mini 0806 (mini 0803 pro) demo video

You know, I first viewed the Phantom Flex video I posted above about a year ago when I first learned of and became interested in these high speed cameras. At the time I wasn't really thinking in terms of dash cams or a context like our discussion of frame rates and motion blur in this thread. Now that I've had the opportunity to watch the video again from a different perspective I think it provides one of the better demonstrations of the effect of various frames rates on motion blur I have seen. Interestingly, filming a semi-automatic pistol in action, close-up, makes for a very effective subject to incrementally push the camera to its limits and demonstrate the concept of frames rate vs motion blur. Most of the Phantom Flex footage online seems designed to impress and amuse whereas this video does a great job of showing exactly how the camera functions, what it is doing at different settings and just what it is capable of.

So all in all, I believe we've reached a consensus that higher frames rates are what we want to see in future dash cams for the reduction in motion blur and increased sharpness and clarity that higher fps rates provide.
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Oh this is awkward...because we've been and done that 2000fps is now childs play. We're looking at this ....whatcha got in response to that ;)

We thank you very much for your large donation of roughly £100million to JooVuu Limited for us to develop this...we'll be sure to send you some email updates and a mug.
I'm willing to help, by contributing my Bottom Dollar.:D
@spotnz . Verbal contract is binding (or written on a forum) and we take your 'Bottom Dollar' in faith of 1,000,000USD. As you are contributing less than @Dashmellow you only get email updates and no mug.

But seriously, JooVuu will be stocking some very very good cameras under the £100 with 60fps at 1080dp that we personally think easily rival G90 and surpass the 0803.

Kind regards,

@spotnz . Verbal contract is binding (or written on a forum) and we take your 'Bottom Dollar' in faith of 1,000,000USD. As you are contributing less than @Dashmellow you only get email updates and no mug.

But seriously, JooVuu will be stocking some very very good cameras under the £100 with 60fps at 1080dp that we personally think easily rival G90 and surpass the 0803.

Kind regards,


please let me know the email address, so I can send my bottom $1. :D

on a slightly less serious note, I'm looking forward to a 60fps, or higher dashcam:):):).

how long do we have to wait?
We hope to start releasing a budget 60fps camera soon. We had a great one lined up then we realised it was fake 60fps in that they just double the 30fps... :(

Kind regards,


Soon = within 2 weeks.
We hope to start releasing a budget 60fps camera soon. We had a great one lined up then we realised it was fake 60fps in that they just double the 30fps... :(

Kind regards,


Soon = within 2 weeks.
nice to see that you are dedicated to quality.:):)
More FPS (and/or higher resolution) means less space on the SD Card. Already some people are complaining about space even at 1080p@30fps. Of course will come advices for 64GB cards because 32GB are not enough. Worth it?

More FPS (and/or higher resolution) means less space on the SD Card. Already some people are complaining about space even at 1080p@30fps. Of course will come advices for 64GB cards because 32GB are not enough. Worth it?

pretty soon we will need SSD's
Its coming ;)
Without any desire to offend vital parties, so is xmas :cool: to quote an often misused phrase;). Are you able to give a guesstimate on how many more chickens we'll have to watch cross the road, before we can roast ours?
Well Christmas will certainly come well before but there is some development going on now on some product that has SSD in the draft spec, a long way from done of course but is planned
It would be nice if the cameras supported the 128GB micro sd cards. Soon enough there will be 256Gb-512Gb cards.
It would be nice if the cameras supported the 128GB micro sd cards. Soon enough there will be 256Gb-512Gb cards.
you may well find that some 128bg cards will work already, on some dashcams. IF formatted correctly AND also IF the dashcam doesn't have restrictions in place to limit card size.
Well Christmas will certainly come well before but there is some development going on now on some product that has SSD in the draft spec, a long way from done of course but is planned
that's a lot of chickens. At least we're in the chook farm property, now :).
Well Christmas will certainly come well before but there is some development going on now on some product that has SSD in the draft spec, a long way from done of course but is planned
Why would you want an SSD in a dashcam instead of an SD?

Can't be speed as SD cards are plenty fast enough for video, can't be size with 512GB cards now available and larger cards in development, can't be cost as SD cards are cheap unless you want the very latest, can't be physical size since a micro SD is already a bit small to handle!...