Joovuu X cam footage

hehe true that jokiin, anyway knowing the weather gods as i know them i am pretty sure they dont give a rats ass about my wishes :p
And this time of year here the chance is bigger to win big in the lottery than have a fjew days of good weather.
I have been thinking down the line of some form of DIY dashmat in the past weeks, seem like i have to think faster now if i am to have somthing ready.
As a alternative i might try to put the camera low on my windshield to minimise reflections ( ill experiment on this solution on my next drive )

I managed a curious solution with my Cobra 840. I pushed out the pin which holds the rubber suction cup in place, to leave just the plastic part of the mount.
I then put a ~5mm thick ring of blu-tack (ah, yes, that stuff again) around the rim of the mount and pressed firmly onto the dashboard. The mount was then able to be arched-over and the cam hang underneath. Picture attached to the end of my reply.

Some cams - including the Cobra - can have their screen inverted, which would allow an adhesive mount to be stuck to the dashboard and the cam sit upside down but with its screen inverted.

Being low down really helps avoid windscreen reflections from the air vents. It also helps dodge the rules regarding objects attached to the windscreen because if it's on the top of the dashboard it's the cam isn't attached to the windscreen.
In the UK the law is no more than 1cm obstruction in the area above the steering wheel, or 4cm obstruction anywhere else in the wiper sweep area. It makes it tough to mount a cam in a position which won't have the potential for some smart @$$ to query whether your visibility was impaired.

Maybe something in what I've just said to assist with the JooVuu's final stages of development. :)


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Looking good.

It was great talking with you (Dan) recently. Pier28 is on board and ready to provide excellent sales/support for JooVuu-X in North America.

I'll be monitoring things closer so we can open pre-sales when the time is right. ~Jon
That is a plus that you will be selling this camera. More likely for sure that I will try one out. :)
99% of Danes have no idea what a dashmat is, and i am pretty sure they are not sold here.

I have ben looking to the US and AU but not been able to fine one for my little Suzuki, i have found ones for many little Suzukis but not my Splash model. :(

If it wasn't so shiny i would put my all black fetish outfit on the dashboard cuz,,,,,,,,, aw dammm :oops: :D
99% of Danes have no idea what a dashmat is, and i am pretty sure they are not sold here.

I have ben looking to the US and AU but not been able to fine one for my little Suzuki, i have found ones for many little Suzukis but not my Splash model. :(

If it wasn't so shiny i would put my all black fetish outfit on the dashboard cuz,,,,,,,,, aw dammm :oops: :D
Newer hardware is in the "mail" to me, i hope i will be able to do much more comprehensive footage for you guys with that.

I will not be able to stitch 2 or more clips together, but i will provide a lot of RAW footage that you can compare in any way you like.
Personally i prefer to jump from 1 clip to the other ( full screen ) to compare them.

I am currently contemplating locations where i can make some footage, i would prefer to be able to get as much "load" as i can in every 3 minute file.
But it look like that will be too hard to find such a area, so i might have to split it up in 2 areas, one rural setting, and one town setting, and then do the same route over and over again with different camera settings.
I will offcourse only focus on the maximum IQ settings as i think its only a fjew of us that would wish to run with a lower bitrate to get more video on our SD cards.
was on the beach yesterday, i assume this little recording will be the last with the old hardware.

Thanks for the video. You got me envy:(, I wish I was on the Danish beach, I have probably walk more the 500-1000 km at the Bonnerup, Gjerrild, Grenaar though my life time there:).
No fun at the beach any more, breasts have been sexualized, so no one let them out on the beach.
That was the 1 good fallout from the hippies :) but thats all gone now :(
Have fished a lot at Glatved gravel pit south of Grenaa, only on rare ocations did i get past Grenaa and the coast up there.

Glatved gravel pit is now terror proofed by a fence all around the pit and loading facilities on the beach, so that terrorists cant attack the infidel mohammed-drawing gravel there :rolleyes:

This is at the forrest south of Aarhus.
was on the beach yesterday, i assume this little recording will be the last with the old hardware.

I see pretty bad compression artifacts (especially in the sand) - is it youtube only?

Yeah i havent put it on MEGA too, its allso 1080/60 flipped 180 degrees in moviemaker, movirmaker that cant handle more then 1080/30 so thats the result uploaded to youtube.

Its allso filmed with a FW on the camera thats about 10 releases old, but i had to do that for this ride as Newer firmwares dont play too good ball with my preproduction sample.

Soon i have some newer hardware and then i should be able to provide a avalanche of footage, and it will be non edited 3 minute clips strait from the SD card.
And it will offcourse be both youtube and RAW footage on MEGA.
We're working on three accessories at the moment. The CPL filter is the highest priority. We should have that at launch or shortly after launch and will be available as a cheap accessory.



Hi Dan, back in August you mention that you might have a CPL filter ready. How is the status on that, is it still on? Would it be possible to order in that together with X.
Hi Dan, back in August you mention that you might have a CPL filter ready. How is the status on that, is it still on? Would it be possible to order in that together with X.

Sadly not, money is the issue, however, once we have the money, we'll get to production on it. The waterproof case & CPL will the first accessories, followed by a new mount for a bike, we hope to have these three out by April 2016, and the WPC and CPL ready by early 2016 or soon.