GitUp Git2- Support, FAQ, Review

If you can't see any hot pixels then you should not worry about them! If you really want to test for them then wait for the dark days of December and then record some video of ghosts in a dungeon by candle light - that normally shows up one or two ;)

I'm not sure what the difference between 1.4b and 1.4 is, probably very little, I'm also not sure which is best, maybe it is just to distinguish between factory and user install. Without further information I would keep what you have and enjoy it until 1.5 arrives.

Welcome :)

Thanks ! for the welcome and the advise !

I'll do that, wait the next release as this one seems good for now.

Have a nice week end to all!
Yeah, that screw is way to close to the battery, you could replace it with a version that has a smaller head, or put a tiny drop of silicone there in order to get proper
isolation so it does not touch the battery.
Hi guys! Im looking for a dashcam and my question is if Gitup Git2 when in carmode does all the job auto? Does it write over the oldest file and keep recording when the memory is full when loop recording is enabled? Whats your opinion about the Git2 as a dashcam? My work has asked me to check for a good dashcam to all our cars that records atleast 1080p/60fps that gives the best possible picture day/night-time. Im working with security so readable car numberplates and faces is much appriciated. (The dashcam is supposed to be rigged upp on the car dashboard and not on the windshield) Best regards..
GitUp Git1 is a great dashcam also for night, not Git2. So maybe your work is satisfied with 1080p 30fps because is hard to find a better action cam for this purpose.
Look here for a comparison with another 3 dashcams launched in 2016.

Also XiaoYi Yi can be mounted on dashboard using some another mounts but at least mine have focus problems because of heat so you take in consideration also this problem when looking for a dashcam which is mounted on dashboard.

I use Git2 as a dshcam every day and it works great, but then i dont drive at night, as MTZ said, Git1 is better for night recording

I used to have a Sj5000+ and it suckedas a dashcam as it always overheated, dont buy it from bangood whatever you get
Hi,i have 2 questions,
1)can i ask where is the wifi button on git 2 and how can i connect??
2) what is the newest version now??i just received and the version is 1.3
Ok, now that I fixed the screw touching the capacitor I have another question. How long (more or less) should the capacitor keep time and date settings after removing the battery?
GitUp Git1 is a great dashcam also for night, not Git2. So maybe your work is satisfied with 1080p 30fps because is hard to find a better action cam for this purpose.
Look here for a comparison with another 3 dashcams launched in 2016.

Also XiaoYi Yi can be mounted on dashboard using some another mounts but at least mine have focus problems because of heat so you take in consideration also this problem when looking for a dashcam which is mounted on dashboard.


Nice video, thanks, how much better is it recording then git2? I will try to find some clips on the youtube to compare, because we need 60fps camera, as evindense not just in car accident for insurance.. So i will keep the git1 in mind!
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My Git2 took these photos by itself:



I've connected a PIR movement sensor to the external trigger input on it's HDMI socket:

Some ground and aerial photos with the Git2 mounted on a so called "toy-grade" quad copter. You can know which pictures were from air from the right up corner where a motor pod is visible :) Also I can confirm the saying that he who wakes up early in the morning is sleepy all day long :D

Hello everyone.

I tried to upgrade to V1.4 from V1.3, it not happened that the camera has been turned off, and has not returned to reignite.

I tried to remove and replace the battery, but nothing.

Connect it to the PC and does nothing or detects the PC.

SD is a 32 Gb EVO and both the card and the camera have little use.

No electricity and I can not do anything.

I need help @gitup

Thanks in advance.
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Hello everyone.

I tried to upgrade to V1.4 from V1.3, it not happened that the camera has been turned off, and has not returned to reignite.

I tried to remove and replace the battery, but nothing.

Connect it to the PC and does nothing or detects the PC.

SD is a 32 Gb EVO and both the card and the camera have little use.

No electricity and I can not do anything.

I need help @gitup

Thanks in advance.

Did you update the loader first ? In the 1.4 FW there are two files, one is LD (loader) the other is FW (firmware).
I could not tell , anyway failure rekindled is not normal and I can not get any firmware if there is no electricity .

V1.3 instaled as said @gito75
I could not tell , anyway failure rekindled is not normal and I can not get any firmware if there is no electricity .

V1.3 instaled as said @gito75
Follow the instructions for upgrading from V1.2, install the loader first, then the firmware. Follow the instructions carefully and you should get it working again.

Although it appears that there is "no electicity", it is probably just not starting because either the firmware or loader is invalid. Make sure that you don't leave the loader file on the memory card after it has been installed because if it is there then it will appear to do nothing.
Follow the instructions for upgrading from V1.2, install the loader first, then the firmware. Follow the instructions carefully and you should get it working again.

Although it appears that there is "no electicity", it is probably just not starting because either the firmware or loader is invalid. Make sure that you don't leave the loader file on the memory card after it has been installed because if it is there then it will appear to do nothing.

I do what you tell me again , I made a deep formatting the SD twice. I do not trust much that failure to reach "electricity" can do something. Google translator , sorry.
Also check that you have properly unzipped both files, both of them should have a .bin extension.