
Just wanted to share this photo from a Russian owner of a GS8000, firmware v1.0.2RG82A K. Slightly different firmware than the one Marcus got of v1.0.8 G82A K


Apparently this owner purchased this from Pandwill and it includes GPS. Claims that it is running the Ambarella A2S70 processor.

Day Video

Night Video
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Will be very happy if mine performs as good as that, the night footage looks especially good to me at least ?
Hey guys, noob question as I just started using the forum and am looking at getting this camera. Can anyone tell me if it does seamless recording, i.e. no 3-5 second gaps between files... thanks.
Rainy night effect performance

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Mine seems comparable to the vids posted, Whilst out today I thought I had locked 4 files, one Mid Day, Mid Afternoon, Sunset, and Pitch Black/Lit Dark Night, however upon getting home I can't find those vids on my sd card !!, the padlock icon showed so I assumed they have saved, clearly not ! Need to read that manual and decipher it again so I can try it again tomorrow.

The bits I have seen look comparable to what has already been shown here, pitch black performance is grainy but good enough to prove non fault if the need occurs, and that is the main aim in any case. (assuming I haven't been a stupid ass anyway !! )
One other quick update, Software seems to have the GPS bug, I am about 30km east of where I really am when playing through the software viewer.
Marcus - have you tried the newer software that I linked to earlier in this thread ? It cured my offset.
No, but I remember your post, will of course try.

Well my file saving failed again, just played with it at home and figured it out, you need to hit the lock key (quick press on the mode key whilst it is recording) then stop the recording with the REC button, that will protect the file, previously I let the recording run on assuming it would protect the file whilst carrying on as normal recording, anyway figured out the proceedure and won't fail you guys again :P

I have some good night footage to upload tomorrow at least, will put it in the car tomorrow to get you some day footage to go with it.

The TV Out on HDMI only seems to output 1080i btw ? My screen is 1080p so definitely not a TV problem, tv tells me what signal is it receiving btw.

Very pleased with the build quality of this cam as well btw.
didn't anyone notice the 'jelly' effect on the bumpy snow road video?!

I have SUV and I drive it on many bumpy roads... so this video performance is way too bad! I'd rather go with the K6000, instead of GS8000 for half or maybe third the price!

p.s. I have mounted my old DVR007 on my mountainbike and recorded a downhill ride... no jelly effect at all
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Hi KoKi,

Thanks for sharing the video. Yes it is quite wavy. Perhaps a more stable mount would help? Either that or the Chinese didn't test it on a bumpy snow covered road :)
I have no wobbles or problems with my mount , it is custom tho as they never supplied a suction cup and I need to swap between vehicles every day.

Promise I will post vids tomorrow ;)
Hi Marcus,

Just wondering how you custom mount the GS8000 considering it has an antenna built into the mount? Thanks.
Here is my first upload.....

Lit town centre roads in the night......quite pixelated sure, but check out how clear the licence place is when I stop at the lights, quite good I thought.

And some short day footage.....

Very short hand held cloudy day footage....

I will take a pic of my custom mount, works great on the truck as the screen is near vertical, tried to mount in the car today to show you guys day footage but failed because I can't twist my custom mount back far enough, will find another solution, this was just a temp hack in any case.

As a tempory measure I am using a Sandisk 4GB class 4 card, weirdly it has no stutters on playback which I would I have expected tbh ?
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Nice to see someone else from the UK, we seem to be few and far between in the dash cam world!

Good quality videos, but could I make a small suggestion that you don't enable Youtube's shake removal as it messes up the footage (watch the date, speed, etc wobble all over the place) and degrades the overall quality. I only mention it as it would give a better example of the camera's output if it wasn't enabled.

That is a damn good point, what was I thinking ?? Doh.

The only vid which was shakey was the one I shot from my hand, the other 2 are perfectly stable with no sign of the shakes.

Is it possible to remove their shake thing via vid manager maybe ?

I know a fair few drivers using cams now because of all the scams going on here in the Uk, the good old Asian scam where fifteen family members suddenly say they were in the car etc when it comes to claim time is rife at the moment as well.
Thanks for the reply Marcus - nice videos. Do post a picture. Really liking my GS8000 but the mount is a bit naff, would have preferred a suction mount so very keen to see how you've adapted yours.
Sure :)

Bastardised the old suction cup mount from previous cheap cam.



Marcus said:
Here is my first upload.....

In finland you could get nasty videos in truck, every year 20 people make suicide on the highway by aiming his/her car to oncoming truck nose.
Not so nice way to go, many truck drivers can't work after that at all.
Selfish people.....happens here in the UK sadly too, no statistics however as it is hard to prove after the event. Plenty of motorway bridge jumpers as well in front of lorries, I know a couple of drivers it has happend to :(
Nice job Marcus - like the customised mount... I have a spare suction mount so may give it a try :)