GPS does not display in player:SOLVED

Is there an alternative that's better?
I don't think there's another that's as good. I like the ability to export video with the option to set the marker and length of video. That was the biggest selling point for me.

I really wish Vadim was still with us. I'm sure RegistratorViewer would be better than ever by this point. There are some other developers with new apps in the works, we'll see what comes out for alternative options.
What I would like is the option to export both channels in one video file as well as individual channels.

I'm guessing you mean via Picture-in-picture. Having two discrete video channels in the same file is a real pain to work with. many players can't handle it, and neither can many editors. I actually wrote a script to break apart that kind of file generated by my old blacksys cf-100 dashcam - it had front and rear video in a single .avi file, and it was a royal PITA to work with. I won't knowingly buy another camera that does that, and I'm glad the DC doesn't do that.
I imagine the blackvue viewer is proprietary ? One more not so small concern....After parking at the beach yesterday with some direct winter sun on the windshield...I noticed some of the dreaded temperature related focus shift seen in some cameras. Ambient outside temp was 72 F. My Viofo A119S Didn't exhibit this behavior throughout this last summer. It wasn't as severe as an older guardian model I had last year...but the picture became softer. I could still read plates that were close, but the sharpness was gone...tree foliage looked like a special soft filter was used in photoshop. I'm hoping this isn't inherent in this model. Those of us who drive in the sunny states would be most likely to noticed. As they say..more will be revealed :-) Side note: yes. the lens and inside and outside of windshield was clean :-)
I imagine the blackvue viewer is proprietary ? One more not so small concern....After parking at the beach yesterday with some direct winter sun on the windshield...I noticed some of the dreaded temperature related focus shift seen in some cameras. Ambient outside temp was 72 F. My Viofo A119S Didn't exhibit this behavior throughout this last summer. It wasn't as severe as an older guardian model I had last year...but the picture became softer. I could still read plates that were close, but the sharpness was gone...tree foliage looked like a special soft filter was used in photoshop. I'm hoping this isn't inherent in this model. Those of us who drive in the sunny states would be most likely to noticed. As they say..more will be revealed :) Side note: yes. the lens and inside and outside of windshield was clean :)

CPL filter on or off at the time?
I imagine the blackvue viewer is proprietary ?
I dunno about blackvue. The camera I was referring to is from blacksys (cammsys), not related to blackvue. Yes they have a proprietary player which sucks for actual video playback, but thankfully VLC plays those 2-channel files.
@traveler (John) should have received the SG9663DC sample I sent according to tracking. Hopefully he has time to install it and gather plenty of self collected sample videos to debug the DashCamViewer playback software soon.

@Street Guardian USA: Got it, thanks! This should help in debugging future issues.

Btw, I loaded the SG9663DC sample movie that Street Guardian sent me, and it played fine in both Mac and Windows versions of DashcamViewer 2.7.3. Below is a screenshot from the Mac version showing GPS data displays. So far I haven't been given a movie file that fails to show GPS data in DashcamViewer. @CRS 123 : if you have a 9663DC movie that doesn't work for you, please send it to me and I'll investigate.


One more quirk I've noticed. On multiple occasions while playing back files in DashViewer, the rear camera file fails to load. There is no second camera selection at the top of the window, and toggling back and forth from the previous file does not help. Here's the the file folder, the "B" file exists, and will play in quicktime. If I remove "B"from the file name, Dashviewer will play it as a single file...the file seems healthy with no corruption. If I transfer the front and back files to a new folder on the desktop and load those files into dash viewer, the rear file still will not load...

Thanks for the feedback, @CRS 123 . There could be a problem in the logic I use to ascertain the "B" filename from the "A" filename. I was provided only 2 sample pairs of front/rear SG9663DC files to work with so the logic may not be complete. Here are the filenames:


The logic to find the "B" file from the "A" file is very simple: Given an "A" file simply increment the last number by 1 and replace the "A" with a "B".

If you have an A/B pair of movie files that doesn't follow this pattern, please send me the filenames. This would explain why Dashcam Viewer is not finding the B file. The problem could very well be that my logic is oversimplified based on the small sample set of files. StreetGuardian recently provided a demo SG9663DC unit for me to work with, but even so I may not be able to replicate all failure cases of filename creation. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback, @CRS 123 . There could be a problem in the logic I use to ascertain the "B" filename from the "A" filename. I was provided only 2 sample pairs of front/rear SG9663DC files to work with so the logic may not be complete. Here are the filenames:


The logic to find the "B" file from the "A" file is very simple: Given an "A" file simply increment the last number by 1 and replace the "A" with a "B".

If you have an A/B pair of movie files that doesn't follow this pattern, please send me the filenames. This would explain why Dashcam Viewer is not finding the B file. The problem could very well be that my logic is oversimplified based on the small sample set of files. StreetGuardian recently provided a demo SG9663DC unit for me to work with, but even so I may not be able to replicate all failure cases of filename creation. Thanks!

one thing that has been noted previously is that if there were some A files on the memory card that didn't have a matching B file, eg when there were recordings from when the front cam only was connected before the rear was hooked up, then all files seemed to be overlooked and it wouldn't load the B files even though they were there, delete the single files and then it worked and loaded both as it should
There are lots of recording variables to consider to make the A/B read logic all play nice together that's for sure. Fire up the thought experiments.
@Street Guardian USA: Got it, thanks! This should help in debugging future issues.

Btw, I loaded the SG9663DC sample movie that Street Guardian sent me, and it played fine in both Mac and Windows versions of DashcamViewer 2.7.3. Below is a screenshot from the Mac version showing GPS data displays. So far I haven't been given a movie file that fails to show GPS data in DashcamViewer. @CRS 123 : if you have a 9663DC movie that doesn't work for you, please send it to me and I'll investigate.


Thanks John, I downloaded the file that you said works for you on the mac, and it still does not work for me. I am using the latest Dashcam for Mac and even re-downloaded and reinstalled it with no luck My current OS is 10.9.5 Could the OS be the issue??
Here is a screen shot.
something in the preference settings maybe, were you using Dashcam Viewer with a different camera previously?
Yep, something in the Preferences settings may be the culprit. Can you send me a screenshot of your Prefs window? BTW, I can see DV is able to read your GPS data by the Vmax=32mph in the bottom-right side of the window.
something in the preference settings maybe, were you using Dashcam Viewer with a different camera previously?
I was using it with a viofo A119s V2 . Are you talking about the DV prefs?
Yep, something in the Preferences settings may be the culprit. Can you send me a screenshot of your Prefs window? BTW, I can see DV is able to read your GPS data by the Vmax=32mph in the bottom-right side of the window.
I’ll take a screen shot of the DV prefs in the morning. Any particular tab in the prefs? There’s “general” and so on. I looked and didn’t see anything obvious. Is there an old hidden prefs file somewhere on the drive that’s conflicting? What OS are you using?
Yes, I meant the player options
I’ll check in the morning. To be mean the prefs within the DV app right? Any particular radio button or something that you suspect is the culprit?
I’ll check in the morning. To be mean the prefs within the DV app right? Any particular radio button or something that you suspect is the culprit?
Yes, the options in DV, not sure on the settings though, I've never looked at the Mac version, I'm sure @traveler would be the one to know what to look for