List of problems & issues with the RC500S

Ok I've upgraded firmware and reset everything. Looks like this method of firmware upload is a good way to blitz the entire camera to factory state.

I've made some observations on the new firmware+app combination, and updated my first post in this thread.

Generally relieved that things are being fixed.

Much more can be done, especially given their product launch screwup (bad manual, wrong cables, bad software). And the fact that owners looking for answers to their RC500S problems here are becoming firmware and app testers for DoD.

Feel free to comment if there's something else you noticed working/not working.
Are there any reps from DoD on the forum? or anyway we can get a hold of one?
This in no way discounts the effort of the programmers, but app design is better left to app designers to handle. Same approach goes for your desktop application.

Also, I have never seen a HW/SW company publish a firmware update that is not posted on its official support site, and without a change log posted along with it ...
No change log is very typical with dashcams, the Koreans will sometimes just give very broad info like bug fixes or stability improvements with no real details
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No change log is very typical with dashcams, the Koreans will sometimes just give very broad info like big fixes or stability improvements with no real details
It shouldn't be typical, that's just a little dodgy... But why not post the firmware download on their site instead of relying on third parties to post it? as far as I can tell, they haven't posted any firmware updates for any of their cameras....
Previously they used to make customers send the cameras back to the agent to be updated and you got charged $30 for the privilege so even being able to find an update is already an improvement

There was a time when they did release updates but people were decompiling them and noticed that the hardware didn't match the specification they claimed, rather than admit what they were doing they pulled the firmware and stopped posting them
I spoke too soon....

With the new firmware update and latest app, I now no longer have the ability to get reliable app connections over the camera's WiFi.

Camera starts up – "Recording now!"
Press WiFi button – "WiFi ON!", then "Recording disabled!", THEN "Recording NOW"
Try to connect to the WiFi via the app – Error connecting (-2).

It shouldn't be typical, that's just a little dodgy...

Cannot agree more. Based on my experience so far, it sounds to me like the entire dashcam industry is filled with dodgy folks trying to get away with false advertising, and discounting each other's reputation as well.
Try to connect to the WiFi via the app – Error connecting (-2).

Yep, same ... just takes a couple tries to get it connected ... occasionally it will drop out half way through whatever you are doing too

EDIT: I've also noticed some inconsistent file sizes .. last night through the early morning (from about 2am till 5am due to parking mode constantly writing to the card) I noticed that the 3 minute loop files jump from ~110MB to ~330MB for about a 10 minute period or so, then go back to ~110MB ... really weird.. there was no change in what the cameras were seeing, and it was both the front and rear ones doing it at the same time..

EDIT2: coming from a networking background, I think the reason behind the -2 error, is the when the wireless connects, the app doesn't leave enough time for the discovery process to complete before it tries connecting to the camera... This is a wild guess btw so don't quote me on it...
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EDIT: I've also noticed some inconsistent file sizes ..

Updated: my recording sizes do not exhibit the inconsistency you mentioned. I also notice the following LED pattern: my camera switches successfully to parking mode after a period of inactivity. When it does that, I get an animated white>green>red led flashing pattern (another thing that should have been indicated in the manual).

When there's activity in front of the camera the recording starts up, with the LED pattern going to flashing white+green+red. Perhaps you might want to check if that's the case for you?

EDIT2: coming from a networking background, I think the reason behind the -2 error, is the when the wireless connects, the app doesn't leave enough time for the discovery process to complete before it tries connecting to the camera... This is a wild guess btw so don't quote me on it...

Edit: Something I found to get the app working with the camera again: turn wifi off, then on again, on camera. Attempt reconnection again right after turning wifi back on, there's a good chance it will work. Too many inconsistencies to confirm this though.

The app doesn't seem to save it's wifi/camera states consistently. Sometimes it connects and thinks the camera is recording, despite it saying "Recording disabled", leading to a -6 error.
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EDIT: I've also noticed some inconsistent file sizes .. last night through the early morning (from about 2am till 5am due to parking mode constantly writing to the card) I noticed that the 3 minute loop files jump from ~110MB to ~330MB for about a 10 minute period or so, then go back to ~110MB ... really weird.. there was no change in what the cameras were seeing, and it was both the front and rear ones doing it at the same time..

Disregard and see next post:

OK, narrowed it down... while the car is in parking mode, the files sizes are ~110MB and when driving they're ~330MB .. although I can't see any difference in bitrate or codec info...
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regarding file sizes:

When in parking mode, yes there are no changes to bitrate, resolution, or codec info, however the recording length drops to 1 minute files (duh, looked at everything except video length - my bad)

another problem though:
today, I parked the car and didn't touch the cam as always, and by the looks of things the cam went into parking mode after 10 minutes ish ... all well and good... I finish work, get into the car and drive away, go home, park as per usual... take the card out to see the files, and there is no video of the drive home...

So my question, does parking mode mean that the cam only works while the car is stationary? pretty sure in the manual it said that once the GPS detects movement it goes back to dashcam-driving mode? will test it again tomorrow...

EDIT: a camera logfile would be extremely useful, knowing when the camera goes into parking mode, driving mode, shutdown/startup, etc etc ...
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another problem though:
today, I parked the car and didn't touch the cam as always, and by the looks of things the cam went into parking mode after 10 minutes ish ... all well and good... I finish work, get into the car and drive away, go home, park as per usual... take the card out to see the files, and there is no video of the drive home...

Confirmed - The cam with my current settings (auto record on, parking mode enabled) will not resume normal recording once i drive away from being parked... I have to turn wifi on then off to get it going..
Well, I'm jumping ship ... I've got 4 of these for sale on ebay if anyone's interested in purchasing these... well below what I paid for them...
I bought one last week, had a play today before I install it.

My Moto G5+ won't connect - (Android 7.0), but my LG G4 will connect and can access all the setting etc. (Andriod 6.0)

Mine has voice message so must be latest firmware.

I haven't put the sd card in yet as it isn't installed in the car yet.
Installed mine today.

Updated to latest firmware - 20170703 released this week.

Seems to have fixed connection problem?

POwer up, "recording on, turn wifi on, "wifi on" "recording paused" then after you connect with app "recording on"

I have it installed with wires out left side and the rotate/mirror thing is bloody annoying.
I sent DOD a message last night via the contact form on the website about the image being reversed when you rotate it.

got this reply today:

Hi mexiwi

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience you've encountered.
It would be fixed by the firmware adjustment within this month.
Will let you know if any updates.

Sincerely yours
DOD Customer Service

Has anyone else contacted them?
It definitely needs some improvement.

Probably the easiest is to improve, would be adding the ability to lock/protect recorded files from the app. Currently the only options to ensure files are not copied over is to hit the lock/protect button on the dashcam, or download via WiFi.

Pressing the lock/protect button only saves the most recent file, so if you're a bit slow to press it, then you're only option is downloading via WiFi. The problem with downloading via WiFi is that it's extremely slow. Since you can't record at the same time as viewing/downloading files, the slow download times mean that you're not recording for lengthy periods.

Adding the ability to lock/protect files from the app would mean you can copy them from the SD card or download them later, without worrying that they'll be lost. It certainly wouldn't hurt if the lock/protect button on the dashcam also protected more than the most recent file (perhaps 2 or 3 files when pressed).

Not sure if it's just me, but trying to watch videos over the WiFi on my Samsung galaxy s7 (and also my s5) is pointless. It's soooo slow and jerky, that the only option is to download first, and then watch. If this is software related, it really needs to be fixed ASAP considering there's no LCD screen.

I've also noticed the dashcam become non responsive quite often. It'll be connected to the app, but the record / stop record button does nothing when pressed, or it just times out when trying to see the file list on the dashcam card via WiFi. Since there's no power button, the only option is to pull the power cable out. It would be great if a firmware update allowed you to hold in one of the dashcam buttons to turn off and on. Not a big one, but just a thought.
Hi everyone

Ever since updating to the latest firmware version 20170730 (Asia Pacific/Australia) I am unable to deactivate the speed being recorded on the video file. As per the user manual, the video stamp option "Imprints the time, date, vehicle speed and GPS coordinates onto the recorded video file". With the old firmware version you were able to turn this option off and that worked fine. Since I updated to the latest firmware version the vehicle speed is still displayed on to the video file even though the video stamp option is turned off. I don't want my vehicle speed recorded on the video. I'm not speeding so no issue there, I just don't want it being displayed on the video file.

I emailed DOD direct and got this reply....."I really appreciate that you took the time to share your ideas. At the moment, we won't be able to make this one work owing to the framework of mechanical design, but I’ll pitch it to the team and see if this could be done in the next generation"

I have no idea what that means.

Anyone able to assist???
I emailed DOD direct and got this reply....."I really appreciate that you took the time to share your ideas. At the moment, we won't be able to make this one work owing to the framework of mechanical design, but I’ll pitch it to the team and see if this could be done in the next generation"

very illogical reply considering it was only a firmware update that broke the functionality you already had previous to the update