Just got the SC9665GC, any way to get rid of glare?

We are working on a CPL filter solution.
Alternatively, you can get matte black dashboard carpet. (You can find custom fit ones online)

Those reflections can indeed be unpleasant and annoying and some people go to great lengths in an effort to eliminate them. Just bear in mind that no matter how annoying such reflections may seem, even if you don't eliminate them, they are unlikely to ever prevent you from capturing the traffic situation you may find yourself in, which was the primary reason you bought a dash cam for in the first place. While a pleasing looking, reflection free image is nice to have it isn't the ultimate goal. Only if reflections regularly obstruct a clear view of the road to an extreme degree should it be absolutely necessary to do something about them.

I've experimented with polarizers quite a bit but finally gave up on them because there were too many circumstances where they would cause poor performance at night and I could never seem to remember to remove the damn things in the evening. I think if I were to do anything about reducing reflections it would be to purchase a dash mat.
I just bought a Cadillac XTS and there's no way I'm putting a rug on the dash!

I wouldn't either. But I do have a very nice, custom made dashboard cover on my Lincoln Town Car, which is invaluable in reducing windshield glare.
I actually tried to honk the guy, but I just didn't press it hard enough. You can actually hear me tap twice, but by my second attempt I was already like eh whatever, I'm only going like 20 km/h.

Plus, I generally don't honk anyways. I think it is a Canadian thing ;)
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What about taping a small piece of black construction paper along the bottom just under the lens to block the glare? It may take a little experimenting to see just how far out the construction paper would need to stick out from below the lens. Would this work?
What about taping a small piece of black construction paper along the bottom just under the lens to block the glare? It may take a little experimenting to see just how far out the construction paper would need to stick out from below the lens. Would this work?

Glare comes from reflection of dash to windshield / glass surface then to lens, not from dash directly to lens, so I am afraid paper below lens will not help, but its good to think outside of the box and try different ways, one day one of them might work ;)
Another question for the group. About the exposure value EV settings in the menu. Really pleased with the image quality and sharpness! I've noticed video often that often looks too bright when driving in very sunny conditions. White objects sometimes look washed out and it's harder to see the details. If it's not bright sunlight out, then the overall brightness often looks just right though.

So I tried adjusting the EV down two-thirds of a stop - 2/3 to try and get it darker. When driving in darker conditions like in the early morning, this has made the image darker, as expected. But during bright daylight, the brightness still appears to be about the same.

Now, I know in photography, lower-end cameras only have so fast of a shutter speed and so small of an aperture that you can't make an image any darker after a certain point. What about the SG9665GC? What is the max shutter speed, smallest aperture, and lowest ISO? Does it use evaluative or spot metering? Could it be that the SG9665GC is unable to make the image darker after a certain point in bright sunlight due to a limit in the virtual shutter speed and small aperture?

To be honest, there really is no way to get rid of it. Its the price you pay for the low profile mounting of the cam. One thing that definitely doesnt help is Armor Alling your dash with high gloss! My reflections are absolutely horrible. But the severity depends on where the sun is reletive to the camera. I would say the more angled your windshield is, the worse the glare.
Just installed my camera today and the glare is bad in my vehicle. Image quality is very good when I don't have it though. But I had a CPL on my Blackvue. I'm trying to see if there's a way to make it fit on the SG.


Just installed my camera today and the glare is bad in my vehicle. Image quality is very good when I don't have it though. But I had a CPL on my Blackvue. I'm trying to see if there's a way to make it fit on the SG...
Check the DIY section (https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/forums/diy-projects.31/). A few people had done CPL filters for various cameras, including the SG and B40/A118. I'm sure you can get some ideas from there.
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The 3rd party designer/manufacturer we choose to help us create a custom SG9665GC CPL is on holiday the next 2 weeks. Good News, we expect to receive a few CPL samples by the end of the month and will move forward with production once the quality and perfect fit is confirmed. Confidence level is high, the gears are turning, and we are looking forward to creating a CPL solution.