DR400g-HD II not working with Blue light blinking and constant

In the system folder I see this "nandlog file" only with text, the others 3 files are empty :
[14:46:18][read_rtc:296] 2012-07-19 14:46:18 (1342709178)-0
[14:46:18][check_model_info:907]/mnt/mmc/BlackVue/Config/version.bin read End
[14:46:18]config version miss match!!, version[1.010]::config[1.000]
[14:46:23]#####[check_version:936]firmware_version:1.010, FIRMWARE_VERSION:1.010
[14:46:23][check_version:960] config.ini[1.000] is different version.bin[config_version:1.010]...
[14:46:24][JC:pta_parameter_init:3361] overwrite set >>>> (time)
there is your problem I would say

14:46:18]config version miss match!!, version[1.010]::config[1.000]
[14:46:23]#####[check_version:936]firmware_version:1.010, FIRMWARE_VERSION:1.010
[14:46:23][check_version:960] config.ini[1.000] is different version.bin[config_version:1.010]...
Ok I can try again to disconnect both bateries, wait even 1H, but what firmware should I install on the SD card ?
Install the original that came with the phone then go to the link about the blue light problem and CAREFULLY follow the instructions
Hillbilly, thanks, but I tried 3 different firmware already and it changeds nothing. So what firmware version should be the good one for the Dr400-HD season II.?
In my case the light is blue and not purple....but maybe it is the same case...
With the 1st cam I had no problem. With this 2nd one, because it was not recording I started to read this forum and so that is why I formated the SD etc...
I sent an email to the sales contact (Amazon) but of course no reply
Pittasoft is not controling at all the sales channels, exept for its 10 "official distributors" which are usually 30 to 50% more expensive. Maybe because they know they have a lot of issues with their cameras and they do not want to have to manage to much "not happy Customer" :-(
In my case the light is blue and not purple....but maybe it is the same case...
With the 1st cam I had no problem. With this 2nd one, because it was not recording I started to read this forum and so that is why I formated the SD etc...
I sent an email to the sales contact (Amazon) but of course no reply
Pittasoft is not controling at all the sales channels, exept for its 10 "official distributors" which are usually 30 to 50% more expensive. Maybe because they know they have a lot of issues with their cameras and they do not want to have to manage to much "not happy Customer" :-(

The latest and only firmware is here http://dashcamtalk.com/blackvue-dr400g-hd-ii/#Latest_Firmware As are all the answers to your problems.

It took 30secs in a Google search to find this as I had forgotten about this page

The usual cause of problems with software in these cameras is people who don't follow the instructions carefully enough or those who dont understand what they are trying to do.

Sometimes things are best left alone until you read up and are sure what you are going to do will work.
It looks like your firmware upgrade wasn't successful because it must change config file to correct one! Yours incorrect!!!

Try this first

config file:
version = 1.010
model = 400GII
language = Korea
version = 2.010
model = 400 change to model = 400GII
language = Korea
version = 1.000 change to version = 1.010
model = 400GII

save, insert SD card with new modified config file in to you camera and see what happen

If it's not working NOW you can upgrade to Russian-English firmware. To do this you have to format your SD card first, download file from here http://led-car.ru/downloads/blackvue/DR400G-HD-II_v1.010-155(2012_1110)_RU.exe

start downloaded file it gives you all instructions on Russian. Don't worry!
On the first screen you have to press "Далее>"
insert formatted SD card into computer and press "Далее>"
next screen press "Далее>"
next screen choose destination to your SD card and press "Далее>"
installing soft on your SD card...
when it is done press "Готово"
now remove SD card and insert it in to your camera and power it!
don't power off until you will see purple color on your camera!
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Correct log file from my camera

[20:01:23][read_rtc:296] 2013-12-10 01:01:24 (1386637284)--18000
[20:01:24][check_model_info:907]/mnt/mmc/BlackVue/Config/version.bin read End
[20:01:24]#####[check_version:936]firmware_version:1.010, FIRMWARE_VERSION:1.010
[20:01:24][check_version:953] config.ini is 1.010...
[20:01:25][JC:pta_parameter_init:3361] overwrite set >>>> (time)
[20:01:33][motion_init:101]Record Parking
[20:01:39]GPS Start
[20:01:39][recfile_start:749] OPEN FILE 20131209_200139_N
[20:02:40][pta_close:3516]REC FILE CLOSE
[20:02:41][recfile_start:749] OPEN FILE 20131209_200240_N
[20:03:38]Power OFF
[20:03:38]Serial end.
[20:03:38][pta_main:1837]OUT3-0[REC END PROC1:0]
[20:03:38][pta_close:3516]REC FILE CLOSE
[20:03:39][pta_main:1854]OUT3-0[REC END PROC2]
[20:03:39]Power OFF
[20:03:40]Power OFF
[20:03:41]End System - 1
[20:03:41]End System umount
[20:03:42]Power OFF

Correct version.bin file from my camera

version = 1.010
model = 400GII
language = Korea
version = 2.010
model = 400GII
language = Korea
version = 1.010
model = 400GII

also check your config.ini file
STARTVOICE=1 Here. 0-no voice, 1-voice
NORMALSTARTVOICE=1 Here. 0-no voice, 1-voice
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The only thing in the Config file that affects anything other than the actual camera settings is the Time Zone . The rest is purely personal and irrelevant to the problem

The OP should go to the linked page I gave him And READ IT ALL CAREFULLY THEN try to fix the camera Putting all sorts of different Firmware in because "It might fix it" is not the way to go.

Some people have spent lots of time working out how to alter these cameras to accept different Firmware and its best to stick to the proven way rather than try What "someone" " thinks" may work.

I have modified several by using the tried and true methods and have no reason to deviate from this.
Да потому, что это не только Russian firmware, оно и англо говорящее тоже! Но в добавок ко всему у него можно менять битрейт, что человеку наверняка пригодиться. Французской версии все равно нет! :) А мне разминка для мозгов! Полтора года к камере не прикасался и не занимался ею, многое уже подзабыл, лохом выгляжу, а тут глядишь уже и вспомнил многое... Предыдущий оратор и не догадывается, что ссылка на инструкции которые он тут дает, первоначально были написаны именно мной на этом форуме...
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Да потому, что это не только Russian firmware, оно и англо говорящее тоже! Но в добавок ко всему у него можно менять битрейт, что человеку наверняка пригодиться. Французской версии все равно нет! :) А мне разминка для мозгов! Полтора года к камере не прикасался и не занимался ею, многое уже подзабыл, лохом выгляжу, а тут глядишь уже и вспомнил многое...

Really helpful
Strange that apart from how to revert to older firmware the English is much better than yours and the last update on that page is 5 months before you joined the forum.

As there is no author on the page how do we know who wrote it.
More important to be honest and not tell lies or no one will trust you

not hard to read Russian really.