List of problems & issues with the RC500S

For PIP help please refer to this video:

I am still having trouble viewing PIP using the latest Mac or Windows viewer ... however I have stumbled on a way to make it work on the Mac version.

There is a discrepancy between the file names and what the player expects to see for front and back - The filenames are now created sequentially like this (note underlined numbers) :


For the player to work it needs to be in this format


Is this being looked at?
I am still having trouble viewing PIP using the latest Mac or Windows viewer ... however I have stumbled on a way to make it work on the Mac version.

There is a discrepancy between the file names and what the player expects to see for front and back - The filenames are now created sequentially like this (note underlined numbers) :


For the player to work it needs to be in this format


Is this being looked at?

Hi Ian,

Thank you for bringing that to our attention. We were not aware of this bug and are certainly pushing the software engineers to get it resolved. In doing that format you mentioned it does make the PIP work on the Mac player.

I believe the support team have already replied to your email enquiry as well.


The DOD Australia Team
hey guys

i am yet another frustrated customer of the RC500s by the looks of it- hope someone (DOD or forum member can shed some light)

i got the dashcam professionally hardwired (Vicovation Power-Plus Hardwire Kit).

My software details are as follow:
  • DOD App version: (latest IOS) installed on my iphone
  • prj_rc500s_1709062fw (Latest Firmware) installed

the scenario is this:

I am having trouble with my unit holding my desired settings once i am connected to the app:

i want the following settings to hold true:
  • Set time zone =+10 (Syd, melb etc)
  • Volume Setting= low
  • Traffic Camera warning =OFF
  • G Sensor = High sensitivity
  • Parking Surveillance = ON - (this is the main reason i wanted the dashcam to work whilst im parked) at the moment i am getting no coverage of this as the camera settings always defaults to OFF and as a result is useless to my needs
The steps i follow are as follows:
  1. Turn my wifi on in my phone
  2. Press the Wifi button on the DOD hardware
  3. Ensure i have connectivity through the app
  4. Once connected i go to the cam settings and attempt to apply the settings above (time, volume,traffic camera warning, g sensor, parking surveillance)
  5. i then attempt to exit the app (not sure if there is a save button? or if i can simply get out?)
Whilst i am currently driving i notice that the settings do hold true ( i know this because i no longer get the Traffic camera warnings at each light and the volume is lower); the issue is once i park the car and re-enter the car it seems like the settings reset. i notice this because the traffic camera warnings come on again and the volume is loud again.

I then proceed to recheck the settings (connect to the camera via the app etc) and they are back to the default.

I suspect its something that occurs once it enters Parking Surveillance mode?

Has anyone experienced this or might know why this is happening?

P.S my feedback on the app is as pretty much all other forum members are stating that the UI sucks.

I have a thinkware f770 installed on my other vehicle and the app UI/UX is miles ahead.
hey guys

i am yet another frustrated customer of the RC500s by the looks of it- hope someone (DOD or forum member can shed some light)

i got the dashcam professionally hardwired (Vicovation Power-Plus Hardwire Kit).

My software details are as follow:
  • DOD App version: (latest IOS) installed on my iphone
  • prj_rc500s_1709062fw (Latest Firmware) installed

the scenario is this:

I am having trouble with my unit holding my desired settings once i am connected to the app:

i want the following settings to hold true:
  • Set time zone =+10 (Syd, melb etc)
  • Volume Setting= low
  • Traffic Camera warning =OFF
  • G Sensor = High sens ....
Hey Andrei,

We definitely understand where you're coming from, that's why we responded to your personal contact as soon as possible.

Seems like Chris from our tech team has given you some steps to follow which should hopefully resolve that issue. The issue is most likely caused by the .bin firmware file still being on the SD card, as it does not automatically delete itself after a firmware upgrade.

This causes the camera to read the firmware file over again when it boots up, essentially re-applying the firmware each time and going back to it's default settings.

The manufacturers are aware of this issue; hopefully some more light can be shed on a possible solution in the near future.


The DOD Australia Team.
This causes the camera to read the firmware file over again when it boots up, essentially re-applying the firmware each time and going back to it's default settings.

The manufacturers are aware of this issue; hopefully some more light can be shed on a possible solution in the near future.

they can change the process to have the camera auto delete the file after updating, it's supported on this platform, they just need to do that in the next firmware release
Hey Andrei,

We definitely understand where you're coming from, that's why we responded to your personal contact as soon as possible.

Seems like Chris from our tech team has given you some steps to follow which should hopefully resolve that issue. The issue is most likely caused by the .bin firmware file still being on the SD card, as it does not automatically delete itself after a firmware upgrade.

This causes the camera to read the firmware file over again when it boots up, essentially re-applying the firmware each time and going back to it's default settings.

The manufacturers are aware of this issue; hopefully some more light can be shed on a possible solution in the near future.


The DOD Australia Team.

thanks guys this did indeed fix it-

one other feedback/question

i have parking mode enabled; is there a way to find out if any incidents happend whilst i was parked? or do i need to always review my car 360 degrees to see if any incidents happened for me to take out the SD card to review etc?

i know my thinkware f770 told me me the number of incidents when i turned the car back on...
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they can change the process to have the camera auto delete the file after updating, it's supported on this platform, they just need to do that in the next firmware release
Vico Opia 1 also dont have autodelete firmware function after update. ...mmm engineers dont know about this function on novatek?
neither is right or wrong
this is a question about engineers and creating new firmware. or it is done specifically to then release new firmware and users have seen that their product is allegedly supported and not thrown

I have long been inclined to believe that the new firmware comes out because the manufacturer specifically produces a raw product, so that customers need test for free and point out mistakes, and also to artificially support the product with low costs development new firmware.

Example, new firmware will released after 2 months: list of features:
1. Autodelete firmware function added
2. Bug fix parking mode

Hehe, nice upgrade, right? Cheap and easy.
I have long been inclined to believe that the new firmware comes out because the manufacturer specifically produces a raw product.

any manufacturer would love to put out a product that never needs an update, nobody wants to do firmware updates but the reality is you can test all you want but some things you just don't find out until after the fact

auto deleting the firmware is just a choice, it's not something that would every qualify as an update
Hello all!

I used the DOD LS430W.
He was very good.
* Mov files were best viewed in the RegistratorViewer application.
He played the movie and read GPS data saved in the * .mov file
If necessary, it was enough to change the extension to * .mp4 and everything was OK.
I highly rated the DOD cameras.

This convinced me to buy DOD RC 500S.

Total occupation.

DOD player application for "Windows" does not play back video from two cameras (front and rear).
The format of GPS data recording hidden from the World.
For this reason, no alternative programs will display the image and position on the map.
e.g. Dashcam Viewer
or older RegistratorViewer or DATAKAM PLAYER.

In short:
DOD Tech does not know how to / can not propose good software for SUPER video cameras (F + R), and it is not known why it is difficult to do this for alternative software providers.
For example, the creators of "Dashcam Viewer"
Which I do not know, I do not know where they are based, neither I like or dislike.
But I see that they want to improve something.

A ... DOD ... he wants to sell his products, which is understandable.

but these products, as a whole, are not necessarily worth anything
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Hmm ..
I downloaded from the DOD website. From this:
They inform there that it is a version: DOD Video Player WIN v2.3.

After installing on the Win10 x64 system and launching it on the Help menu, it informs that it is 2.0.
The PIP option is in the menu.
But the inclusion of this option gives nothing.
The player only plays a single image (F or R).
I tried tricks with renaming files
from the original:


and on:
but it does not give anything.

The DOD Player program also has other errors:
- it is not possible to save changes to settings - e.g. language.
- the option buttons have Chinese descriptions in the map window
- "Chinese" names appear on the map.
I noticed that the camera purchased in Poland has FW for the Asia-Pacific region / Australia v. CB160513-1709062 69 V.
Maybe this is the problem.

For now I can not update FW because I do not have a suitable smartphone to configure.
If I check, I will share my experience.

But why is it that the user has to do experiments?
My problems with the DOD Player described above are the problem of my laptop MSI PE70 6QD.
On another computer also Win10 in DOD Player PIP works.

However, a bit strange.
Pausa of the camera F, does not stop the playback of the camera R. Therefore, the use of pause will synchronize the viewed images. You can even start a different camera file F, and the previously running file from camera R is still played. Total lack of synchronization.

On another computer, you can also change settings - e.g. language
My problems with the DOD Player described above are the problem of my laptop MSI PE70 6QD.
On another computer also Win10 in DOD Player PIP works.

I'm not sure on their hardware requirements but maybe a sign that your video card in the laptop is not up to the task for PIP playback
There are two graphics cards in this laptop:
- integrated with the Intel HD graphic 530 processor,
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 950M.

I try to find out the cause of the problem through trials and errors.
No effect yet.
Apologies, if this isn't the correct thread or if this question has been answered elsewhere (I can't seem to find any info regarding my query). Does this DOD RC500 camera have the ability to record continuously when the car is parked, like as in the time-lapse parking mode feature on Thinkware F770 / F800? Or, is it only limited to motion detection and G-shock detection?
Apologies, if this isn't the correct thread or if this question has been answered elsewhere (I can't seem to find any info regarding my query). Does this DOD RC500 camera have the ability to record continuously when the car is parked, like as in the time-lapse parking mode feature on Thinkware F770 / F800? Or, is it only limited to motion detection and G-shock detection?
Motion detection and shock sensor only. No time lapse available on the RC500S