Joovuu X cam footage

Since most of my footage have been postcard pretty, here is a little footage in weather that is less than optimal.

k... kamkar1- don't like you for not setting the date ;) , unless there's the issue... :P
About footage- even on youTube, finally seems to be justifying my expectations for the light adaptability (tunnel in and out) and full-screened (YT!) still possible to read occasional number plate.
Shame about the weather, bus drivers... they all the same world over, keep recording/testing and reporting back, thanks kamkar1! ;)
Yeah for the first many firmware updates my camera was able to sync date and time off the tablet where the other testers wasent able to do that, but for the last 2 firmwares mine cant do that, but now all the others testers seem to work in that regard :D

I think we are supposed to stop for the busses in that situation, but most of them are allright and just hang back untill there is a hole for them.
Even the drivers that couldent even ride a bicycle before they came to Denmark :)

I think this camera will do allright in the end, right now we get a new firmware every week, so things are moving in the right direction.
My preproduction sample still have some hickups, so i find it a little hard to really beat on it.
We still have a few hardware problems but these should be sorted.

The firmware is moving in the right direction now and image quality I believe (though people may disagree) is getting better with each firmware release.

The app next week is about to have a massive overhaul and compatibility will be the sole focus next week. The PC Program will also be released in the coming weeks. Slowly but surely things are coming together.

Kind regards,

Yeah no doubt we are going in the right direstion here, even if there have a little baby step back now and then :D

2 steps forward and 1 step back is some times the name of the game in devlopment, if it was easy every one would be doing it.
Yeah no doubt we are going in the right direstion here, even if there have a little baby step back now and then :D

2 steps forward and 1 step back is some times the name of the game in devlopment, if it was easy every one would be doing it.
I think you guys are doing a very good job. For a new camera it is looking pretty good so far.
Xcam slim footage on a grey day, by slim i mean this is recorded in 1080/60 - 60 degree FOV.

Hi!. This morning I was driving under direct sunlight. Here is how the X Cam beta unit with latest firmware did:
I think the recorded video (full HD @ 60 fps) is looking very good!
I think this is as harsh a test as there is for a dash-cam, and I haven't seen vids of any which have done better.

@Padwanjoe thank you for that! We're still tweaking image quality and need to make the colouring ever so slightly more vibrant.

However, we're definitely on the right track now. The next 'production' ready samples of the camera will be shipping in about 10-12 days, this hardware should be final and as such should offer a slight increase in performance as well.

Slowly getting there.

Hi Dan In the beginning you send some camera prototype out to test user and these are different in hardware, than the productions model, if I understand correctly. Do you have any plan to send productions model out to the test user, at least one, so the member of the forum can see a full function X-cam and see some footage when it preform best.

It’s mostly kamkar1 I have seen footage from here in forum, not to say that other test user, don’t do as much, but his most visible. He sitting with one of the first model and seems he have a hard time to get the firmware to work, with his early model.

As a most likely buyer I will feel more comfortable, to see and hear from a test user. That he/she confirm that everything is working as a charm. These new test could be uploaded to youtube, both as demo and instruction, to show the functions. I think it could be a good adds for you camera, since 1 photo describe 1000 words, I don’t know how many words for a video.

The reason I put she is:;)
I bet there a better looking, than any of you test user.

I don’t know if other people think that could be a good idea, but people can speak up, if there feel it could be useful.
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HI @Viking
We'll be getting two production models out to early reviewers, then when it goes to mass production we'll get about a further ten out to more reviewers. We have a strategy in place as the next revision will be far more stable, and far more optimized hardware. This is when we will start pushing video footage.

Kind regards,

I'll be releasing a blog about the beta testers tomorrow (well midnight tonight) at
HI @Viking
We'll be getting two production models out to early reviewers, then when it goes to mass production we'll get about a further ten out to more reviewers. We have a strategy in place as the next revision will be far more stable, and far more optimized hardware. This is when we will start pushing video footage.

Kind regards,

I'll be releasing a blog about the beta testers tomorrow (well midnight tonight) at
Looking forward to seeing the final product. Good job
We're now finalizing pricing with distributors and putting the camera through some tests. We should recieve the next batch of beta testing cameras in about 7-9 days. Once we have received these, checked them, really put them through their tests, then we'll move to production and pre-orders. We're not far away now...slowly but surely!
@Gabacho we're looking for South American distributors....if you know any? ;)
Thanks for reply.
I'm still following your progress every day, looking forward to the release and further testing videos. I liked the into the sun video as I drive into the sun for a bit every morning and I was comparing video to what I get for results with my current cam. New cam is handling that pretty well for preproduction unit, good to see. Cant wait to see the final videos and pricing info on this, it is enjoyable for me to watch the process even though I know it is stressful for you!
@Razer glad to hear you are following us, hopefully the blogs give you some insight.
It is stressful and now with the camera getting closer its becoming a mad house. I'm about to release an article on it as well soon so hopefully gives you more of an insight.