FlyMod for Nextbase 512GW

Yes, it isn’t a case of not being able to write the code. It’s a conscious decision to have standard firmware releases and one version for use without the logo.

After doing a bit of research, and reading a lot of comments about the logo, and the additional 'Lo' files, the general consensus seems to be that most users don't want the logo on their videos, or the 'Lo' files cluttering up their micro sd cards, so please, please, please, at least give users the option to turn these off in the settings. It is not a big ask, it is what customers want, so why is a manufacturer, like Nextbase, refusing to listen to their customers? Nextbase should be more than willing to accept, and act upon customer feedback, and keep their customers happy, so why aren't they? Why can't we have a 'standard firmware release' that fits with our requirements?
I must agree with Gavin_G as most companies take feedback from customers and utilize the feedback in new firmware versions but for some unknown reason Nextbase have pulled up the blinds to our comments and ignoring what we say and this will lead to sales loss due to potential customers reading all the negative comments.
@Gavin_G I can understand why it would appear as though all customers want these two things.

It's important to remember though; majority of customers here who comment around an issue they're not happy with have come looking for advice, because they're not happy with a feature/aspect of the product. If someone is happy with a feature, its unlikely they will find themselves online searching through threads about the contrary.

Whilst there are lots of comments here providing feedback, which we do listen to and act upon, it still a small percentage of customers with the product.
@NextBase Tiffany A lot of people who have bought a product, and are not happy with it, will not complain about it because they can't be bothered, or it takes too much time, or they see someone else has already complained about the same thing, or they think nobody is going to listen, or they can't use a search engine properly, or they don't want to inconvenience anyone, or they don't want to join a forum, etc. etc. Those that do take the time, and effort, to offer their likes, and dislikes, about products should be looked upon as the voice of the many, not the unhappy few.
I am still struggling to comprehend why Nextbase are not acting upon the suggestions put forward, and providing us with what we require. If the majority of people are happy with the product, and the logo, like you say, what is the problem with providing those that are not happy, with the ability to turn it off, along with giving us the ability to control what video files are downloaded?
Of course, it's not only Dash Cam Talk that we take feedback from.

We answer emails, Live Chat, telephone calls, Facebook and Twitter along with some forums. Speaking with 512GW users for a range of reasons on a daily basis, through all channels, the conversation comes up less frequent than you'd imagine. I will stress this doesn't means it's less important.

We can only act upon the feedback we receive, it doesn't matter if it's the many or the few it's equally as important to us. This is why we created a dedicated firmware for every model to ensure anyone who wanted to remove the logo could.

I will let the development team know your frustrations, I will post here if it there is any change in firmware.
Tiffany typed:- I will let the development team know your frustrations, I will post here if it there is any change in firmware.
Thanks Tiffany, but it would be more informative if you let us know what the development team say, when you let them know, otherwise we are left in the dark, wondering if the firmware is going to change.
The dedicated firmware you mention, to remove the logo, appears to be an old firmware version, and by asking users to accept that version to appease them, could exclude those users from other useful updates in future firmware that still includes no option to remove the logo in that firmware.
In a reply you gave to a point someone raised in December 2017, you typed:- Of course - if something can’t be changed there’s usually a pretty logical reason behind it so always get ideas across at ways you feel the Dash Cam or firmware could work better for you.
This is what we have been doing, and there appears to be no logical reason why our requests can't be met, so please pass that on to the development team if it might help sway their decision.
Speaking with 512GW users for a range of reasons on a daily basis, through all channels, the conversation comes up less frequent than you'd imagine.
But do you actively ask them for feedback on the logo? That's the way to find out whether it is liked or not.
I suspect that it is not necessarily the branding that annoys the vociferous few, but the way in which it is done.
The suggestion of putting it in the bottom left hand corner, as apposed to emblazoning it in a jolly big font across the top left, seems to have been ignored. Doing that would probably placate the vociferous few AND still apply your branding to the video.

Do that and everybody wins.:love:
Is the alternative software supplied to those who complain about the logo going to be updated or are those customers going to be punished with having to accept old firmware with no new features. I don't know how difficult it would be to incorporate a software switch in the menus, but it can't be that difficult.
The suggestion of putting it in the bottom left hand corner, as apposed to emblazoning it in a jolly big font across the top left, seems to have been ignored. Doing that would probably placate the vociferous few AND still apply your branding to the video.

(not a criticism, just an observation)

I understand why they want branding, we have it to, I would expect if they had a logo on/off option in the menu a great number of people would turn it off as it's overly large and not very well placed

we have a logo on/off option on all our products but the logo is bottom left of screen and much more discreet, most people leave it on, go figure :P
I don't know how difficult it would be to incorporate a software switch in the menus, but it can't be that difficult.

it's very simple, a lot less work than maintaining two versions of firmware that's for sure
@Gavin_G there is a logical reason: "The logo being present helps us to recognise Nextbase footage when users upload it to YouTube etc., and then in some cases users give us permission to share the footage to highlight road safety issues". As above we have understood not everybody would like this, so released a firmware version without the logo. Yes - I will keep you updated here.

You're 100% correct @M8TJT.
That does not seem like a logical reason to me, and I would surmise that the real reason is that Nextbase want to advertise their products, on our footage, that we own the copyright to, and have taken with our equipment, that we have paid good money for. If Nextbase want to advertise on our copyrighted material, they should be paying us for the privilege, this is not a suggestion, it is a right.
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Tiffany, in response to my comment:-
'If Nextbase want to advertise on our copyrighted material, they should be paying for the privilege.'
typed, 'We do'
That's great, where do I send the £30 invoice, for the enforced Nextbase advert, placed on my copyrighted clip, which is on the YouTube, link below:-
Can I earn money from my Nextbase videos?
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@Gavin_G we haven't used the clip for marketing, I recommend you contact our sales department if you'd like to discuss this further.
Perhaps, forwarding this discussion to the Nextbase legal department would be a better option, to check if it is legal to impose an advert on copyrighted material, without the copyright owner's permission.

Here is what it says regarding copyright infringement on the website:-
Question - I want to stop someone using the image I created in a way I do not approve of, or have not approved
Reply - If somebody is making use of your images without your permission, there are a number of options open to you as the copyright owner. Although you do not have to, it is usually sensible to try to resolve the matter with the party you think has infringed your copyright. This may save you time and money, and it may be necessary to show a court that you have tried to solve the matter with the other party. Mediation is one way of resolving an issue before starting court proceedings. The IPO offers a mediation service which can help to resolve intellectual property disputes – including copyright – without going to court: https:// If you cannot resolve the matter with the other party, then going to court may be the right solution. But it would be a good idea to seek legal advice at an early stage.
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Brand is a big thing in everyday life. People are happy to walk round on their branded footwear and clothes. And driving the right make of car also has credo.

But having a fairly unobtrusive logo on dashcam video seems to be an issue. Has the brand not enough street cred?
We haven't used your image, you have uploaded it online. You have been sent the Logo free version should you choose to use it.

As above, please contact if you have any further questions regarding that.