known bugs from beta tester

I think making it possible to turn off / on WDR, which i think are on all the time in current firmware, and no option in menu to turn it off. ( should be easy fix, this might also make WDR ON/OFF in the APP work )
Problem with first file naming after car have been stopped for some hours as listed above. ( not sure what are the cause of this, a bit strange when camera have GPS fix and correct time long before first file are ending )
Actual protected files when manual event button or parking mode are used ( RO folder ) as it is now those files are just regular files and so not protected.
720p resolution in parking mode ( i don't think this are needed, and might be why camera can lock up when you have been working the parking mode settings )

I think this are some of the main issues on main unit to work on at the moment.
if you have time to travel to China

I have the time to walk to China,,,,,,, i think :giggle:
But i don't have the legs to walk that far, and i don't have the money to pay for a place to sleep at night, and on the way out there i am sure i get thru many places too cold for me to sleep in my sleeping bag.
And as soon as i leave the EU i forfeit my right to my pension if it is not a holiday.
And i am sure some would argue a several months / years long walk are not a holiday so they would take my pension, plus i have a sneaky feeling that if i could walk that far they would also say i am too well to get a pension in the first place.

Google maps say it would take me 1800 hours to walk the 9000 KM to a unnamed road in eastern Mongolia, somehow it will not let me choose a destination in China.
1800 hours that's just 75 days if i walk constantly, 150 days if i walk 12 hours every day,,,,, i wonder what speed google maps assume i walk at :)

Walking as far as Shenzhen, that add a few extra days i am sure, at least a pair of shoes.
Much less in DKkr than in kilojules of energy needed to walk the distance :)

Browsing the internet:

it seem like it hover right around 3000 DKkr ( 455 USD ) for a round trip with BA or CP leaving tomorrow and returning a week later, pretty freaky actually o_O i would have guessed that price for a 1 way ticket.
Thats changing plane 1 time ( London / Heathrow ) a direct flight from Copenhagen to HK are 2 X the price :cautious:
Seem like direct are a 11 hour flight, 1 change of plane in the UK are a 17 hour deal.
Actually i am now thinking walking out there will cost much more in food and shoes + whatever.
Now i am also thinking when i am done paying for my car soon, i can "quickly" save up for a short trip to where ever to go meet some internet friends :cool: Might have to get myself a passport as i have to get my driving license for semi renewed anyway and i think nowadays its done at the same place + i already have the photos needed for those documents.

The month long dream holidays, well they still depend on the favor of the lotto gods, seem like if i manage to save a little money, or as i just did borrow a little money in the bank + spending savings, well as soon as i do that something unforeseen pop up and take those money, or set me even further back as my GFX card dying just did a few months after i build the new computer.
And that GFX was only supposed to last until this summer where i assume i will have enough money saved up to buy a new one,,,,,,,,,,,,, that is if i don't have to get my fractured tooth fixed cuz that will probably also cost me 3-450 USD due to the dentists price fixing here.
Tooth fractured in November as i build the new computer, i was hoping for the root of it to just die and so become pain free, but it is still acting up not least if i am not careful with what i eat.

I do still have a tiny savings in the bank but it got halved building the new computer, so all i have there is a round trip to HK and money for hotel and food and a little shopping.
A visit to the dentist would eat up a large chunk of those money, probably all of it if i let the dentist fix some of the cavities as its been 5 years at least since my last visit there, and normally going there every year he find a cavity or 2, so after so long it must be 5 - 10 cavities or maybe fewer but then bigger cavities.

PS: I don't have dentist fear, its just in the past 5 years or so i have prioritized other things higher,,,, some probably silly but hey that's just me.

Maybe a dentist holiday which many Danes needing big dental work undertake as it is cheaper than going to the dentist here, even with the plane ride to popular Poland for that kind of oral work.
How about driving rather than flying, then you can test your dashcams on the way. People drive to China from the UK so it must be possible from Denmark. It is even possible to drive to Australia from UK! The train is also possible, but flying is probably cheaper.
Yes a drive could be fun too, at least open up for a much more interesting transit time.
My friend had a dream of driving to Australia in his Land rover, probably to mask his fear of flying.
I would definitely like to explore Australia in a 4X4, but i would prefer to buy it there, and then upon going home give the car to some worthwhile organization out there.
Locals here say if you only have a month in AU rent a car but if you plane on several months it will be cheaper to buy a used 4X4, i would prefer spending at least 4 months out there, 6 will probably be better.

My flight to Freemantle with a short lay over in Singapore was a pain, it is pretty long so nice we had a couple of days on the hotel before the ship arrived.
I have tried to fly +12 hours and then go strait to the ship and work, thats pretty tough, and IMO dangerous factoring in it was huge tankers loaded with many Olympic swimming pools volume of highly flammable stuff.
Okay i have a bit more, this time in regard to the LCD screen, it seem like from some angles the screen turn very white, and even looking strait on it it is a bit white for my liking.
On the other hand tilting the screen a little towards one self make it look much better, but if you turn it too far in that angle it go black.

the view angle depens on the displan pannel material. the IPS pannel have a huge advantage than TFT LCD but it is suitable for this housing
Hey @kamkar1 have you tried "G-sensor motion detection" mode? It seems like my K2S will stop recording very shortly after detecting motion. I see a whole bunch of errors in the log.
@Rayman.Chan log attached.


I'm back in action- just picked up van from the transmission shop this evening and so far it seems OK. First step will be to replace the suspect cable.

Any news from the factory floor / Labs ? @Rayman.Chan
@lacibaci yes but the places i tried it out it was almost none stop traffic, but upon reviewing footage it looked pretty normal.
I haven't really looked at what are in the log file.
I assume i will have to give that a spin again when we get a new firmware unless rayman want the focus to be on something else or the new firmware haven't seen any fixes in regard to parking.
Well darn. The SD card died in mine, just got more ordered a minute ago. Thought I was having more powering issues but I guess not! That Transcend card has to be at least 2 years old and might be 4- I should have marked the different ones I have.

My altered ciggie adaptor quit so I'm using a new USB-C to USB cable plugged into a 1m USB extension coming from the PS my JooVuu shipped with (the one's with a big blue light and swing-open port cover) and it seems to be doing fine until the card puked out.

Liking the audio quality (which I normally don't use) as it seems to have bass rolled off at just the right point for not picking up rumble but missing nothing in voice. Same for treble- just right. Vids are still looking good. Will do more when the new Samsung EVO Select's arrive- got 2 64's and a 32 for under $45 on Amazon; needed the 32 for my G1W clone which won't take anything bigger.

the high quality video recording will bring big/huge pressure for microSD card.
we strongly recommend to purchase a high life time microSD storage card for cameras. (MLC chip type is recommended)

we are using Samsung endurance for aging test.

I have been using a black / red Trancend 400X, and it have worked just fine so far.
My only endurance card are a 64 GB one from Trancend too, a little small for day to day use, but i will chug it in if the camera get problematic with the 400X card.
I was using a 64GB Transcend 400X card which tested 100% before putting it in the K2S, but it was old and now has only 77MB usable on it- the rest is write-protected. It still boots correctly and works until it runs out of space but the cam senses the write-protect and won't loop. There's an audible warning of some kind when that happens but I can't quite make out what the voice is saying. It is good that the cam is letting me know there is a problem (y)

The new cards have been shipped now- Samsung EVO Select from Amazon. I think they'll be OK as I'm using one in another 2-channel cam with no problems.

Dident get much done today, camera seem to transition to parking mode just fine, but when i return to the car and start it the camera wake up and then promptly shut down.
At friends house it did parking mode until voltage cut off, and so when i returned to car there and started it the camera also started to record, but by then it was also out of parking mode shut down by voltage protection ( only 5.5 hours worth of parking mode on my original 2012 battery )
Now its 6:30 in the "evening" and i go to bed as i dident get any sleep this morning, and taking down chicken coop and putting up fenced and other stuff + being awake for 28 hours = dead tired.

And "my boy" K mag have a horrible race in F1 so no need to watch that mess, qualified 6 and when i turned off TV he was in 14 spot :sleep:

Back in 12 hours or there about.

Disregard user error...............................
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Okay done some more testing, and became wiser so thats nice.
1: the user error above = if the regular power are also plugged into camera ( not into PSU in the other end ) then the camera will turn off when you get back to the car and start it as described above.
In my testing i have had both wires into the camera and then just unplugged in the other end depending on if i wanted to use OBD power or the normal power. so will have to unplug at the camera end instead in the future.
If the normal power are not plugged into the camera it behave like you would expect, but i was surprised to see the camera turn off after my shopping but it did also turn on again, it is just that my testing before that at the car wash the camera transitioned between parking mode and normal mode without doing that,,,, so i will have to experiment a little more on this later today.
But so far the two ( G - sensor modes - time lapse and motion detect seem to work as they should )

Sadly i was not testing this parking mode before, cuz today i noticed a "nice" fresh little dent low down on my driver door, clearly something nicked my door lately :mad:

Also still not able to turn off WDR anywhere
I also tried the ACC modes in parking, everything are still 720p there.
Normal mode in parking seem to be just that the camera record normal also when parked.

There dont seem to have been any IQ related tewaks in the new firmware.

Got more things i want to try out later today, but noon now and i am getting a little PC time and food.
1: the user error above = if the regular power are also plugged into camera ( not into PSU in the other end ) then the camera will turn off when you get back to the car and start it as described above.

are you meaning the K2S will turn off when you turn on the engine with a microUSB power supply?
Yes. If the normal power wire are plugged into the camera ( not into power in the other end of it ) it seem like the camera detect this, and that make the camera turn off and never on after i get back to car in parking mode and want to drive on.
I use have both normal and OBD cables plugged into the camera, so before i just unplugged normal power USB A at the 12 /5 V adapter in the glove box when i wanted to use OBD power.
But if i only do that and use the OBD for power, then after the camera have been into parking mode and i turn off the car again the camera would just turn off.

But now i unplug normal power at the camera and then it work as you would expect.
I am charging a action camera now so i can document the process of going into parking mode and out of it again.
will also video the shut off error with normal power wire plugged into the camera so you can see what i mean.

I still dont get any OBD information on the display or the RPM i see are now in the footage, i think something might have broken in my OBD adapter.
Okay this is very strange now, cuz i was not able to replicate anything i mentioned above. :unsure:
BUT one time i was able to start my car but the camera remained in time lapse parking mode as i could see by the mode icon being yellow on the LCD, but also this i was not able to replicate again.
But by then i had stopped recording the camera LCD as i was not able to replicate anything i mentioned above and the battery on the action camera was not fully charged.
I am now charging more on it and will try again later to make the camera fail.

I followed the same as i did this morning, so first i restored the camera to default values, then i changed timezone to +2 and IQ to ultra and set it to KMH and DDMMYY and everything else was left to default in the new firmware.
I then in camera formattted the memory card too, and then set off on my little drive to a parking lot where i did my testing.