Happy new year - people laying down randomly(?)

it's a case of a drunk guy, a drama queen plus and one kicked in the face, bleeding, but standing...
(and why this was set off: I don't know)
It was funny to see the guy pumping air into the chest of the guy on the ground as if he was dead. He was still breathing already as his body was still moving.
i guess they should take more emphasis in first aid classes "do cpr only on people not breathing" (and not on everybody laying on the ground due to some kind of intoxination)
I fancy the lady at 3:00, with the jeans, jacket and sheepskin boots. A close second is the police lady. Perhaps it's a uniform thing. Slightly inappropriate in the situation I know, but hey. ;)

I have risked life and limb typing this message - the misses is hovering around in the background. One glance over my shoulder by her at the wrong time and I could end up being laid out flat myself. :eek:
Are they gypsies?