it still locked up. Everything is fine when using 32GB cards.
OK, so I was able to replicate. It's not when powering through the GPS mount. It's using 64GB cards in 1080p @ 60fps. Looping at 10 min. Haven't tried other looping times, other resolutions yet or a 128GB card (don't have one here). I did try to format card after adjusting settings and it still locked up. Everything is fine when using 32GB cards.

Ok, can you try the steps I outlined above using the 64gb card and format the card before exiting and see if it still does it?
Ok, can you try the steps I outlined above using the 64gb card and format the card before exiting and see if it still does it?
I did and it still did it. I tried 1296p, no problems. Tried 1080p @ 60fps with looping set to 3min and 5min, no problems. Seems to be when you set it to loop at 10min.
I did and it still did it. I tried 1296p, no problems. Tried 1080p @ 60fps with looping set to 3min and 5min, no problems. Seems to be when you set it to loop at 10min.

ok that's good to narrow things down

one more thing, can you do again but when you exit back to the menu don't press rec to stop the recording but instead pull the power and let it shutdown and then examine the card and see if anything was recorded after exiting, if nothing do the same again but let it run longer than the loop cycle setting then shut it down and check again

this will be very helpful for @viofo so the engineer can replicate, reproducible bugs are always the easiest to fix
ok so it's failing to record when switching to that res, when you boot back up it's business as usual and it records fine at 1080p60 with 10 minute cycle, or it still has issues with those settings?
ok so it's failing to record when switching to that res, when you boot back up it's business as usual and it records fine at 1080p60 with 10 minute cycle, or it still has issues with those settings?
Still has issues with that setting. Need to remove card (or change to 32gb card) to be able access menu.
Confirmed as above.

- 32GB is fine.
- GPS made no difference.
- Formatting during the steps made no difference either.
Last edited:
Confirmed the issue, we are checking it.
Before we solved the issue, do you mind use 5mins loop recording options.
Confirmed the issue, we are checking it.
Before we solved the issue, do you mind use 5mins loop recording options.

Sure - that's good news that you can repeat it and are addressing it.
Sure - that's good news that you can repeat it and are addressing it.
Got this issue reported 2 days ago, but haven't confirmed it due to I use 32GB card.
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I experienced the same issue when I changed the resolution from 1440P30 to 1080P60 and turned on LSWS and FCWS. It started to record as normal then it stopped recording, with REC solid red and on the display no red dot. I had to reset while not connected to GPS module. Perhaps its a bug, I don't know. For now I will leave it on 1440P30.
Hi, I have problem. When I turn on camera is starting record, but when I try to turn off record "rec" button blinking and camera beeping (2 beeps - pause - 2 beeps - pause - ....), and nothing happened, there are no records SD card. On screen there is "Memory error" massage and "rec" button blinking and camera beeping (2 beeps - pause - 2 beeps - pause - ....). Without SD card (A119 empty) "rec" button blinking and camera beeping (2 beeps - pause - 2 beeps - pause - ....) as well.

I am using 64 GB SD card, I tried few cards made by different producers, and problem still exist.

It has happened after I upgraded from 1.1 up to 2.0 firmware ver. Before there were no problem with my SD card and recording.


Problem such as on the movie:


  • memory error.png
    memory error.png
    567.9 KB · Views: 7
Hi, I have problem. When I turn on camera is starting record, but when I try to turn off record "rec" button blinking and camera beeping (2 beeps - pause - 2 beeps - pause - ....), and nothing happened, there are no records SD card. On screen there is "Memory error" massage and "rec" button blinking and camera beeping (2 beeps - pause - 2 beeps - pause - ....). Without SD card (A119 empty) "rec" button blinking and camera beeping (2 beeps - pause - 2 beeps - pause - ....) as well.

I am using 64 GB SD card, I tried few cards made by different producers, and problem still exist.

It has happened after I upgraded from 1.1 up to 2.0 firmware ver. Before there were no problem with my SD card and recording.


Problem such as on the movie:
I'm not sure I am following your issue. What the video shows is normal. When you stop recording, the A119 will beep to notify you that it is not recording. Once you press another button, like menu, it will stop beeping. This is normal. Not sure about the memory error. Probably didn't like your choice of memory card. When you start the camera without a card inserted, it will beep to notify you that it's not recording. Again, normal.
Try flashing both the loader and the firmware again, then reset to defaults in the menu. Apparently there's no way to easily see whether the loader actually installed, so it's best to do it again -can't hurt anything.