Mini 0803 Problems / Will "NOT" Stop Recording

Wow! Can't believe I just read through 5 pages of that.....
Jokiin's pull the lighter plug test back on page two was a very accurate testing methodology for a camera that doesn't shut down when the car is shut off.
Seems pretty clear the car is to blame if it works (shuts off in ~10 sec) when the lighter plug is pulled.

Good people trying to help and just getting slammed for their efforts. Wow!
Perhaps this thread ought to be re-titled - Synoptic12's Fantasy Mini 0803 Problems / They Will "NOT" Stop.... :p

Seriously, how can you demand a full refund if your goods are working? He's stated it is working at numerous times (as also indicated by the blue/red lights flashing).

Looks like the only thing that's allegedly defective here is the end user!
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This has been a test of the Emergency DashCamTalk System. The posters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the Federal, State and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, the Attention Signal you just read would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. DCT serves the worldwide area. This concludes this test of the Emergency DashCamTalk System."
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Wow! That escalated quickly. That was a great popcorn and beer thread. However, apart from entertainment value I can understand how frustrating that must have been for people trying to genuinely help this poor guy. I say poor, because he clearly has issues, none of which appear to relate to his dashcam. At least people can keep an eye out for any more time wasting now.
Yep, an amazing U-turn from this post here....
I ordered from FoxOffer on August 10, 2014 (Mini 0803). I sent an e-mail to FoxOffer, and within a minute I received a reply. I will receive the latest model with heat sink installed. "Yes, we ship the latest version with heat sink" (response from FoxOffer) Have not received the unit as yet, it's still in N.Y customs sort facility. Nice to see quality customer service, very efficient.

to this one here... (check out the time/date of these these two posts)
The Unit is going back for a full refund, news for you. I should have known better. To conduct internal testing testing would negate any due process rights which we're afforded. You can rest assured that I will not pay one cent for that junk.

So that means he's had the unit for <<24 hrs on Saturday before stating he's aiming for a complete refund.:eek: How on Earth could he have expected FoxOffer to respond or resolve any of his 'issues' (or demands) in that short space of time?! o_O

He's subsequently asked lots of questions on this (his own) thread before stating:-
I "KNOW" the "ANSWER"! I've been posing this issue just to see how many tech savvy people are here. Do you believe that this is within the realm of being somewhat fair?
He's even told FoxOffer "...After resetting, and re-configuring the unit, it 'appears' to be working properly."
His descriptions here are of a working Mini 0803 not the "defective" item being claimed on the eBay negative feedback.

Who knows if any of his problems/postings/feedback were real or pure fantasy??:confused: However, he clearly "posts with a forked tongue!":p

Having ordered his Mini 0803 on 10th August he's noticeably been on various DCT posts asking about general Mini 0803 issues since 12 August. He's also belittled SpyTec and JooVuu, who he could have ordered from.

It all gives the appearance of someone looking for any excuse not pay for their Mini 0803.:mad: I'm left feeling extremely sorry for @billknow / FoxOffer.:(
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I'm left feeling extremely sorry for @billknow / FoxOffer.:(
That was my thought too.

However you view their story, their treatment of Foxoffer is unacceptable. You have to give the supplier a decent chance to sort problems during normal working hours and you also have to accept that if you order from outside the USA then neither USA law nor USA customer service standards apply, you accept the conditions of the supplier and the law of the country they are located in.

If it was a fake question as claimed then how can they give negative feedback on ebay!
Perhaps that's because he's working for Fantasy Investigations Corp....
Thank you very much. I truly appreciate the assistance you have provided, along with some very useful information. We fully comprehend the pitfalls on purchasing outside the U.S. However, we are protected under International Law, as there are many safeguards to protect the consumer from 'shady' merchants. In reality, we are conducting an investigation and will keep you updated. Again, I very much appreciate the courtesy you have provided. I've read much about you.
Presumably these same laws also protect the seller from 'shady' buyers?!:D
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Perhaps that's because he's working for Fantasy Investigations Corp....

Presumably these same laws also protects the merchant/seller from 'shady' buyers?!:D
The world trade organisation seems rather reluctant to implement any consumer protection, I'm not sure what other laws apply to international purchases other than the rules implemented by ebay...
The world trade organisation seems rather reluctant to implement any consumer protection, I'm not sure what other laws apply to international purchases other than the rules implemented by ebay...

eBay sides with the buyers a lot, even when they're blatantly in the wrong, there's always a percentage of buyers out there that work the system unfortunately, every seller gets this from time to time, an added cost of doing any business on eBay I guess
I know quite a few folks who have given up selling on eBay altogether now due to issues where they were in the right but eBay covered the buyer.

It doesn't help since they bought Paypal either! Great if you're a buyer but not a seller these days.
Are you through?
Are you? You've been here for less than a month and already have 241 posts. After reading the 5 pages of you bashing people trying to help you, I have a good sense of the "quality" of your other posts.

This is a great site with great people trying to help. Why are you here? To stir the pot? Please take it elsewhere.

On others sites I frequent you would have already been up for a ban vote. And I would have already made my vote.
Are you? You've been here for less than a month and already have 241 posts. After reading the 5 pages of you bashing people trying to help you, I have a good sense of the "quality" of your other posts.

This is a great site with great people trying to help. Why are you here? To stir the pot? Please take it elsewhere.

On others sites I frequent you would have already been up for a ban vote. And I would have already made my vote.

* Not any asked for comments from the peanut gallery.
You seem to be a man of god so I assume your a man of your word.

Please do us the favor and keep your word. Leave the forum.

That's all from the peanut gallery. Good day!

May Yahweh bless you.
It's's always the cars with the huge "Jesus Fish" window stickers that drive like there's no tomorrow, cut me off, flip me off like it was my fault, etc. (and I'm the one with the "turbo" but I drive in Eco mode more often than not...) I guess knowing you're "saved" means you don't have to waste any time with lowly secular laws or dodging the occasional heathen bystander...or even be polite. Why worry? You're off to a better place, right?

I find it incredibly hypocritical, like using a blessing as a sarcastic rejoinder. If that's how you define religion, I'm just guessing but you're probably doing it wrong...

More on topic, I think it's clear these units have a number of bugs from firmware that won't remember you want the mic off to poor connections and perhaps overheating. That said, staying on when you don't expect them to is still a pretty unique report.
OK fella, you owe me a new keyboard. This one is covered in margarita.... :-D